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Gibbs Cemetery

Also known as: Bostwick Road Cemetery

Located on Bostwick Road, Town of Ithaca, Tompkins Co.
Directions: Travel south on Gray Road to Colegrove Road. Turn left onto Colegrove Road go I mile to Bostwick Road. Turn right onto Bostwick Road go for 1 mile, go pass Sheffield Road. Cemetery is on the left side of the road. Cemetery is in the Town of Ithaca, however many Enfield community residents are buried here.

Map (Off-site from MapQuest)

Cemetery is inactive, updates are from May 2002.

This record is as complete as possible at this time.

(larger photo)

Please use Notes as a guide only!

Name Inscription Notes
MacGillivray George, 1810-1873  
MacGillivray Olive, his wife 1822-1905 wife of George MacGillivray, on same marker with George
MacGillivray Chauncey 1848-1881  
MacGillivray Mary 1853-1902  
MacGillivray Olive 1855-1857 All same marker for, Chauncey, Mary and Olive
Stoddard Merritt M., Co G I N.Y.Reg't M. R. Died Aug. 7, 1907 aged 64 yrs.  
Johnson Elly M., daughter of Ebenezer & Elizabeth A. Johnson, died Apr. 10, 1859 aged 4 yrs., 2 mos., 13 dys. footmarker E. J. (headstone in poor condition, hard to read
MacGillivray Chestina 1776-1856  
Bowlby Oscar G., son of Nelson & Mary Bowlby, died Mar. 10, 1846 aged 7 yrs., 5 mos., 20 dys. Headstone is in poor condition, our old record by Dora Pope Worden, lists 7 yrs., Between the Lakes book is listed he died in 1840 age 17 yrs. It is unknown which death year and age is correct.
Hoose John, died Jan. 3, 1853 aged 67 yrs., 9 mos., 19 dys. Stone is in very poor condition, needs inscription to be rubbed for reading.
Hoose Mary, wife of John Hoose, died June 17, 1857 aged 71 yrs., 7 mos., 3 dys. headstone in very poor condition
Hoose David C., died Oct. 3, 1846, aged 23 yrs., 7 mos., 27 dys. footmarker D. C. H.
Wood Sarah J., dau., of H.& C. Wood, died Oct. 3, 1834 aged 14 dys footmarker S. J. W. (headstone in very poor conditon, hard to read
Wood Catharine, wife of Horace Wood, died Mar. 12, 1848 aged 41 yrs., 11 mos., 8 dys. death date very hard to read
Wood Phebe Ann, dau. of H. & C. Wood, died Jan. 22, 1860, age 12 yrs., 4 mos., 19 dys. footmarker P. A. W.
Wood Horace, died Feb. 16, 1871, aged 63 yrs., 10 mos. This was recorded as George Wood in another record, but I believe it was in error, if not they both would have the same death date and age.
Hoyt Silas, died June 3, 1848, in his 86 year He married twice, 1st Mary Slason, unknown where buried 2nd Martha Lockwood
Hoyt Martha, wife of Silas Hoyt, died Jan. 12, 1852 Stone broken, part with age on it is missing. In 1850 a Martha Hoyt age 80 yrs.,is living in the household of Hezekiah & Rachel. I believe this to be his mother, and the wife of Silas Hoyt Sr. If this is the correct Martha, then her age at death would be about 82 yrs.(footmarker M. H.)
Hoyt Hezekiah, born May 24, 1795 died Sept. 7, 1880 son of Silas & Mary Slason Hoyt
Hoyt Rachel, wife of Hezekiah Hoyt, born Sept. 27, 1801 died Nov. 16, 1882 Note: Rachel Sullivan
Hoyt Frankie, son of Oscar C. & Susan Hoyt, died May 9, 1871 aged 1 yr., 9 mos., 27 dys. stone needed rubbing to read inscription
Hoyt Oscar C., died Feb. 15, 1875 aged 42 yrs. believe he was the son of Hezekiah Hoyt
Konkle Mary Ann, wife of Daniel Konkle, died March 14, 1826 in the 55 year of her age footmarker M. A. K.
Korts John, died Feb. 15, 1855 age 75 yrs., 10 mos., 4 dys. footmarker J. K.
Korts Dorothy, wife of John Korts, died April 29, 1847 aged 63 yrs., 11 mos., 15 dys. footmarker D. K.
Myers Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Myers, died May 8, 1832 aged 72 yrs. headstone is broken at name, inscription in poor condition, older reading used in this inscription.
Vanhouten Mrs. Betsy, wife of John R. Vanhouten, died Apr. 30, 1833 age 29 yrs., 1 mo., 12 dys.  
