Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, NY
Located on Baker Hill Road, off Rt. 366 near its junction with Rt. 13N

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Robertson Cemetery
Robertson Cemetery
about 129k

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Alan Chaffee has kindly donated his Cemetery records to the Tompkins County, NYGenWeb site. We would like to take this time to thank him for his hard work and kindness to share his work with us. Alan is the Historian for the Town of Newfield, and has worked for years helping people find their relatives. Alan is truly an asset to Tompkins Co. researchers. Alan started his work of walking and recording headstone inscriptions in Tompkins Co., and a few other counties when he was about fifteen years old, he has continued this work for over thirty years.

Over these years he has help numerous people with their research. Many historians in the surrounding towns regard his work as excellent record keeping. We feel honored that Alan has agreed to share his records with us, and trust that his work will help you in your search for burials in Tompkins Co.

Thank you Alan Chaffee for being a part of the Tompkins County, NYGenWeb team and trusting us with your most valuable records.

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In some of the records there are indexes: The number before the name is the number given for that burial, from the point of where Alan thought the entrance was of the cemetery starting with # 1.

He also has row numbers starting from the entrance in some of his cemetery records.

All cemetery writings have been transcribed to the best of the ability of the transcriber as appeared on the records.

hs headstone
( ) footstones or flag designation
stos same type of stone
fs as hs foot stone as headstone
fs footstone
fn foundation
AEt. aetatis = aged
obnb Over but not broken
< > Information from other source(s)
*** special note of importance
-_- stipulates a directional side of a tombstone

Rows west to east, stones in rows north to south. Cemetery has been heavily vandalized as many stones appear to be away from the proper graves and many stones are missing.

Row One


Oct. 8, 1836, ae. 7 y. & 6 M.  fs (T.R.)  [prob. T; B. or R.] 

[broken, bullet hole]


Wilbert, son of Jacob & Mary A. CRUTTS, died July 12, 1861, aged 19 y'rs 4 m's & 8 d's

[lying on ground]


(A.J.B.)  fs in ground, no hs or f'n.  

adult burial between 3 & 4 with only field hs & fs


Catharine wife of Jacob CRUTS died Apr. 5, 1849, ae 72 y 8 m 3 m

(C. C.)   [lying on ground] 


May 1[?] aged 88 y'rs 6 m's & 24 ds.

(J.C.)  [top rotted away, stos as 4, lying on ground]


Mary Alice, Dau of Jacob & Mary A. CRUTTS, died Aug. 13, 1857, aged 4 y'rs & 3 m's.

[lying on ground]


Anson BISHOP, died Feb. 22, 1850, ae. 21 y'rs 10 mo & 6 da.

"Pass a few swiftly fleeting years,

And all that in bodies live,

Shall quit, like me, this vale of tears,

Their righteous sentence to receive." [lying on ground]

< "Tompkins County Tombstone Inscriptions" indicates d. Feb. 22, 1850 ae 32y 10m 6d >


George BISHOP, died Jan 17, 1850, ae. 28 y'rs 3 mo. [?] d

"There's […] in subonary[?], things

Can give true pleasure here.

[…4 line epitaph] [cracks, rotting marble, lying on ground]

< "Tompkins County Tombstone Inscriptions" indicates d. Jan. 17, 1850 ae 28yr 3m 28d >


Isaac BISHOP, died June 15, 1857, aged 65 years

[lying on ground]


   †          FOUNDED IN 1802         †


Philip ROBER[…], One of th[e] first settl[...] Tompkins […] Aug. […]  Aged […]

(P.R.) [loose, missing piece]

Row Two


(E.S.) hs missing 


Anna Wife of George SNYDER died Aug. 16, 1865, aged 82 years 9 mo. & 26 days.

[lying on ground, cracked]


hs missing, just south of #13,  (G.S.)


just south of 14, grave opened up, no stones, (M.S.) leaning against tree, stos to (G.S.) #14, 

M.S. may or may not go to this grave


Mrs. Mary Ann, daughter of George & Nancy McCUTCHEON & wife of Abraham SNYDER, 

died May 7, 1836, ag'd 36 years 11 m's & 2 days


Chancey, son of Abraham & Mary Ann SNYDER, died Oct. 17 1836, ag'd 4 y'rs 11 m's & 

19 days  (C.S.) [lying on ground]


Asa H. son of N. Enoch & Mary REYNOLDS, Died Feb. 5, 1833 ae. 26 y. 6 m. & 10 d.

