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Nilson Cemetery

222 Gulf Road, North Lansing, NY
Gulf Road is located between Conlon and Auburn (Rt. 34) Roads.
Town of Lansing, Tompkins County, NY.
Cemetery is inactive

Map (Off-site from MapQuest)
Map (Tax Map, off-site from Tompkins Co. Gov.)

It is not known if this burial site is accessible.
This record is as complete as possible at this time.

photograph of cemetery
(larger photo)

Please use Notes as a guide only!

Name Date(s)/Age Notes
____?____ Nilson, he was a Swede Date Unknown Surname may be Nilsson

Thank you Alan Chaffee for donating the records of Isabelle Parish.
Thank you Janet Nash for transcribing the original record into digital format (2001).

You are our visitor since February 16, 2004.
(Originally created July 25, 2001.)
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, 04-Jul-2019 12:37:29 PDT

© Copyright by Janet M. Nash and Johnna Armstrong
for the contributors of the material on these pages.
All Rights Reserved.

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