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Tompkins County Surnames (A-B)
ABEL | Carter Abel | Trumansburg, Ulysses | 1800-1880 |
ACHILLES | Penny J. Achilles | Enfield | Presently |
ACKER | evelyn dustin | thompkins county | 1825 |
ACKLEY | Anne Hartung | Tompkins Co. | 1821-1846 |
ADAMS | Kelly Adams | Tompkins County | 1803-1819 |
ADAMS | Diane Love | Groton | 1890 to present |
AGARD | Christine Harris ( - not valid) |
Tompkins County | 1880 to present |
AIKEN | Robert Wheeler | Enfield | 1850-1930 |
ALLEN | John Rennert | Ithaca | 1850-1870 |
ALLEN | Harold Hooper | Newfield | mid-1800s |
ALLEN | Nancy Allen | Trumansburg | 1800 to 1900 |
ALLEN | Karen Dickson | Ulysses | ca 1835 to present |
ALMY | Olive Hoffman | Ithaca | ca 1819-ca 1850 |
AMES | Peter Brigham Ames | Dryden, Ithaca | 1820-1850 |
ANDERSON | Carolynn J. Weeks | Ithaca/ Cortland/Speedsville | Mid 1800's? - present |
ANTHONY | | Peruville | 1843 |
APGAR | Rosemarie Moser | Peruville | 1800s |
ARMSTRONG | Carl Washburn | Early 1800's to mid 1800's | |
ARMSTRONG | Cathy Dennee Johnson | Ulysses | 1791-1805 |
ARMSTRONG | Jonathan Armstrong | Caroline, Dryden, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield | 1870 to present |
ARMSTRONG | Jim Allen | Tompkins County | 1792-? |
ASHDOWN | Carl Tatlock | Seneca/Tompkins County | 1860-1900 |
ASHDOWN | Joyce Learman | Ithaca | 1840-1867 |
ASHLEY | Frank Ashley | Groton | 1840-1890 |
ATCHISON | Mr Kim Sanders | 1908-present | Tompkins County |
ATKINS | Gay Usher | Enfield (I think) | |
AUSTIN | Joyce | Newfield | 1808-1888 |
AUSTIN | Kem K. Hart | Tompkins County | 1889 to present |
AYERS | Cheryl Ayers Kaufman | Trumansburg | before 1881 |
AYERS | Becky | Newfield | late 1800s? |
BAAY | Barbara Jean Baay | Ithaca | 1900 to present |
BABCOCK | Daniel Cotton | -- | -- |
BACHELOR | Lynda Decker Blanford | Tompkins County | 1700s-1900s |
BACKUS | Jeff Cargian | Groton | 1800- |
BAIRD | Tammee Jo Seeley | Tompkins County | 1800 to present |
BAKER | Diana Horning ( - not valid) |
Enfield | 1800s |
BAKER | Judy Woodard | Tompkins County | early 1800s |
BAKER | Melinda Cornwell | Tompkins County | 1800s |
BAKER | Mary Jane LaValley | Tompkins County | 1880's-1930s |
BALDWIN | Henry Baldwin | Tompkins Co. | 1800-1900 |
BALDING | Gary Balding | Dryden | 1800-1820 |
BALDWIN | Joyce Rubens | Lansing, Groton, Trumansburg, Ithaca | 1807-1965 |
BALLARD | Mike Ballard | Tompkins County | mid 1800 to early 1900s |
BANDFIELD/BANFIELD | Bill Watson | Ulysses | 1803-1832 |
BANFIELD | Wendy Sheldon Black | Tompkins Co. | 1800 |
BARBER | Cindy Duffek | town unknown | probably about 1800 |
BARBER | Nancy Tweedie | ||
BARKER | Carol Langford | W. Danby | 1800-1900 |
BARNABAS/BARNABUS | Nancy Clemens | McLean, Dryden, Groton | 1830-? |
BARNES | Kathy Barnes | Lansing Myers | 1785 to present |
BARNES | Karen Dickson | Enfield | 1828 to present |
BARNETT | Susan B. Crew | Tompkins County | 1848-? |
BARNETT | Harry Lee | Dryden | Mid 1800s |
BARRELL | Ann Barrell | Hector township | 1850 |
