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Tompkins County Surnames (A-B)

A-B  C-D  E-F-G  H-I-J  K-L  M-N  O-P  Q-R-S  T-U-V  W-X-Y-Z


ABEL Carter Abel Trumansburg, Ulysses 1800-1880
ACHILLES Penny J. Achilles Enfield Presently
ACKER evelyn dustin thompkins county 1825
ACKLEY Anne Hartung Tompkins Co. 1821-1846
ADAMS Kelly Adams Tompkins County 1803-1819
ADAMS Diane Love Groton 1890 to present
AGARD Christine Harris
( - not valid)
Tompkins County 1880 to present
AIKEN Robert Wheeler Enfield 1850-1930
ALLEN John Rennert Ithaca 1850-1870
ALLEN Harold Hooper Newfield mid-1800s
ALLEN Nancy Allen Trumansburg 1800 to 1900
ALLEN Karen Dickson Ulysses ca 1835 to present
ALMY Olive Hoffman Ithaca ca 1819-ca 1850
AMES Peter Brigham Ames Dryden, Ithaca 1820-1850
ANDERSON Carolynn J. Weeks Ithaca/ Cortland/Speedsville Mid 1800's? - present
ANTHONY Peruville 1843
APGAR Rosemarie Moser Peruville 1800s
ARMSTRONG Carl Washburn   Early 1800's to mid 1800's
ARMSTRONG Cathy Dennee Johnson Ulysses 1791-1805
ARMSTRONG Jonathan Armstrong Caroline, Dryden, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield 1870 to present
ARMSTRONG Jim Allen Tompkins County 1792-?
ASHDOWN Carl Tatlock Seneca/Tompkins County 1860-1900
ASHDOWN Joyce Learman Ithaca 1840-1867
ASHLEY Frank Ashley Groton 1840-1890
ATCHISON Mr Kim Sanders 1908-present Tompkins County
ATKINS Gay Usher   Enfield (I think)
AUSTIN Joyce Newfield 1808-1888
AUSTIN Kem K. Hart Tompkins County 1889 to present
AYERS Cheryl Ayers Kaufman Trumansburg before 1881
AYERS Becky Newfield late 1800s?
BAAY Barbara Jean Baay Ithaca 1900 to present
BABCOCK Daniel Cotton -- --
BACHELOR Lynda Decker Blanford Tompkins County 1700s-1900s
BACKUS Jeff Cargian Groton 1800-
BAIRD Tammee Jo Seeley Tompkins County 1800 to present
BAKER Diana Horning
( - not valid)
Enfield 1800s
BAKER Judy Woodard Tompkins County early 1800s
BAKER Melinda Cornwell Tompkins County 1800s
BAKER Mary Jane LaValley Tompkins County 1880's-1930s
BALDWIN Henry Baldwin Tompkins Co. 1800-1900
BALDING Gary Balding Dryden 1800-1820
BALDWIN Joyce Rubens Lansing, Groton, Trumansburg, Ithaca 1807-1965
BALLARD Mike Ballard Tompkins County mid 1800 to early 1900s
BANDFIELD/BANFIELD Bill Watson Ulysses 1803-1832
BANFIELD Wendy Sheldon Black Tompkins Co. 1800
BARBER Cindy Duffek town unknown probably about 1800
BARBER Nancy Tweedie    
BARKER Carol Langford W. Danby 1800-1900
BARNABAS/BARNABUS Nancy Clemens McLean, Dryden, Groton 1830-?
BARNES Kathy Barnes Lansing Myers 1785 to present
BARNES Karen Dickson Enfield 1828 to present
BARNETT Susan B. Crew Tompkins County 1848-?
BARNETT Harry Lee Dryden Mid 1800s
BARRELL Ann Barrell Hector township 1850
BARROWS Mark Boyle Groton 1860
BARTLETT martha oke newfield 1860
BARTO philip barto Ithaca  
BATEMAN Regina Brannen Adam Newfield 1800-1840
BATES Anne Gardner Ithaca 1790 - 1815
BATES Bruce Baker Ulyseses 1800-1835
BATES Sarah Nicole Third Tompkins County 1800s-present
BATTY Richard Magee Tompkins County 1800s
BATZER Richard Cunningham Groton 1890 to present
BAWLF Suzy Leveille Ithaca 1920
BAYLOR Marjorie Gesford W. danby N.Y. 1850
BAYLORD Helen W. Danby 1882
BEACH Nancy Tweedie    
BEARDSLEE/LEY Catherine Machan Martin Newfield, Tompkins County 1810 to present
BEARDSLEY Dee Brister Tompkins, Cayuga, & Onondaga 1790's-1860
BECKER Mary Becker Overland Hector 1850
BECKWITH Dar Harris Tompkins co, New York,Ulysses 1793-1850
BEEBE Glenda Sherwood Dryden, Newfield --
BEEM Bethe Beem Dryden 1830 to 1860
BELL Dolores Chase Ithaca/Auburn/Trumansburg/Searsburg 1800 to present
BELL Melody Sterling Tompkins Co 1870ish
BELL Daryl + Amanda Verstreate Trumansburg, Covert, Hector 1800 to present
BELL Jacquelyn Bell-Brown Tompkins County ca 1800 to present
BENJAMIN Barbara Benjamin Metsack Dryden, NY 1796-1815
BENJAMIN Patti Benjamin Tompkins County 1840-1911
BENNETT Barb Ward Ulysses 1810-1839
BENNETT Rebie Walley Tompkins County --
BENNETT Christine Courtwright Danby, Newfield, Tompkins Co. 1800 to present
BENNETT Dee Watt Tompkins County ca 1830 to present
BENNETT Don Tracy Ithaca 1800-1900
BENTLEY Carola Haas Ithaca, NY 1879-1938
BENTLEY Ross Bentley Tompkins County 1790-1875
BEREAN Lou Ann McIntyre Tompkins County --
BERRY Teri Forman Groton 1840-1890
BERRY Judy Chladek Groton 1833-1873
BESANCENEY David Besanceney Watkins Junction mid 1940's to early 1950's
BIERBOWER Sharon Bierbower
( - not valid)
born in Ithaca, New York, Tompkins County born in 1890
BILLINGTON Mary Billington Liller Lansing early 1800s
BILLS Nancy Whipple Erbland Groton 1850 census
BIRD Scott Simon Tompkins Co 1820 - 1860
BISHOP Lucy Griffin Lansing 1751-1827
BLACKMAN Edward Blackman Tompkins County --
BLOOM Su-Ellyn Stern Tompkins Co. 1800
BLOOMER Marcia V.Ferguson (Ginger) Ulysses 1880
BLY Sally A. Breen Ithaca c. 1830s to present
BOARDMAN Allen Boardman Ithaca, Trumansburg 1795-present
BOGART Nancy Tweedie Danby, Ithaca, Spencer, Waverly, Barton 1815 to presenet
BOGART clsloan Ithaca --
BOICE Tom Welsh Tompkins County --
BOICE Sharon Scofield Caroline, Dryden, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield 1800-1900s
BOYCE/BOICE Stephen M La Bar Sr. Ithaca 1917 to c. 1935
BOND Nancy K. Bond West Groton 1870-1905
BONNETT Bonnie Thibodeau Enfield 1838 to present
BONSALL Linda Ennis Trumansburg/Lansing 1900-Present
BOUGHTON Don Tracy Ulysses 1800-1860
BOWER Carlita Beltz Ulysses Circa: 1804 to present
BOWER Tom Herson Lansing 1817 to present
BOWERS Mrs. Nancy Rogers Tompkins County --
BOWKER Deborah Martin-Plugh Lansing, Tompkins

