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Tompkins County Surnames (H-I-J)

A-B  C-D  E-F-G  H-I-J  K-L  M-N  O-P  Q-R-S  T-U-V  W-X-Y-Z


HALL Cheryl Hall Danby and Caroline/Candor (Tioga Co.) 1805 -
HALL Wendy Sheldon Black Tompkins Co. 1800
HALLER Jay Rowe Ithaca 1885-1925
HALLIDAY Joanna Johnson Williams Ithaca 1840s-1900s
HALSEY Marcia v. Ferguson (Ginger) Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY 1810-1859
HALSEY Anne Hurst Dryden, Ithaca, Ovid, Trumansburg, Ulysses 1793
HALSTEAD Sandra Hall Dryden before 1808
HAMILL Teri Hamill Groton 1930-1960
HAMILTON Doris Moran Tompkins Co.  
HAMILTON Hamilton stonequrey rd 1943
HAMILTON Lucy Griffin Lansing 19th Century
HAMILTON Marlena Hamilton Flynn    
HAMILTON Barbara Scott Prince Caroline, Tompkins & Danby, Tompkins Co.,NY 1800-1889
HAMILTON Denise Leishman Caroline, Ithaca 1800-1870
HAMILTON Bonnie Hamilton Lansing early 1800's
HAMMOND Laverna Vargeson ithaca 1830
HAMMOND Holly Sprise Kobza Tompkins County -
HAMS Barbara Matul Ulysses c. 1900
HANDLEN Tom Herson Town of Ulysses 1840 to present
HANFORD Larry Loucks Danby 1820 - 1950
HANMER Dolores Chase Ithaca/Schuyler Co./Tioga Co. 1797 - 1900
HARDENBROOK Mary Maki Jacksonville 1900-1945
HARDY Steve Burt Ithaca Late 1800s
HARRIS Raymond Samuel Solomon Slaterville Springs 1955
HARRIS Harris B. Dates Slaterville Springs 1830
HART Kem K. Hart Groton, W. Dryden, Ithaca 1850 to present
HARVEY Georgia Cox Tomkins 1800 on
HARVEY D. Hutchison Enfield 1800s
HARVEY Karen Dickson Enfield 1806 to present
HASKINS Nancy Tweedie    
HASTINGS Karen Johnson Groton 1800-1870s
HATCH Vicki Watrous Sappington Groton c. 1800 -
HATHAWAY Wendy Sheldon Black Tompkins Co. 1800
HAVENS Edwin Havens Danby 1800-1880
HAVENS Dave Havens Hector 1800 - 1860
HAVENS Ed Havens Danby 1800's
HAVENS Sarah E. Benware Ithaca 1860s-?
HAVILAND Jim Trumansburg 1820-1870
HAWES Bob Ford Danby 1800-1860
HAWKINS Jaques Hawkins Ithaca, Newfield, Dryden 1800-1870
HAY(E)S Nancy Trembley Ludlowville, South Lansing 1820 - 1840
HAYWOOD Sheri Nye Tompkins County 1800's
HAYT Dave Hayt Ithaca 1814-1833
HEAD Joy Weaver Enfield, Ulysses, Tompkins Co. 1800s
HEAD Scott Simon Tompkins Co. 1812-1854
HEAD Douglas Bates Tompkins County 1812-?
HEFFRON Kyle Johnson Tompkins County --
HEFFRON Sarah Nicole Third Tompkins County 1800-present
HEFFRON/HEFFERNON  Richard Heffron Etna, Dryden c. 1829-1912
HELLEN Kathy Marek Groton 1880
HENDERSON Theresa Rae Donlick -- --
HENDRICKS/HENDRIX Judy Shelton Newfield, Tompkins Co. 1880
HENDRICKS Judy Shelton Ithaca 1800
HENDRICKSON Brett Burrowes Tompkins County 1859-1920
HENDRIX Judy Shelton Newfield 1800
HENRY Thomas Henry Unknown Unknown
HERRICK Nancy Tweedie    
HERSON Tom Herson Ithaca 1830-present
HETTIS Sharon Hettis Ritchie South Lansing, Ludlowville, Ithaca 1900-present
HEWITT Carlita Beltz Trumansburg, Ulysses 1700-1800's
HICKS Jennifer Stansfield Newfield, Ithaca, Tompkins County late 1800's-present
HILE Nancy Ferguson Dryden township  
HILDRETH Barbara R Himes Tompkins Co 1700-1800s
HILES Alex Otero Dryden, Tompkins County c. 1810 to c. 1920
HILE George Hile Dryden 1797 to 1930
HILL Marian Nelson HILL HILL
HILLICK Bob Hillick Ithaca 1820-present
HOAGLAND Tom and Mel Reininger Tompkins Co. 1800 - present
HOGABOOM/HOGEBOOM Darla Hogaboom Tompkins Co. Trumansburg
HOLLENBECK Patricia Givens Warner Ithaca, Tompkins County 1838
HOLLISTER Eileen Howard Danby 1775-1925
HOLLISTER Carolyn van Leer Danby and Ithaca early 1800 to present
HOLLY/HOLLEY Enfield 1825-1940
HOLLY David M. Holly Jacksonville born about 1824
HOLMES Bobby D Bouchell Lansing 1826 - 1836
HOOPER, HOOS(E) Dale Updike Ulysses 1750-1850
HOOSE Pamela Denton Tompkins County 1790-1930
HOOVER/HOVER Madeline Jenkins Millard Caroline, Danby and Ithaca 1860-2008
HOPKINS Diane Clawson Ithaca/Ulysses aft. 1800-1848
HORST/VON DER HORST Volker van Ekeris    
HORTON Catherine Machan Martin mother lived Newfield 1836-1856
HOUGHTALEN Marjorie Gesford caroline center, n.y. 1850
HOUSE Edward P. House Newfield 1801-1876
HOUSE Gwen Mecum Hunt South Danby 1800s
HOUTZ Marie Brasington Etna, Lansingville, Salmon Creek 1806-1900
HOWARD Blake Howard Groton 1770s-1850+
HOWE Irene Crout Johnson dryden, tompkins mid 1800's
HOWE Leigh Boen Tompkins County ca 1850+
HOWE Regina Brannen Adam Newfield 1800-1840
HOWELL Lynda Decker Blanford Tompkins County 1700s-1900s
HOWELL CAROLYN STONE Tompkins Co. early 1800's
HOWLAND Roger Howland Danby, Ithaca 1806-1900
HOWLAND Kathy Varela McLean 1831-1896
HOWLAND Melinda Cornwell Tompkins County 1854-1890
HUBBARD Neal Thompson Caroline Center, Tompkins County 1800's
HUBBARD Neal Thompson Tompkins County 1819-1900
HULBERT Nancy Hulbert Pakkala Danby, West Danby 1810-present
HULBERT Mary Casterline West Danby 1900-1980
HULL Kathleen March   19th-20th c.
HULSLANDER Lynda Decker Blanford Tompkins County 1700s-1900s
HUNGERFORD Karen Dickson Tompkins County ca 1850 to present
HUNGERFORD Tom Welsh Tompkins County -
HUNT Mary Billington Liller Tompkins County early 1800's
HUNT Mrs. Nancy Rogers Tompkins County --
HUNT Tammee Jo Seeley Tompkins County 1800 to present
HUNTER Jennifer Bush Trumansburg 1900's-present?
HUNTING Vicki Reynolds Mazur Dryden ca 1800-1861
HUTTON Kay List Ruckle Dryden 1800-1890
HYATT Tom Howard Danby 1810-1850
IACOVELLI Diane Pantozzi Black Ithaca 1920s-present
ILLSTON Jim Sazevich Ithaca 1850s - 1880s
INGERSOLL Deborah Martin-Plugh Ulysses, Enfield, Tompkins

