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Tompkins County Surnames (E-F-G)

A-B  C-D  E-F-G  H-I-J  K-L  M-N  O-P  Q-R-S  T-U-V  W-X-Y-Z


EAKINS Tom Herson Lansing 1836 to present
EARLE/EARL Leigh Boen Tompkins County 1816-1875
EARSLEY Sue Eddy Tompkins County 1794-
EARSLEY Ann Buckley Caroline --
EASTMAN Jodi Sue Leaf Caroline, Danby 1806-?
EATON Eileen Arndt Dryden, Ithaca, Ulysses, Varna 1820-1900
EDMINSTER Joe Edminister Trumansburg  
EDSON Debbie Tuyls Cayuta 1817
EGGLESTON Eileen Ithaca 1837-1880
EHLE Cheryl Hall Danby, Enfield, Ithaca, Trumansburg early 1800s to 1900s
EIGHMEY H. Sidney Eighmey Ithaca,Caroline 1834-1863 ?
ELLIS Tom Welsh Tompkins County --
ELLIS Marilyn Sage Dryden 1844
ELLIOTT Roger Elliott Ithaca, Tompkins Co. 1850-1889
ELLIOTT Linda Dabulewicz Dryden 1830-1860
ELLIOTT Roger Elliott Tompkins County 1860-1910
ELLIS Skip Mills uncertain late 1700 - early 1800
ELMORE Chris Peterson Tompkins County --
ELYEA/ELYA/ALYEA Alvin R Elya bradford. reading 1820
EMERY Helen Danby, Ithaca, Newfield 1880s
EMERY John H. Beach Danby, Spencer and Newfield 1800-
EMERY emery Trumansburg 1830
EMERY James Dickinson Trumansburg --
ENGLISH Christine Brown Dryden 1800-1838
ENGLISH Cindy Duffek town unknown probably about 1800
ENGLISH Gordon C. English Sr. Dryden 1820/1830 Census
ENGLISH Florence Dann unsure 1800s
ENGLISH Connelly VanValkenburgh Danby 1850-1875
ERWAY/ERVAY Jean Erway Nichols Tompkins Co. 1800s
EUGENE Kathy Marek Groton 1880
EVANS Gloria Farrell 1807-1840 Groton
EVERETT Mrs. Nancy Rogers Tompkins County --
EVERTS Terri Camp Dryden, Ithaca 1890s-1960s
EWAN Margaret Force Christensen Tompkins County --
EWERS Cheryl Stanfield Dryden ca 1815 - 1940s
FAIRCLOUGH Terry McDonald Groton, Lansing 1870-1925
FARKAS Stephen L. Farkas Lansing 1900
FARMER Ginny Vandermate Ithaca 1861 - ?
FARNSWORTH Phyllis Clearwater Thompkins County 18??-19??
FARRELL Tom Herson Ithaca, Lansing 1836 to present
FARRINGTON Marilynne W. Wright Ithaca, Tompkins Co.  
FAUVER Connie Corbett-Whittier Tompkins County 1820s
FENNER Douglas Smith Freeville 1930
FERGUSON Elizabeth Dimon Trumansburgh 1815-1860
FERGUSON Donald Ferguson Dryden Before 1855
FERNAN Sally A. Breen Ithaca c. 1830s to present
FERRIS Deb Rittmeyer Tompkins Dryden c1851-1875
FERRIS Bob Lefler Hector/Ulysses thence to Pa. circa 1810-1825
FISH T. Fish McMullen Enfield 1849-1900
FISH Paul L. Nutt Enfield, Tompkins CO. 1825-1900
FISH Hortense Wilkinson Danby, Newfield, Tompkins County 1830s-1840s
FISH Melinda Cornwell Newfield 1820-1900
FISHER/FISCHER Margie Landreville Dryden 1830-1845
FISHER Carolynn J. Weeks Ithaca/Spencer area Late 1700s - present
FLEMING Eileen Gilbert Ithaca 1800s
FLETCHER Lara Fletcher Enfield, Tompkins 1790 to present
FOLEY Jill Foley Ithaca 1894 - present
FOOTE Jonathan Armstrong Ithaca 1870-1940
FORCE Margaret Force Christensen Tompkins County --
FORD Sharon Rogers Newfield 1800-1840
FORMAN/FURMAN/FURMAN Jerry Forman Ithaca 1790 - 1840
FORSYTH Bill Sharpe Dryden, McLean, Tompkins County mid-1800s
FORSYTH/FORSYTHE George E. Kelly Trumansburg, Ulysses 1810-1860
FORTNER Pamela Ingrody Dryden 1785-?
FOSBINDER Jack Fosbinder Tomkins, Newfield, Ithaca  
FOSTER Mary Deming Lewis 1850-1870
FOWLER Walt Jones Tompkins County 1840-1850s
FOWLES Tom Fowles Tompkins County c. 1840-1880
FOX Frances A. Lunsford W. Dryden 1840's -1890's
FOX Bill Drew Ithaca since 1930s
FOX Terri Crockford Ithaca 1900
FRANK james towner ithaca, ny ? to anytime between 1981-1984
FRANKLIN Laurel F. Dearborn Ithaca 1835-?