Korts Polly, dau. of John & Dorothy Korts, died March 26, 1838 age 29 yrs, 6 mos. headstone in very poor condition, older reading used for this inscription.
Jewett Helen D., dau. of William & Mandana Jewett, died Aug. 11, 1847 age 1 yr., 10 mos. footmarker H D. J.
Korts Jacob, died Nov. 9, 1875 aged 69 yrs., 10 mos., 11 dys. month and day on inscription are in poor condition, needed rubbing to record
Korts Mary, wife of Jacob Korts, died May 30, 1892 aged 87 yrs., 3 mos., 16 dys.  
Korts Zimri, died April 28, 1880 aged 46 yrs., 4 mos., 11 dys believe he was the son of Jacob & Mary Korts.
Korts Robert, son of Jacob & Polly Korts, died Aug. 8, 1863 aged 22 yrs., 3 mos., 10 dys. believe he was the son of Jacob & Mary Korts
Houck Susan, wife of Frederick G. Houck, died Sept. 22, 1863 aged 63 yrs., 1 mo., 28 dys.  
Heller Oren, born Feb. 25, 1818 died Sept. 19, 1888  
Heller Phebe J., his wife born Oct. 19, 1822 died Sept. 11, 1902 On same stone with Oren Heller
Heller Mary A., dau. of Oren & Phebe J. Heller, born July 25, 1852 died April 8, 1872 on monument with parents, footmarker M. A. H.
Heller Mary A., dau. of O. & P. A. Heller, died April 8, 1872 aged 19 yrs., 8 mos., 13 dys. Same person as above
Jewett Amy, wife of Nathan H. Jewett, died March 16, 1854 aged 64 yrs. footmarker A. J.
Korts Seymour, died Feb. 24, 1882 aged 59 yrs.  
Korts Sarah E., his wife died Feb. 5, 1885, aged 56 yrs. on same headstone with Seymour Korts
Norton Sarah, wife of David Norton, died Oct., 1, 1820 aged 23 yrs., 9 mos., 20 dys. footmarker S. N.
Sheffield Olive, wife of Jonathan Sheffield, died Oct. 26, 1834 aged 74 yrs., 10 mos., 16 dys. footmarker O. S.
Sheffield Mary, dau. of Jonathan & Eleanor Sheffield, died March 28, 1848 aged 20 yrs., 5 mos. footmarker M. S. (headstone in poor condition)
Sheffield Sylvester, died Apr. 10, 1860 age 25 yrs., 2 mos., 22 dys. footmarker S. S. (inscription very difficult to read, need stone rubbing to get inscription) he was the son of Jonathan & Eleanor Sheffield, in 1850 his age was 15 yrs.
Sheffield Jonathan, died Jan. 17, 1883, aged 85 yrs., 6 mos. footmarker J. S.
Sheffield Eleanor, wife of Jonathan Sheffield, died Apr. 26, 1878 aged 81 yrs., 1 mo., 11 dys. footmarker E. S.
Danley Rachel J., died Feb. 22, 1836 in the 22 year of her age. footmarker R. D.
Gibbs Mary, dau. of John W. & Elizabeth Gibbs, died Jan. 26, 1832 age 1 yr., 8 mos., 28 dys. footmarker M. G.
Gibbs Rachel, dau. of John W. & Elizabeth Gibbs, died July 7, 1837 age 1 yr., 5 mos., 4 dys. footmarker R. G.
Gibbs Nancy E., dau. of John W. & Elizabeth Gibbs, died Aug. 26, 1860 aged 27 yrs., 9 mos., 3 dys. footmarker N. E. G.(headstone broken at age, death date is from Between the Lakes book)
Gibbs John W., born Dec. 16, 1791 died Jan. 27, 1866 footmarker J. W. G.
Gibbs Elizabeth Danley, his wife, born Oct. 17, 1801 died Feb. 22, 1882 wife of John W. Gibbs - footmarker E. D. G.
Gibbs Willie H., son of Wm G. & Mary A. Gibbs, died March 24, 1862, age 7 mos. footmarker W. H. G.
Gibbs Mary A., wife of William G. Gibbs, died Mar. 9, 1871 aged 36 yrs., 2 mos., 26 dys.  
Sherman Nett W. Hoyt, wife of Geo. W. Sherman, died March 23, 1878 aged 41 yrs., 6 mos., 14 dys. (Believe this was Henrietta Hoyt dau. of Hezekiah Hoyt) footmarker N. W. S. (by 1880 George has married a 2nd time. In the diary of Asahel Harvey, he notes: Oct. 4, 1890 George Sherman shot himself.
Hoyt David, born Feb. 23, 1831 died Sept. 28, 1879 Believe he was the son of Hezekiah Hoyt
Gibbs William G., 1827-1898 Believe he was the son of John W. Gibbs
Gibbs Lydia A., wife of Wm G. Gibbs, 1824-1896 Mother
Gibbs Anderson D., born Dec. 30, 1822 died Sept. 3, 1898 Note: son of John W. Gibbs - footmarker A. D. G.
Cochrane Robert 1811-1898  
Cochrane Eliza J., his wife 1824-1895 or 1896 on same stone with Robert Cochrane
Cochrane Louis E., 1852-1854 on same stone with Robert & Eliza J., inscription has children of R. & E. J. Cochrane, see Margaret below
