This page is a part of the Tompkins Co., NYGenWeb Site. Not for commercial use. All Rights Reserved.
Tompkins County Surnames (E-F-G)
EAKINS | Tom Herson | Lansing | 1836 to present |
EARLE/EARL | Leigh Boen | Tompkins County | 1816-1875 |
EARSLEY | Sue Eddy | Tompkins County | 1794- |
EARSLEY | Ann Buckley | Caroline | -- |
EASTMAN | Jodi Sue Leaf | Caroline, Danby | 1806-? |
EATON | Eileen Arndt | Dryden, Ithaca, Ulysses, Varna | 1820-1900 |
EDMINSTER | Joe Edminister | Trumansburg | |
EDSON | Debbie Tuyls | Cayuta | 1817 |
EGGLESTON | Eileen | Ithaca | 1837-1880 |
EHLE | Cheryl Hall | Danby, Enfield, Ithaca, Trumansburg | early 1800s to 1900s |
EIGHMEY | H. Sidney Eighmey | Ithaca,Caroline | 1834-1863 ? |
ELLIS | Tom Welsh | Tompkins County | -- |
ELLIS | Marilyn Sage | Dryden | 1844 |
ELLIOTT | Roger Elliott | Ithaca, Tompkins Co. | 1850-1889 |
ELLIOTT | Linda Dabulewicz | Dryden | 1830-1860 |
ELLIOTT | Roger Elliott | Tompkins County | 1860-1910 |
ELLIS | Skip Mills | uncertain | late 1700 - early 1800 |
ELMORE | Chris Peterson | Tompkins County | -- |
ELYEA/ELYA/ALYEA | Alvin R Elya | bradford. reading | 1820 |
EMERY | Helen | Danby, Ithaca, Newfield | 1880s |
EMERY | John H. Beach | Danby, Spencer and Newfield | 1800- |
EMERY | emery | Trumansburg | 1830 |
EMERY | James Dickinson | Trumansburg | -- |
ENGLISH | Christine Brown | Dryden | 1800-1838 |
ENGLISH | Cindy Duffek | town unknown | probably about 1800 |
ENGLISH | Gordon C. English Sr. | Dryden | 1820/1830 Census |
ENGLISH | Florence Dann | unsure | 1800s |
ENGLISH | Connelly VanValkenburgh | Danby | 1850-1875 |
ERWAY/ERVAY | Jean Erway Nichols | Tompkins Co. | 1800s |
EUGENE | Kathy Marek | Groton | 1880 |
EVANS | Gloria Farrell | 1807-1840 | Groton |
EVERETT | Mrs. Nancy Rogers | Tompkins County | -- |
EVERTS | Terri Camp | Dryden, Ithaca | 1890s-1960s |
EWAN | Margaret Force Christensen | Tompkins County | -- |
EWERS | Cheryl Stanfield | Dryden | ca 1815 - 1940s |
FAIRCLOUGH | Terry McDonald | Groton, Lansing | 1870-1925 |
FARKAS | Stephen L. Farkas | Lansing | 1900 |
FARMER | Ginny Vandermate | Ithaca | 1861 - ? |
FARNSWORTH | Phyllis Clearwater | Thompkins County | 18??-19?? |
FARRELL | Tom Herson | Ithaca, Lansing | 1836 to present |
FARRINGTON | Marilynne W. Wright | Ithaca, Tompkins Co. | |
FAUVER | Connie Corbett-Whittier | Tompkins County | 1820s |
FENNER | Douglas Smith | Freeville | 1930 |
FERGUSON | Elizabeth Dimon | Trumansburgh | 1815-1860 |
FERGUSON | Donald Ferguson | Dryden | Before 1855 |
FERNAN | Sally A. Breen | Ithaca | c. 1830s to present |
FERRIS | Deb Rittmeyer | Tompkins | Dryden c1851-1875 |
FERRIS | Bob Lefler | Hector/Ulysses thence to Pa. | circa 1810-1825 |
FISH | T. Fish McMullen | Enfield | 1849-1900 |