Circa 1790 – present

BOWLSBY vinz Ithaca NY 1853
BOYER/BOWYER T. Fish McMullen Enfield 1800-1875
BOYER Joyce Newfield 1800-1888
BOYER Mr Kim Sanders 1-present Tompkins County
BOYLE Judi Pohorsky Tompkins County 1840-1860
BOYLE John Boyle Tompkins County 1800-1835
BOYLEN C. Evans Tompkins Co. 1850-1896
BRABLC Shelbi Thomas Enfield and Ithaca 1900s
BRADLEY Robert Forest Groton 1800-1870
BRADLEY J. S. Brady Tompkins Co. 1830-1866
BRADLEY Jason Stevens Ulysses 1805-1860
BRANNAN Nancy Brannam
( - not valid)
Newfield 1850-1853
BRANT Catherine Pierce Town of Ulysses and Ithaca 1790-1825
BREARLEY Barbara Scott Prince Caroline, Tompkins & Danby, Tompkins Co.,NY 1800-1889
BREEN Sally A. Breen Ithaca c. 1830s to present
BREESE Clark Kidder Tompkins, Cayuga Counties 1790-1840
BREWER Spencer Brewer Ithaca  
BRIGGS Amanda VerStreate Trumansburg, Ulysses 1870-1880
BRIGHT Jay Smith Dryden 1810
BROAS Linda Z. O'Halloran Enfield early 1800s
BROCK Eileen Howard Danby 1775-1925
BROOKINS Arlene Woody
( - not valid)
Tompkins 1824
BROW Tammee Jo Seeley Tompkins County 1800 to present
BROWN Glenda Sherwood Dryden, Newfield --
BROWN Tina Latch Tompkins County 1790-early 1800s
BROWN Michelle Kuney Scialdone Tompkins County Town of Caroline
BROWNELL Carol A. Reynders Ithaca 1862
BRYAN Kathy Bryan Enfield, Ithaca 1860s
BRYANT Jason Bryant Jacksonville, Ulysses early 1800s to early 1900s
BUCHANAN Ted LaRue Ithaca 1800-1850
BUCHHOLZ/BUCKHOLZ Helen Buckholz Ithaca --
BUCK Margery Bell Lansing before 1817
BUCK Maxine Boyce Buckman Ithaca 1899
BUCKLEY Betty Potter Groton 1850-1901
BUDD Howard Budd Hector/Lodi 1800>
BUDD Jerry Babcock Tompkins County --
BULLEN Marian Enfield, Ulysses prior to 1814 - ?
BUMP Doris Owen Hector 1817-1830
BURCH/BIRCH Brenda Kumpf Dryden 1840-?
BURKE Jill Burke Dryden 1880-1900
( - not valid)
Tompkins County 1850 to early 1900s
BURNS Joanne LaBarr DiGiovacchino Tompkins County-Lansing Mid1800-1900s
BURNS Berdan Ithaca 1900
BURR Sara Jolivet Tompkins Co. 1820's-1900's
BURT Gloria Farrell Groton 1808-1840
BURTON Sue Barry Tompkins County 1800s
BUSH D Taber Caroline 1814-1884
BUSH Debbie Gurtis Newfield early-mid 1800's
BUSH Thelma Blood Lansing  
BUSH John Stewart
( - not valid)
Tompkins County 1800s
BUSH Richard Chambers Dryden 1800s
BUZZARD Terence Conklin unknown 1810


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