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Tompkins County Surnames (K-L)

A-B  C-D  E-F-G  H-I-J  K-L  M-N  O-P  Q-R-S  T-U-V  W-X-Y-Z


KANE Laura Gray Dryden, Ithaca approx 1837 - 1856
KANE John Kane McLean c. 1850-1900
KASTENHUBER Daryl + Amanda Verstreate Trumansburg, Covert, Hector 1800 to present
KEEFE Jean Privitera Tompkins County 1917 - 1960
KEENER Joanie Keener Danby, Tompkins Co. 1880-1892
KEENEY Nancy Tweedie    
KELLOGG Martha S. Magill Newfield 1820-1840s
KELLOGG Leigh Boen Tompkins County 1820+
KELLOGG Nancy Ellen Robinson Newfield Twp 1840
KELLY Kay Fordham Tompkins Co. 1800s
KELLY Sue Swenson Tompkins County 1800s
KENNEDA Denise Enfield 1830
KENNEDY Terri Crockford Tompkins County 1800-present
KENNEDY Dee Watt Tompkins County ca 1800 to present
KENERSON Eileen Crimmins Tompkins County 1830-1840s
KENNY Marcia V. Ferguson (Ginger) Ulysses 1879
KIBLER rebecca remington tompkins-cayuga 1840-1879
KIMBLE Jeffrey Waite Enfield 1835 thru 1875
KIMPLE Pat Ellison Trumansburg from 1870's and up
KIMPLE Elizabeth Savage Dimon Trumansburgh 1850
KING Erin King Ulysses ?-1870s
KING Edith E. Barr Ovid 1817
KING Andrew F. Dannemann Trumansburg 1770-1900
KING Roger Howland Danby, Ithaca 1796-1900
KINNE Kacy Novak Groton City 1881
KIRBY George Rogers Enfield --
KIRBY Kathy Blomquist Caroline/Speedsville 1810-1880
KIRKENDALL Shirley Murray Tompkins County and Chemung County early l800s until present
KIRKENDALL Cheryl Hall Danby, Ithaca, Newfield & Tompkins County early 1800 to 1900s
KNAPP Barb Dryden, Groton 1780 to 1850
KNETTLES/KNITTLES Melinda Cornwell Tompkins County 1800s
KNIGHT Tammie Knight Ithaca/Spencer 1870 to 1950
KOISTINEN Jayne Stewart Tompkins Co., Dryden 1923- 1947
KORTS Anna Laoudis Ithaca c.1800-1960
KOUF Robert Morton Ithaca, Groton, Newfield, Lansing 1900 to present
KRATZER Calvin Sereno Porter Burdette 1830-1840s
KREJCA Steve Pokorny Newfield 1859-1980s
KRIZEK Howard Krizek Ithaca & Lansing 1914 to present
KRNOTCH Randy Hendrickson Ithaca, Enfield 1800s-1900s
KRUM Bill Detmers Dryden 1835-1845
KRUVER Vicki Reynolds Mazur Dryden ca 1800-1861
LaBAR Joanne LaBarr DiGiovacchino Tomkins Co. Mid 1800-1900s
LACEY Bruce Beatty Dryden 1860 (before & after)
LADD Walt Jones Tompkins County 1840-1880s
LAIRD Donna Tompkins County  
LAMBERSON Frank Lamberson Ithaca 1820-1830
LAMBERT sharon tompkins Ithaca, NY 1860
LAMBERT Julie Ramsby Tompkins Co. Ulysses-Hector
LAMONT Clayton L. Dans Jr. Tompkins County 1800 to present
LAMPMAN Judy Bland Tompkins Co. 1820- 1950
LAMPHIER Jack Lamphier Ithaca c. 1930
LANCASTER Doris Dempsey Enfield c1850
LANDON Hillick Ithaca 1820 to present
LANNING O. Pencille Enfield 1812 - 1930
LANNING Georgia Cox Tomkins 1800 on
LANTERMAN Liz Pierce Tompkins County --
LARRABEE No Name Dryden 1809
LARUE Veronica Wyre Tompkins County 1865-1971
LASUER Bailey Francis Dryden early 1800s
LAWRENCE Joan Sickles Tompkins County --
LAWTON Andrew F. Dannemann Ithaca 1850-1900
LEARN Deborah Martin-Plugh Lansing, Tompkins

Circa 1800 – 1910

LeBAR/LaBAR Stephen M La Bar Sr. Ithaca 1917 to c. 1935
LEE Stephanie Lee Caroline 1820-1840
LEE Harry Lee ? approx 1850
LEE Barbara Ithaca 1930+/-
LEE Barbara McCarthy Ithaca 1850's - 1941
LEET Kris Leet Speedsville  
LEET Dorothey Sherman Caroline Early 1800s
LEFLER Bob Lefler Ulyssus 1821-1825
LEGGE/LEGG Jill Sheridan Chapman Speedsville 1890's
LEGGETT Laurel F. Dearborn Caroline 1816-1865
LEONARD Jeanette Clark Hector 1820
LETTS Leigh Boen Tompkins County 1820+
LEONARD Harry Lee ? approx 1850
LEONARD Melanie Tew Hector 1820-?+
LEWIS Phill Simpson Ulysses 1810-1850
LEWIS Judy Wood Dryden, Ithaca 1810
LEWIS Holly Sprise Kobza Tompkins County --
LEWIS J.W. Ritter Tompkins County 1810
LINDERBERRY Leon Bingham Tompkins County --
LINDERBERRY Dolores T. Chase Ithaca/Tompkins County 1820 - -
LINDERMAN Catherine Machan (Kay) Martin Dryden 1820
LINDERMAN Sandi Tompkins Co. 1800s
LINDERMAN Tamara Gaffney Tompkins Co. late 1700s
LINDERMAN Tamara Gaffney Tompkins Co. late 1700s
LINDERMAN Virgil E. Uphold Tompkins Co., NY 1800
LINDHOLM Marilyn Gerdes Ithaca 1975
LITTLE Carmen Little Roupp Freeville, NY 1920s - 2002
LINN/LYNN Geraldine A. Hardway Newfield and Ulysses Twp. 1800-1815
LOCKWOOD Michele R. Lockwood Tompkins County 1920s
LONGSTREET Hillick Ithaca 1820-1860
LOOMIS Judy Woodard Tompkins County --
LORMOR Bill Sharpe Tompkins County 1740s to present
LORMOR Gene Lormor tompkins county 1815
LOSEE Tom Welsh Tompkins County --
LOSEY Marlene Laing   1790
LOUNSBERY Ann Lounsbery Owens Caroline 1830-present
LOVELL Karen Dickson Enfield 1805 to present
LOYHED Katy Pye Dryden 1830+/-
LUCE/LUSE Beverly Walker Tompkins County 1802 to present
LUDDINGTON Sue Barry Tompkins County 1800s
LUDLOW George Ludlow Tompkins County abt. 1788 - 1900
LUDLOW MarGene Hart Fortman (formerly Ludlow) Groton, NY on or before 1938-1960
LUDLUM Jane E. Ashby Ulysses 1850
LUTES Tonya Lutes Trumansburg Present
LUTHER Jack Luther Groton 1800-1900
LYKE Jim Trumansburg 1820-1870
LYKE Jeanne Bratton Ithaca 1890-1930
LYNCH Michelle Kuney Scialdone Tompkins County Town of Caroline
LYNCH Sarah Nicole Third Tompkins County 1800s-present
LYON(S) mrs. beverly kinnee ithaca before 1830
LYONS Karl Swartz Ithaca 1834-1913


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