THROUGH the YEARS with the message
One hundred years of Christian Service to the Ithaca, New York, community and its world-wide missions by The Tabernacle Baptist Church, North Cayuga Street at Lincoln. 1870-1970.
[excerpts from an anniversary booklet, April 1970.]
The Tabernacle Baptist Church was "born out of the midst of early revival fires."
That was 100 years ago.
The date was February 7, 1870 with the Articles of Incorporation registered with the Tompkins county Clerk, June 13, 1870.
Those early chapters of chapters of activities, leading to the Incorporation, records the name of a young school teacher, Miss Ellen CLARK, as a stimulating influence in the Church's organization. She was teaching at the school located at what was then termed "Corner of The Lake." (Cayuga) Her interest was centered especially in the welfare of the children and their parents of that early settlement.
History further records that during "protracted meetings" at the First Baptist Church, two young women, a Miss ROBERTS and Miss Addie VAN ORDER from the "Corner of the Lake," were converted. They arranged for an "evangelistic meeting" to be held in the hotel of Mr. John LINDERBERRY, (a recent convert) where they were employed. Mr. LINDERBERRY cancelled a previously scheduled New Year's Eve dance for the meeting. The date-New Year's Eve. (1869) "That one night, 40 people were converted."
The following are extracts from the recorded history of The Tabernacle Baptist Church, by Miss Ellen CLARK, on the occasion of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary in 1895.
"On the evening of February 7, 1870, there assembled in the parlors of Mr. Nathaniel MCKEAN, 28 West Mill (Court) Street, a party of Baptist Brothers and Sisters having the object in view of organizing themselves into a church body.
"They chose for a name, 'The Tabernacle Baptist Church,' and after adopting The Articles of Organization, The Declaration of Faith, The Covenant, and The Rules of Order, they proceeded to choose officers as follows:
"Deacons for two years: Franklin HOOKER and John LINDERBERRY; "Treasurer for one year: Mrs. N. A. ROGERS; "Church Clerk for one year: Brenet J. MIX; "Moderator and Sunday School Superintendent: Franklin HOOKER; and "Secretary and Librarian for one year: Theodore S. LEONARD.
"At a meeting held February 28, 1870, William R. NORTON was chosen as Assistant Sunday School Superintendent, and Miss Ellen CLARK, Assistant Librarian, each for one year.
"The following persons were elected as first Trustees of the Church: Franklin HOOKER, 3 years; William R NORTON, 3 years; Nathaniel MCKEAN, 2 years; John LINDERBERRY, 2 years; and Brenet MIX, 1 year."
Following are the names of the constituent members of The Tabernacle Baptist Church:
Franklin HOOKER
Miss Ellen CLARK
Miss Helen M. ELLIOTT
Miss Florence MIX
Mrs. Harriett MASTIN
Miss Mary DAWSON
Mrs. Frank A. EVERTS
Mrs. Anna E. MCKEAN
Mrs. Adaline M. NORTON
Mrs. Amanda NORTON
Miss B. Louise MIX
Mrs. L. R. KIPER
Mrs. Belinda VANORDER
Miss Melissa D. HOOKER
Mrs. Brenet J. MIX
Miss Mary J. ELLIOTT
Miss Adlia MIX
Mrs. Harriett STEWART
Miss Anna JARVIS
Frank MIX
Mrs. Lucy CURTIS
Mrs. Eliza KNIGHT
Phoebe J. CRANE
Mary Elizabeth FREESE
James W. LEWIS
Mrs. Josephine HUNT
-- 42 members -
"Rooms were hired for the use of the Society at 28 West Mill (Court) Street, home of Nathaniel MCKEAN.
"March 28, 1870, the Rev. Francisco DUSENBURY was called as pastor of the Church. The first person received into the Church by Baptism was Miss Carrie HOOKER, May 29, 1870.
"First Covenant Meeting of the Church was on June 3, 1870.
"First Celebration of the Lord's Supper was June 5, 1870."
It began with a Little Chapel, the first church home of the "40-and-two" who were the constituent members of The Tabernacle Baptist Church. This chapter records numerous milestones leading to the acquisition of the present structure, North Cayuga Street at Lincoln.
December 18, 1870
"The membership empowered the Trustees to lease ground at 30 Mill (Court) Street and build a Chapel."