FRANKLIN Patrick J. Horan Ulysses 1815-1840
FRANKLIN Waneta M. Arner Ithaca ca 1818
FRASIER James Dickinson Trumansburg --
FRASIER Harold Hooper Dryden ca 1840-1853
FREAR Frank Wicker Tompkins Co. 1831
FREEMAN Kathy Freeman Hensley Tompkins County, Ithaca 1807-c. 1860
FREEMAN Roberta Dryden, Etna 1825
FREER Linda Smetzer Tompkins County 1800-1880
FREESE Jayne Thompson Newfield, Enfield, Tompkins County 1850 to 1900
FREESE Dede Stafford Lansing, Tompkins County 1815-1870+
FRENCH Jim French Tompkins County --
FREY Madeline Jenkins Millard Ithaca 1920-2008
FRITTS Brant Cramer Hector 1815-1860
FURMAN Gerald H. Forman Ithaca, Danby, Spencer and others 1790-1840(+)
GALE Jeff Cargian Groton 1820-present
GANOUNG/GENUNG/GANUNG Doris Maffitt Hector or Perry City or Pine Valley cir 1850
GANOUNG Leigh Boen Tompkins County ca 1803+
GARDNER/GARDINER Anne Gardner Ithaca abt. 1790 - 1815
GARDNER Christine Danby, Tompkins Co & Tioga 1800 - to present
GARDNER Kem K. Hart Tompkins County 1900 to present
GARDNER Barbara Scott Prince Caroline, Tompkins & Danby, Tompkins Co.,NY 1800-1889
GARDNER Dee Watt Tompkins County ca 1840 to present
GASTON Judy Woodard Tompkins County early 1800s
GATES Wendy Sheldon Black Tompkins Co. 1800
GEE LeAnn Weller Enfield, Newfield, Ulyssess Towns 1800?-current
GEORGIA Georgia Cox Tomkins 1800 on
GENUNG Janet Nash Tompkins County 1800 to present
GEORGE Lois Fox Tompkins Co. 1880-1898
GERMAN J. Gray Dryden c. 1832 - ?
GIBBS Phyllis Ewer Gibbs Ithaca to about 1879
GIBBS Paul Gibbs Lansing ~ 1780
GIBBS Jim Gibbs Groton 1813 to present
GILBERT Tom and Mel Reininger Tompkins Co. 1800 - present
GILCHRIST Margaret Robinson Groton, Tompkins Co. Early 1900s
GILL Darla Stimbert Dryden, Groton, Freeville 1850-1900 (Previously in Cayuga Co.)
GILL Lou Ann McIntyre Tompkins County --
GILLETT Julia Gillett Hendrick Newfield 1800 on
GILTNER/GULDERN Agatha Davenport In or near Ulysses --
GIVENS Patricia Givens Warner Tompkins County 1804 - ??
GLEASON Deb Rittmeyer Ulysses 1812-1830
GLENNY Israel Tyler Ithaca 1831-1900
GODFREY Sherlene Schmitt-Belden Ithaca 1830s
GODLEY Jayne Thompson Newfield 1875
GOLDSMITH Dennis Lynch Tompkins Co. 1828
GOODYEAR Mrs. Nancy Rogers Tompkins County --
GORDON Sally Gordon Tompkins County, NY before 1844... moved to Michigan in 1844
GOSMAN Anne Hurst Danby 1810
GOSPER Linda Smetzer Caroline 1800-1850
GRACE Joan Meister Groton 1850s and 1860s
GRAHAM Gloria Hall Newfield 1850
GRAHAM Tom Herson Ithaca 1850
GRANT Barbara Ithica 1900+
GRAVES Madge Norton Tompkins Co. 1839
GRAY Jim White Tompkins County early 1800s, pre-1840
GRAY Lynne Parezo Ithaca/Endfield 1808 to present
GRAZULEWICZ Charles Antonello
(non-working email)
tompkins 1930
GREEN Donald Green Groton 1818 to 1917
GREEN Cathy Dennee Johnson Ulysses 1791-1805
GREEN Brenda Whelply Danby, Ithaca early 1800 to 1970
GREENFIELD Darla Stimbert Dryden, Freeville, Groton, Ithaca abt 1840 - present?
GREGOIRE J. Peter Gregoire Tompkins County 1841-1963
GRIDLEY Ray Gridley Dryden 1920
GRIFFIN Wendy Hughes Ithaca 1880-present
GRIFFIN Karen Dickson Caroline, Dryden ca 1800 to present
GRIPMAN Gripman    
GRISWOLD Mike Ballard Dryden mid 1700 to present
GROVER Bill Wheater Tompkins County 1820-1930
GROVER Virginia Peterson Dryden, Ithaca 1800 to present
GUILE, GUILES James Hannan Dryden 1830-?
GUNDERMAN Sheryl Robinson Danby, Ithaca 1825-early 1900s
GUTHRIE Evangeline Denton Lansing Early 1800's
GUTTRIDGE/GUTTERIDGE William Guttridge Groton, Dryden 1830-1840


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