Cochrane Margaret 1847-1849 on same stone with Robert & Eliza J., inscription has children of R. & E. J. Cochrane, see Louis above
Cochrane Mary A., dau. of Edward & Jane Cochran, died Feb. 20, 1854 age 4 yrs., 5 mos., 22 dys. Inscription is from Between the Lakes book, headstone is just too far gone for correct reading of inscription.
Randle Rachel,wife of Jesse Randle, died Dec. 8, 1822 aged 42 yrs., 11 mos., 10 dys.  
Randle Rachel, dau. of Jesse & Rachel Randle, died Oct. 2, 1823 aged 10 mos., ? days. inscription is hard to read
Unknown ? There is a stone, with no name or dates
Mabey Anna, mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Conpton, died June 29, 1825 age 34 yrs. footmarker A. M.
Randall In memory of two infants of Jesse Randall's - no dates This headstone is really hard to read, needed to do rubbing to get inscription
Compton Ann Eliza, daughter of John & Elizabeth Compton, died Oct. 9, 1830 age 1 yr., 7 mos., 26 dys listed on back of stone, Ann Eliza - a little flower of love, that blossomed but to die, transplanted now above to bloom with God on high.
Townsend Mary wife of Nathaniel Townsend, died April 17, 1869 aged 77 yrs., 2 mos., 18 dys.  
Townsend Nathaniel, died March 22, 1871 aged 82 yrs.  
Poole William 1876-1918 Brother
Poole F. Edgar, 1853-1930 Father
Poole Sarah E. 1857-1934 Mother - on same stone with Edgar Poole
Woodin Aaron W., 1881-1905 or 1906 Father
Gray David 1834-1911 monument with David, Mary C., his wife & children: Carrie, John E., Sarah J., see below. Note: David was the son of Drury & Anna Protts Gray.
Gray Mary C., his wife 1839-1917 Note: Mary Caroline Doty
Gray Carrie, 1868-1884 dau. of David & Mary Gray
Gray John E., 1861-1899 son of David & Mary Gray
Gray Sarah J. 1874-1918 dau. of David & Mary Gray
Blewer Mary F. 1863-1931 dau. of David & Mary C. (Doty) Gray
Gray Fanny J. 1867-1937 dau. of David & Mary Gray, her inscription is on the back of Mary F. Blewer's marker
Gray Ada A. 1876-1937 dau. of David & Mary Gray, her inscription is on the back of Mary F. Blewer's marker
Gray Rollin D. 1870-1947 went by David Rollin Gray, son of David & Mary Gray. His inscription is on the back of Mary F. Blewer's marker.
Rhodes Margaret, dau. of John & Mary Rhodes, died Feb. 28, 1880 age 57 yrs., 8 mos., 23 dys. Headstone is broken at date line and mended
Rhodes John, died Feb. 23, 1862 age 71 yrs., 2 mos., 17 dys  
Rhodes Mary, wife of John Rhodes, died Aug. 12, 1872 age 77 yrs., 1 mo., 22 dys.  
Rhodes Emiline, J. 1849-1858  
Rhodes Henry G. 1826-1889  
Rhodes Margaret, his wife 1829-no date (Margaret Teeter, wife of Henry R. Rhodes)
Rhodes Emiline J., dau. of Henry G. & Margaret Rhodes, died Sept. 5, 1858 age 9 yrs., 6 mos., 22 dys.  
Teeter George W., son of Jacob & Elizabeth Teeter, died April 2, 1847 age 13 mos.  
Teeter Margaret, died April 2, 1818 age? not in earlier records, year may be 1848
Teeter Ida Elmina, dau. of L. & Magette ---- d. June 1882? hard to read
Teeter Emma L., dau. of J. & M. E. Teeter, born Dec. 6, 1868 died Jan. 26, 1883  
Teeter 3 infant children of Isaac & Phebe Carle Teeter are buried here names unknown, no headstones found.

The records on this page are from Tompkins County Tombstone inscriptions, by Dora Pope Worden, transcribed by Bonnie Lamkin. Updated by Karen Dickson from walking the cemetery to gather the headstone inscriptions, and then compared tothe records of Between the Lakes Book for corrections. We have updated this record to the best of our ability. Karen also reports someone is taking very good care of this cemetery at this time. Thank you Karen for updating these records! Research notes are by Janet M. Nash

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Copyright by Janet M. Nash and Johnna Armstrong
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