"Stop traveller as you pass by

As you are now so once was I

As I am now so you must be

Prepare to die & follow me."

[lying on ground]


Miss Sarah Dau. Of Joshus & Kezia AYARS Died Jan. 9th 1833 ae. 22 &. & 9 D.

"When blooming youth

Is snatch away

By deaths resistless hand

Our hearts the Mournful

Tribute pay

Which pity must demand"


David SHEARWOOD, died June 26, 1844, aged 69 years and 28 days. (D.S.)

"O my friends wipe off your tears

Here I shall be till Christ appears."

[lying on ground]


Tamour L. daughter of  M & E SPR[…]

(T.L.S.)  [rotted and broken, lying on ground]

< "Tompkins County Tombstone Inscriptions" indicates: 

SPRIGG, Tamorn L., d/o William & E. SPRIGG  d. Oct. 23, 1851, ae 14yr 8mo >


Lousa P. daughter of WM & E SPRIGG died Nov. 20, 1851, aged 16 years & 11 months  

[lying on ground]


1.) Peter GROVER died May 21, 1863, aged 79 years 9 months & 11 days.

2.) Catharine wife of Peter GROVER died Jan. 18, 1860 aged 76 years 6 months & 20 days 

[lying on ground]

Row Three

24. Anna A. daughter of Richard & Phebe ___? THOMPSON; died Nov. 10, 1846; aged 3 yrs, 1 m & 7 ds. "[…] lovely bod so young and fair […]alled hence by early doom […]ust come to show how sweet a flower in Paradise would bloom." [loose, side broken, lying on ground] 25. James Jr Son of James & Charity VANTINE died Nov. 18, 1855 ae. 24 y'rs 2 mo. & 8 da. [lying on ground] 26. Sylvester, son of William & Prudence HOLDEN, died Aug. 20, 1839, aged 39 years & 27 da. (S.H.) 27. Amanda wife of Ira GROVER and daughter of J. & A. BROWN born Sept. 22, 1812, died June 13, 1845. "This once loved form now cold and dead, Each mournful thought employs; And nature weeps, her comforts fled, And withered all her joys. Hope looks beyond the bounds of time, When what we now deplore; Shall rise in full immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more." Parley Houpt, E. Genoa. (A.G.) 28. (A.B.) marble fs 29. (B.G.) marble fs 30. Alice E. Daughter of Wm & Mary SCUTT, died Feb. 12, 1846, ae. 3 y'rs, 2 mo. & 9 da "Sweet innocent, adieu! When souls and bodies join, Thousands shall wish their lives below Had been as short as thine." (A.S.) [lying on ground] 31. Delilah wife of Jehiel VAN HORN born Jan. 24, 1827, died Sept. 11, 1848 [obnb 3 sides blank] 32. William ALLEN, died April 14, 1844, aged 68 years. (W.A.) [lying on ground]

Row Four


Thomas DAVENPORT died Sept. 10, 1847 ae. 78 y'rs 7 mo. & 7 da.

(T.D.)  [lying on ground]


Anna Wife of Thomas DAVENPORT died Nov. 2, 1847 ae. 70 y'rs 1 mo. & 11 da.

(A.D.)  [over sideways bab]


Mr. Hezekiah DAVENPORT, died Oct. 17, 1832 ae. 64 y. 11 m. & 25 d.

"Blessed are the dead

That died in the Lord"



John W. son of H.D. & Nelly DAVENPORT died Oct. 19, 1848, ae. 1 y. 3 m. 14 d.

(J.W.D.)  [lying on ground]


George W. son of Hezekiah & Nelly DAVENPORT died Sept. 12 1836; ae. 3 y. & 2 m.

"Sleep on fair babe and

take thy rest

God called the home

When he thought best"

(G.D.)   [lying on ground]


Umphrey DEVENPORT Jr. son of Umphrey & Hester DEVENPORT, died Apr. 15, 1839, 

Aged 27 years 2 mo. & 5 da.

"He cometh forth as a flower

And at noon is cut down,

He fleaeth also as a shadow 

And continueth not."