Circa 1790 – present

INGERSOLL Leigh Boen Tompkins County 1870+
IRELAND Robert S. Taylor Danby, Ithaca ca 1830 to present
IVES Susan Mitchener Lansing, Thompkins Co., NY 1827-1846
JACKSON Marilynne W. Wright Ithaca, Tompkins Co.  
JACKSON A. Whittaker Ithaca mid-1800s
JACKSON Bonnie Carr Ithaca 1869
JACOBS Frank L. Jacobs Lansing Early to late 1800s
JACOBS Evangeline Denton Lansing Early 1800's
JAMES Deborah Martin-Plugh Newfield, Ithaca c. 1815-present
JAMES Linda Ely Tompkins County 1840-1860
JAMESON Sonja Hongisto Bowman Dryden 1810S to ?
JAMESON Reyes J. Quinones Sr b. Dryden b. 1860s
JAMESON Rick France Gee Hill Rd. 1880-1960
JAMISON Dennis Lynch   1828
JAMISON Rex Clement Dryden 1815-1910
JEFFERSON Mary Adele Taylor Hector, Tompkins Co. Before 1850
JEFFERY Ron Schmitt Ulysses 1807's
JENKINS Madeline Jenkins Millard Enfield and Ithaca 1920-2008
JENNINGS Jan Garside Groton  
JENNINGS Tom Clarke Danby 1801-1900
JENNINGS Merlyn Hollomon Whiting Tompkins County --
JENSEN jerome jensen groton 1930 to 1957
JESSUP Jessup Tomplins county about 1830
JESSUP Linda Francisco Newfield 1830's
JOHNSON Betty Tompkins County 1830-?
JOHNSON Patricia Butterfield Vedner Tompkins County 1795-
JOHNSON Laura Meyer Tompkins Co. 1840-1855
JOHNSON Sylvia Dryden (Virgil) 1822-1842
JOHNSON Pat Andre dryden 1880
JOHNSON Sherlene Schmitt-Belden Ithaca 1830's
JOHNSON Pat Quick Caroline 1889
JOHNSON Cheryl Hall Ithaca, Danby, & Tompkins County 1790s to 1900s
JOHNSTON Chris Lewis Danby 1797-?
JOHNSTON Nancy Christensen Ithaca 1930s
JONES Ralph B. Krainik Groton c. 1805-1848
JONES Shika Jones Pollard Tompkins County 1900s-present
JONES Georgia Whitson Danby, Ithaca, Trumansburg, Ulysses 1800-1850
JOPP Kenneth Jopp Danby  
JOY Sarah Thorson Ludlowville 1800's
JUDD Lizabeth Rice Caroline 1830s
JUNE Joyce Simpson Morrell Dryden, Tompkins county before1825?
JUNE Jeanne Peterson Tompkins County before 1800's


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