FISH | Paul L. Nutt | Enfield, Tompkins CO. | 1825-1900 |
FISH | Hortense Wilkinson | Danby, Newfield, Tompkins County | 1830s-1840s |
FISH | Melinda Cornwell | Newfield | 1820-1900 |
FISHER/FISCHER | Margie Landreville | Dryden | 1830-1845 |
FISHER | Carolynn J. Weeks | Ithaca/Spencer area | Late 1700s - present |
FLEMING | Eileen Gilbert | Ithaca | 1800s |
FLETCHER | Lara Fletcher | Enfield, Tompkins | 1790 to present |
FOLEY | Jill Foley | Ithaca | 1894 - present |
FOOTE | Jonathan Armstrong | Ithaca | 1870-1940 |
FORCE | Margaret Force Christensen | Tompkins County | -- |
FORD | Sharon Rogers | Newfield | 1800-1840 |
FORMAN/FURMAN/FURMAN | Jerry Forman | Ithaca | 1790 - 1840 |
FORSYTH | Bill Sharpe | Dryden, McLean, Tompkins County | mid-1800s |
FORSYTH/FORSYTHE | George E. Kelly | Trumansburg, Ulysses | 1810-1860 |
FORTNER | Pamela Ingrody | Dryden | 1785-? |
FOSBINDER | Jack Fosbinder | Tomkins, Newfield, Ithaca | |
FOSTER | Mary Deming | Lewis | 1850-1870 |
FOWLER | Walt Jones | Tompkins County | 1840-1850s |
FOWLES | Tom Fowles | Tompkins County | c. 1840-1880 |
FOX | Frances A. Lunsford | W. Dryden | 1840's -1890's |
FOX | Bill Drew | Ithaca | since 1930s |
FOX | Terri Crockford | Ithaca | 1900 |
FRANK | james towner | ithaca, ny | ? to anytime between 1981-1984 |
FRANKLIN | Laurel F. Dearborn | Ithaca | 1835-? |
FRANKLIN | Patrick J. Horan | Ulysses | 1815-1840 |
FRANKLIN | Waneta M. Arner | Ithaca | ca 1818 |
FRASIER | James Dickinson | Trumansburg | -- |
FRASIER | Harold Hooper | Dryden | ca 1840-1853 |
FREAR | Frank Wicker | Tompkins Co. | 1831 |
FREEMAN | Kathy Freeman Hensley | Tompkins County, Ithaca | 1807-c. 1860 |
FREEMAN | Roberta | Dryden, Etna | 1825 |
FREER | Linda Smetzer | Tompkins County | 1800-1880 |
FREESE | Jayne Thompson | Newfield, Enfield, Tompkins County | 1850 to 1900 |
FREESE | Dede Stafford | Lansing, Tompkins County | 1815-1870+ |
FRENCH | Jim French | Tompkins County | -- |
FREY | Madeline Jenkins Millard | Ithaca | 1920-2008 |
FRITTS | Brant Cramer | Hector | 1815-1860 |
FURMAN | Gerald H. Forman | Ithaca, Danby, Spencer and others | 1790-1840(+) |
GALE | Jeff Cargian | Groton | 1820-present |
GANOUNG/GENUNG/GANUNG | Doris Maffitt | Hector or Perry City or Pine Valley | cir 1850 |
GANOUNG | Leigh Boen | Tompkins County | ca 1803+ |
GARDNER/GARDINER | Anne Gardner | Ithaca | abt. 1790 - 1815 |
GARDNER | Christine | Danby, Tompkins Co & Tioga | 1800 - to present |
GARDNER | Kem K. Hart | Tompkins County | 1900 to present |
GARDNER | Barbara Scott Prince | Caroline, Tompkins & Danby, Tompkins Co.,NY | 1800-1889 |
GARDNER | Dee Watt | Tompkins County | ca 1840 to present |
GASTON | Judy Woodard | Tompkins County | early 1800s |