M. G.  son of Erasmus T. & Mary BROWN died Sept 23rd 1832 ae.t 1 Y. 8 M. & 15 D.

"Sleep on fair babe

And take thy rest

God call'd thee home

When he thought best"


Row Five


Nelly wife of H.D. DAVENPORT died OCT. 27, 1848, ae. 45 y's 3 m. 22 days.

P.P. & C.G. Moore, Cortland

(N.D.)  [lying on ground]


In Memory of Orril daughter of James & Anna WEAVER, died March 27th 1816. Aged 1 Month

[lying on ground, bottom of stone embedded into trunk of maple]

Row Six

42. Abner G. son of David & Fylinda SNYDER died Apr. 24, 1843, aged 5 years, 5 Mo. & 20 Da's. "We leave you here till Christ shall come The sleep of death to break" (A.S.) 43. Harvy J. son of George & Cornelia RHODES Died Sept. 20th 1830 AEt. 2 Y 10 M. & 17 D D1 (H.R.) 44. Elifabeth daughter of Peter & Mary SNYDER & wife of Henry NAIL, died 22d Sep. 1802, Aet. 25 years. [lying on ground] < From "History of Tioga, Chemung, Tompkins and Schuler Counties 1879" indicates: Two children were the first burials 1801, two Snyder Children Elizabeth Naile - dau. of Peter Snyder and Mary (Shaver) is believed to be the first Adult to die in the Town > 45. Polly wife of Henry SNYDER died 12 Novr 1803 AE t 20 years. [lying on ground, cracked] 46. Jared son of Abraham & Mary Ann SNYDER, died Aug. 22 1836, ae. 1 y & 8 m's & Arad his brother died July 31 1835, AE. 7 m's & 9 days. [lying on ground] (A.S. J.S.) 47. Phebe C. Dau. Of John & Phebe SNIDER Died June 29th 1830 AEt. 1 Y. & 27 D. "Sleep on fair babe And take thy rest God call'd thee home When he thought best" (P.C.S.) 48. Alfred C. son of John & Maria SNYDER, 2d died June 7, 1845, aged 11 years 7 mo. & 7 da. "Tread softly o'er this sacred mound, A rose perfumes the hallowed ground, May garlands deck and myrtles rise, To guard the tomb where Afred lies." (A.S.)

Row Seven


Mary Dau of Jacob & Margaret RHODES died Sept. 9 1817  AEt. 2 Y. 6 M & 6 D.

"Sleep on fair babe

And take thy rest

God call'd thee home

When he thought best."

(N.R.) [lying on ground, cracked]


Mr. Christian SNIDER Died April the 14 1818 AEt. 31 Y. 4 M. & 7 D.

"Afflictions sore

Long time I bore

Physician were invain

Till God was pleas'd

To give me ease

And free me from my pain"

(C.S.) [lying on ground]


In  [missing slate hs, lying on ground] 



Mr John OBERT Died June 14th 1832 AEt. 82 y.

"My children dear 

Assemble here

A fathers grave to see

Not long ago

I dwelt with you

And soon youll dwell with me"



Hannah Dau. Of Garret & Lydia LAMBERSON died March 26th 1830 AEt. 34 y. & 8 d.

"Afflictions sore

Long time I bore

Physicians were in vain

Till God was pleased

To give me ease

And free me from my pain."

[lying on ground]


Anna daughter of Peter & Mary SNYDER & wif_ of Joel WHIPPLE die_  Feb 26th 1811

[6 could be 0 or 9, cracked, hs loose]


Warren, son of Andrew & Susannah BAKER died Dec. 14, 1840, aged 18 years 11mo & 9da

"The lovely youth is gone;

The much loved object's fled,

Entered his long eternal home

And dwells among the dead."



Andrew BAKER died June 13, 1842; aged 45 years, 7 months & 28 days.

"Dearest Father thou hast left us

Here thy loss we deeply feel

But tis God that hath bereft us

And he can all our sorrows heal"

(A.B.)  [lying on ground]




Rachel, wife of Zadock O. CAMPBELL and daughter of George & Rebecca BROWN, 

died Aug. 7, 1844 aged 26 years 3 months & 3 days

"The closer drawn will sooner part,

That tie which binds the human heart,

Thus fade our sweetest prospects here,

Our dearest friends soon disappear."



Rebecca wife of George BROWN died Mar. 29th 1843, aged 55 years & 9 months.