February 5, 1871
"The Chapel was dedicated, with Rev. Theodore F. WHITE of the Presbyterian Church preaching the dedicatory sermon."
Special: On September 3, an organ was purchased at a cost of $125.00.
October 26, 1874
"The Trustees were instructed to purchase the lot on the corner of Utica and Railroad (Lincoln) Avenue at a cost of $500.00. In January, 1875, the Chapel was moved from 30 Mill (Court) Street to this new location."
January 18, 1876
"An Ecclesiastical Council was called to have the church duly recognized. The Council consisted of the following:
"First Baptist, Binghamton Reverent Lyman WRIGHT Howard and John SHERWOOD "Enfield Reverend Francisco DUSENBURY Deacon M. POTTER Brother W. GOULD "Newfield Reverend William SHARP "First Baptist, Ithaca Reverend C. A. HARRIS Deacon S. P. SACKET Deacon W. W. AYERS Deacon T. DRAKES "Mecklenburg Brother VANDERFEET "Tabernacle Baptist, Ithaca J. F. RAPSOM Deacon Franklin HOOKER Deacon John LINDERBERRY
"After deliberation it was unanimously resolved that this company of believers be recognized as a regular Baptist Church.
"The following was the exercise: "Sermon: Reverend Lyman WRIGHT, charge to the Church. "Prayer: Reverend Francisco DUSENBURY."
July 10, 1876
"The Church proceeded to elect Trustees in conformity with State Laws passed May 15, 1876, which resulted in the election of Lucius MASTIN and John LINDERBERRY, 3 years; R. O. LAY and Jerome BROWN, 2 years, and James BISHOP and Niles CRANE, 1 year."
NOTE: During the month of June, 1877, there were some improvements made, the Chapel being newly calcimined and new blinds put on.
September 20, 1877
"It was voted that application be made for admission into the Seneca Baptist Association. Deacons LINDERBERRY and MASTIN with Brothers LAY and CRANE were chosen as delegates."
April 29, 1878
"The Church appointed Brothers J. N. STILLWELL and R.O. LAY to recommend some suitable manual for use by the Church membership. Said committee recommended 'The Hiscox Manual,' and it was adopted by the Church on April 29, 1878."
March 1, 1879
"Reverend Francisco DUSENBURY presented his resignation to take effect April 1, 1879, but instead of accepting it the Church voted to retain him as Pastor another year."
February 28, 1881
"Reverend Francisco DUSENBURY was engaged to supply the pulpit of the Church until a regular Pastor could be secured."
April 2, 1882
"Reverend Francisco DUSENBURY was again engaged as pastor for six months. He continued to supply the pulpit until September, 1883. During the second pastorate, 17 members were added to the church. Reverend DUSENBURY in his two pastorates covered a period of 10 ½ years. The Church was then without a Pastor for about six months."
September 28, 1884
The membership "voted to move the Chapel to the west side of the Church lot. The Church Clerk was instructed to secure plans for a new building costing $2,000.00."
April 27, 1885
The membership "voted for a new edifice to be built. The Building Committee included: Rev. A. H. CLARK, President; Millard H. NORTON, Secretary; and John LINDERBERRY, Treasurer."
June 3, 1886
"The cornerstone of the new Church was laid. President C. K. ADAMS of Cornell University gave the address."
March 5, 1890
"The new Church building was dedicated. Rev. SMITH of Auburn, New York, preached the dedicatory sermon."
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Rev. Francisco DUSENBURY 1870-1874 1877-1884 Rev. Theo. S. LEONARD 1874-1875 Rev. J. S. RAPSON 1875-1876 Rev. H. A. CLARK 1884-1889 Rev. A. J. CHAPLIN 1889-1891 Rev. O. W. COOK 1891-1896 Rev. Sidney FISHER 1897-1905 Rev. J. W. HUFF 1905-1906 Rev. V. S. VOSS 1907-1918 Rev. E. B. HUGHES 1918-1920 Rev. J. D. BREHAUT 1921-1922 Rev. Leslie GOULD 1923-1929 Rev. J. Irving REESE 1929-1939 Rev. Joseph STOWELL 1939-1945 Rev. Ralph HONE 1945-1946 Rev. Clifford BRISTOW 1946-1948 Rev. Harold E. COLE 1948-1966 Rev. Lloyd B. HULL 1967-Thank you Virginia Peterson for contributing this information.
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