GATES | Wendy Sheldon Black | Tompkins Co. | 1800 |
GEE | LeAnn Weller | Enfield, Newfield, Ulyssess Towns | 1800?-current |
GEORGIA | Georgia Cox | Tomkins | 1800 on |
GENUNG | Janet Nash | Tompkins County | 1800 to present |
GEORGE | Lois Fox | Tompkins Co. | 1880-1898 |
GERMAN | J. Gray | Dryden | c. 1832 - ? |
GIBBS | Phyllis Ewer Gibbs | Ithaca | to about 1879 |
GIBBS | Paul Gibbs | Lansing | ~ 1780 |
GIBBS | Jim Gibbs | Groton | 1813 to present |
GILBERT | Tom and Mel Reininger | Tompkins Co. | 1800 - present |
GILCHRIST | Margaret Robinson | Groton, Tompkins Co. | Early 1900s |
GILL | Darla Stimbert | Dryden, Groton, Freeville | 1850-1900 (Previously in Cayuga Co.) |
GILL | Lou Ann McIntyre | Tompkins County | -- |
GILLETT | Julia Gillett Hendrick | Newfield | 1800 on |
GILTNER/GULDERN | Agatha Davenport | In or near Ulysses | -- |
GIVENS | Patricia Givens Warner | Tompkins County | 1804 - ?? |
GLEASON | Deb Rittmeyer | Ulysses | 1812-1830 |
GLENNY | Israel Tyler | Ithaca | 1831-1900 |
GODFREY | Sherlene Schmitt-Belden | Ithaca | 1830s |
GODLEY | Jayne Thompson | Newfield | 1875 |
GOLDSMITH | Dennis Lynch | Tompkins Co. | 1828 |
GOODYEAR | Mrs. Nancy Rogers | Tompkins County | -- |
GORDON | Sally Gordon | Tompkins County, NY | before 1844... moved to Michigan in 1844 |
GOSMAN | Anne Hurst | Danby | 1810 |
GOSPER | Linda Smetzer | Caroline | 1800-1850 |
GRACE | Joan Meister | Groton | 1850s and 1860s |
GRAHAM | Gloria Hall | Newfield | 1850 |
GRAHAM | Tom Herson | Ithaca | 1850 |
GRANT | Barbara | Ithica | 1900+ |
GRAVES | Madge Norton | Tompkins Co. | 1839 |
GRAY | Jim White | Tompkins County | early 1800s, pre-1840 |
GRAY | Lynne Parezo | Ithaca/Endfield | 1808 to present |
GRAZULEWICZ | Charles Antonello (non-working email) |
tompkins | 1930 |
GREEN | Donald Green | Groton | 1818 to 1917 |
GREEN | Cathy Dennee Johnson | Ulysses | 1791-1805 |
GREEN | Brenda Whelply | Danby, Ithaca | early 1800 to 1970 |
GREENFIELD | Darla Stimbert | Dryden, Freeville, Groton, Ithaca | abt 1840 - present? |
GREGOIRE | J. Peter Gregoire | Tompkins County | 1841-1963 |
GRIDLEY | Ray Gridley | Dryden | 1920 |
GRIFFIN | Wendy Hughes | Ithaca | 1880-present |
GRIFFIN | Karen Dickson | Caroline, Dryden | ca 1800 to present |
GRIPMAN | Gripman | ||
GRISWOLD | Mike Ballard | Dryden | mid 1700 to present |
GROVER | Bill Wheater | Tompkins County | 1820-1930 |
GROVER | Virginia Peterson | Dryden, Ithaca | 1800 to present |
GUILE, GUILES | James Hannan | Dryden | 1830-? |
GUNDERMAN | Sheryl Robinson | Danby, Ithaca | 1825-early 1900s |
GUTHRIE | Evangeline Denton | Lansing | Early 1800's |
GUTTRIDGE/GUTTERIDGE | William Guttridge | Groton, Dryden | 1830-1840 |
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