BARROWS | Mark Boyle | Groton | 1860 |
BARTLETT | martha oke | newfield | 1860 |
BARTO | philip barto | Ithaca | |
BATEMAN | Regina Brannen Adam | Newfield | 1800-1840 |
BATES | Anne Gardner | Ithaca | 1790 - 1815 |
BATES | Bruce Baker | Ulyseses | 1800-1835 |
BATES | Sarah Nicole Third | Tompkins County | 1800s-present |
BATTY | Richard Magee | Tompkins County | 1800s |
BATZER | Richard Cunningham | Groton | 1890 to present |
BAWLF | Suzy Leveille | Ithaca | 1920 |
BAYLOR | Marjorie Gesford | W. danby N.Y. | 1850 |
BAYLORD | Helen | W. Danby | 1882 |
BEACH | Nancy Tweedie | ||
BEARDSLEE/LEY | Catherine Machan Martin | Newfield, Tompkins County | 1810 to present |
BEARDSLEY | Dee Brister | Tompkins, Cayuga, & Onondaga | 1790's-1860 |
BECKER | Mary Becker Overland | Hector | 1850 |
BECKWITH | Dar Harris | Tompkins co, New York,Ulysses | 1793-1850 |
BEEBE | Glenda Sherwood | Dryden, Newfield | -- |
BEEM | Bethe Beem | Dryden | 1830 to 1860 |
BELL | Dolores Chase | Ithaca/Auburn/Trumansburg/Searsburg | 1800 to present |
BELL | Melody Sterling | Tompkins Co | 1870ish |
BELL | Daryl + Amanda Verstreate | Trumansburg, Covert, Hector | 1800 to present |
BELL | Jacquelyn Bell-Brown | Tompkins County | ca 1800 to present |
BENJAMIN | Barbara Benjamin Metsack | Dryden, NY | 1796-1815 |
BENJAMIN | Patti Benjamin | Tompkins County | 1840-1911 |
BENNETT | Barb Ward | Ulysses | 1810-1839 |
BENNETT | Rebie Walley | Tompkins County | -- |
BENNETT | Christine Courtwright | Danby, Newfield, Tompkins Co. | 1800 to present |
BENNETT | Dee Watt | Tompkins County | ca 1830 to present |
BENNETT | Don Tracy | Ithaca | 1800-1900 |
BENTLEY | Carola Haas | Ithaca, NY | 1879-1938 |
BENTLEY | Ross Bentley | Tompkins County | 1790-1875 |
BEREAN | Lou Ann McIntyre | Tompkins County | -- |
BERRY | Teri Forman | Groton | 1840-1890 |
BERRY | Judy Chladek | Groton | 1833-1873 |
BESANCENEY | David Besanceney | Watkins Junction | mid 1940's to early 1950's |
BIERBOWER | Sharon Bierbower ( - not valid) |
born in Ithaca, New York, Tompkins County | born in 1890 |
BILLINGTON | Mary Billington Liller | Lansing | early 1800s |
BILLS | Nancy Whipple Erbland | Groton | 1850 census |
BIRD | Scott Simon | Tompkins Co | 1820 - 1860 |
BISHOP | Lucy Griffin | Lansing | 1751-1827 |
BLACKMAN | Edward Blackman | Tompkins County | -- |
BLOOM | Su-Ellyn Stern | Tompkins Co. | 1800 |
BLOOMER | Marcia V.Ferguson (Ginger) | Ulysses | 1880 |
BLY | Sally A. Breen | Ithaca | c. 1830s to present |
BOARDMAN | Allen Boardman | Ithaca, Trumansburg | 1795-present |
BOGART | Nancy Tweedie | Danby, Ithaca, Spencer, Waverly, Barton | 1815 to presenet |
BOGART | clsloan | Ithaca | -- |
BOICE | Tom Welsh | Tompkins County | -- |
BOICE | Sharon Scofield | Caroline, Dryden, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield | 1800-1900s |
BOYCE/BOICE | Stephen M La Bar Sr. | Ithaca | 1917 to c. 1935 |
BOND | Nancy K. Bond | West Groton | 1870-1905 |
BONNETT | Bonnie Thibodeau | Enfield | 1838 to present |
BONSALL | Linda Ennis | Trumansburg/Lansing | 1900-Present |