"Dearest mother thou hast left us

Here thy loss we deeply feel

But tis God that bereft us

And he can all our sorrows heal."

(R.B.)  [lying on ground]


marble stone missing, just south of # 59

(G.B.)  [lying on ground]


Lydia wife of John MCWHORTER died April 7, 1859, aged 50 years & 15 days.

[lying on ground]


John S. MCWHORTER died March 31, 1874, aged 77 years 7 mos. & 4 ds.

(J.S.M.)   [lying on ground]


Sarah A. wife of Joseph M. BULEY daughter of John S. & Lydia MCWHORTER died 

April 5, 1862 aged 25 years.

"She rests."

[lying on ground]


(P.S.) loose large marble fs    

Row Eight



1.)  James GOODSPEED   died Mar. 28, 1840, aged 60 y'rs & 1 mo

Erected by their son A. GOODSPEED


2.)  Mercy, wife of James GOODSPEED died Sept. 21, 1855. aged 67 y'rs & 1 m'o.  


3.)  Sarah GOODSPEED died May 23, 1847, aged 32 y'rs 10 m's & 15 d's. 



James GOODSPEED  died March 28, 1840, aged 60 years and 1 month.

"The last dred scene is past the trial o'er

And pain and death shall reach the frame no more

Thy spirit freed from every earthly care

Shall in the love of the Creator share."

[lying on ground]

Row Nine

67. (C.O.) small loose slate fs 68. Delilah, wife of Elias OSTRANDER, died Feb. 23, 1843, aged 24 years. (D.O.) 69. Roxey wife of Abraham D. VANTINE daughter of Eli & Mercy KEYES died Jan. 20, 1853, aged 26 years 3 months & 2 days. "Peaceful her gentle spirit fled, This tenement of clay; To Jesus her immortal head, And dwells in endless day." (R.V.) [lying on ground] 70. Garret Eli [RR and T ??] son of Abraham D. & Roxey Ann VANTINE, died Sept. 18, 1851, aged 2 yrs. 7 m. & 27 ds. "Sleep on sweet babe, And take thy rest, God called the home, When he thought best." (G.E.V.) [lying on ground] 71. Jemina daughter of James & Charity VANTINE died Jan. 6, 1849 ae. 21 y'rs 8 mo & 19 da (J.V.) [cracked, lying on ground] 72. Maria wife of Charles V. WINTER and daughter of James & Charity VANTINE died May 3, 1853 ae. 34 y'rs 6 mo. & 11 da. "Could friends have stayed the dart of death, While watching by the side; Could love recall lifes fleeting reath, Thou would not sure have died." (M.W.) [lying on ground] 73. (G.V.) loose marble fs 74. (J.V.) loose marble fs, possibly James Jr. 75. Charity wife of James VANTINE died Apr. 18, 1856 ae. 60 y'rs 7 mo. & 15 da. (C.V) [lying on ground] 76. [name missing, 7 digits? + 1 digit] dau. of Jonathan & S.A. HOLCOMB, died June 12, 1856 [possibly not a 5] (C.E.H.) [cracked, lying on ground]

Row Ten


(D.D.D.)  loose large slate fs behind #78, hs missing

< see "Tompkins County Tombstone Inscriptions" below >


John DAVENPORT died Aug. 24, 1847 In the 78th Year of his age.



Orrianna daughter of Anson & Delina BISHOP. died Feb. 21, 1844, aged 3 months.

[loose-against tree]

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These are records from "Tompkins County Tombstone Inscriptions"

BAKER, Alwilda J., d/o Wilson and Lucinda BAKER d. Dec. 27, 1851 ae 3 mo 11 da CRUTTS, Franklin, s/o Jacob and Mary A. CRUTS, Jr. d. Jan. 19, 1846 ae 5mo 7da DAVENPORT, Daniel D., s/o John & Elizabeth DAVENPORT d. Jan. 30, 1824 ae 15 yr 3 mo HODGES, James Jr. d. Oct. 4, 1848, ae 16 yr 4 mo ROBINSON, Thomas, s/o John & Polly ROBINSON d. Oct. 8, 1836 ae 5yr 6mo SCUTT, Ermina, d/o William & Mary SCUTT d. Dec. 19, 1837 ae 6yr 4mo 20d Thank you Virginia Peterson for transcribing these records into digital format.

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