BOUGHTON | Don Tracy | Ulysses | 1800-1860 |
BOWER | Carlita Beltz | Ulysses | Circa: 1804 to present |
BOWER | Tom Herson | Lansing | 1817 to present |
BOWERS | Mrs. Nancy Rogers | Tompkins County | -- |
BOWKER | Deborah Martin-Plugh | Lansing, Tompkins | Circa 1790 – present |
BOWLSBY | vinz | Ithaca NY | 1853 |
BOYER/BOWYER | T. Fish McMullen | Enfield | 1800-1875 |
BOYER | Joyce | Newfield | 1800-1888 |
BOYER | Mr Kim Sanders | 1-present | Tompkins County |
BOYLE | Judi Pohorsky | Tompkins County | 1840-1860 |
BOYLE | John Boyle | Tompkins County | 1800-1835 |
BOYLEN | C. Evans | Tompkins Co. | 1850-1896 |
BRABLC | Shelbi Thomas | Enfield and Ithaca | 1900s |
BRADLEY | Robert Forest | Groton | 1800-1870 |
BRADLEY | J. S. Brady | Tompkins Co. | 1830-1866 |
BRADLEY | Jason Stevens | Ulysses | 1805-1860 |
BRANNAN | Nancy Brannam ( - not valid) |
Newfield | 1850-1853 |
BRANT | Catherine Pierce | Town of Ulysses and Ithaca | 1790-1825 |
BREARLEY | Barbara Scott Prince | Caroline, Tompkins & Danby, Tompkins Co.,NY | 1800-1889 |
BREEN | Sally A. Breen | Ithaca | c. 1830s to present |
BREESE | Clark Kidder | Tompkins, Cayuga Counties | 1790-1840 |
BREWER | Spencer Brewer | Ithaca | |
BRIGGS | Amanda VerStreate | Trumansburg, Ulysses | 1870-1880 |
BRIGHT | Jay Smith | Dryden | 1810 |
BROAS | Linda Z. O'Halloran | Enfield | early 1800s |
BROCK | Eileen Howard | Danby | 1775-1925 |
BROOKINS | Arlene Woody ( - not valid) |
Tompkins | 1824 |
BROW | Tammee Jo Seeley | Tompkins County | 1800 to present |
BROWN | Glenda Sherwood | Dryden, Newfield | -- |
BROWN | Tina Latch | Tompkins County | 1790-early 1800s |
BROWN | Michelle Kuney Scialdone | Tompkins County | Town of Caroline |
BROWNELL | Carol A. Reynders | Ithaca | 1862 |
BRYAN | Kathy Bryan | Enfield, Ithaca | 1860s |
BRYANT | Jason Bryant | Jacksonville, Ulysses | early 1800s to early 1900s |
BUCHANAN | Ted LaRue | Ithaca | 1800-1850 |
BUCHHOLZ/BUCKHOLZ | Helen Buckholz | Ithaca | -- |
BUCK | Margery Bell | Lansing | before 1817 |
BUCK | Maxine Boyce Buckman | Ithaca | 1899 |
BUCKLEY | Betty Potter | Groton | 1850-1901 |
BUDD | Howard Budd | Hector/Lodi | 1800> |
BUDD | Jerry Babcock | Tompkins County | -- |
BULLEN | Marian | Enfield, Ulysses | prior to 1814 - ? |
BUMP | Doris Owen | Hector | 1817-1830 |
BURCH/BIRCH | Brenda Kumpf | Dryden | 1840-? |
BURKE | Jill Burke | Dryden | 1880-1900 |
BURLEIGH/BURLEY | Gary E. Myer ( - not valid) |
Tompkins County | 1850 to early 1900s |
BURNS | Joanne LaBarr DiGiovacchino | Tompkins County-Lansing | Mid1800-1900s |
BURNS | Berdan | Ithaca | 1900 |
BURR | Sara Jolivet | Tompkins Co. | 1820's-1900's |
BURT | Gloria Farrell | Groton | 1808-1840 |
BURTON | Sue Barry | Tompkins County | 1800s |
BUSH | D Taber | Caroline | 1814-1884 |
BUSH | Debbie Gurtis | Newfield | early-mid 1800's |
BUSH | Thelma Blood | Lansing | |
BUSH | John Stewart ( - not valid) |
Tompkins County | 1800s |
BUSH | Richard Chambers | Dryden | 1800s |
BUZZARD | Terence Conklin | unknown | 1810 |
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