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Tompkins County Surnames (T-U-V)

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TABER Christine Courtwright Ithaca c. 1845 to 1935
TABER B. McGuire Enfield or Newfield ny 1817-1883
TARBELL Maggie Palmer Tompkins County --
TAYLOR Emily Cole Ulysses (England) 1800 and 1900
TAYLOR Ed Havens Danby 1800s
TAYLOR Darlene Jackson Lansing 1865
TAYLOR Leigh Boen Tompkins County ca 1850+
TAYLOR Unknown Lansing early 1800s
TAYLOR Bailey Francis Dryden early 1800s
TAYLORR Daryl + Amanda Verstreate Trumansburg, Covert, Hector 1800 to present
TEATS Barbara Z. Lansing, Dryden, Ithaca 1810-1880
TEED Beth White Matsuyama Ithaca 1820s to 1940s
TEED Bonnie Tidd Miller Tompkins County 1800-1860
TEETER Mary Teeter Lansing 1800-2010
TEETER Sally Darby Sauer Lansing, Ludlowville 1794-?
TEETER Jill Foley Ithaca 1894 - present
TEETER Florence Ithaca, New York 1936 to 1957
TEETER Laurie Teeter Smith Dunham Ithaca & Newfield, NY 1807 - 2002
TEETER Mary Billington Liller Tompkins County early 1800s
TEETER Lena Hurst Tompkins County --
TEETS Barbara Z. Lansing, Dryden, Ithaca 1810-1880
TELLER charles mccormick DK 1830
TERHUNE Jane E. Ashby Enfield 1880
TERPENING Sandra Hall Dryden before 1808
TERRY Emily Cole Ulysses/Trumansburg 1800 and 1900
TERRY Lynne Parezo Tompkins Co. 1700's onward
THATCHER Ray Maki Danby Early 1900s
THAYER Sandy Newman Danby Late 1800s
THOMAS Larry Loucks Danby 1850 - 1950
THOMAS Amy Kresley Unknown  
THOMAS Beverly Luce Walker Dryden 1811-present
THOMPSON Brigid Doherty-Gillette Ulysses 1840-
THOMPSON/TOMPSON Linda Francisco Newfield 1830s
THOMPSON Marie Baumgartner-Brasington Irish Settlement/Dryden 1817-1832
THORNE Sandra Freeman Ithaca 1829-?
THORNTON Jay Rowe Ithaca 1885-1925
THORPE CP Ulysses or Lansing 1860s
TICKNER Nancy Tweedie    
TIDD Wallace Martin Tidd Thompkins Co., 1827-1845
TIDD Bonnie Tidd Miller Danby 1820-1890
TILLOTSON Cecil Houk Tompkins County 1816-1852
TOBIAS William marose Tompkins Co, Danby 1818 1825
TOCK Philip K Webb Enfield 1840s
TODD Carol Langford Newfield 1800-1900
TOMPKINS Sharon Tompkins Ithaca, NY 1860 - present
TOMPKINS James D. Tompkins n/a Lake City Florida  
TOMPKINS Ellen Tompkins Howell Tompkins Tompkins
TOMPKINS Allen Keith Tompkins Tompkins County 1808-1841+
TOWNSEND William Townsend Ithaca 1890-Present
TRACY Roger D. Hagin ? 1890-1920
TRACY Brenda Rickman Enfield 1820s
TRACEY Shirley Tracey Ithaca 1900-1990
TRAPP Jim Kucharshi Dryden & Lansing 1810 to 1900
TRAVIS Laura Meyer Tompkins Co. 1840-1855
TRAVIS Cathy Kozlarek Mecklenburg 1852
TRAVIS Tom Travis Enfield 1854-1887
TREMAN Bob Lefler Hector/Ulysses thence to Pa. circa 1810-1825
TROTTER Bryan Bradford Enfield ?
TROWBRIDGE Kathy Freeman Hensley Tompkins County, Ithaca 1807-c. 1860
TRUMBLE R. Scott Purvis Lansing, Tompkins Co. died 27 Dec 1824
TUCKER Kathy (Tucker) Leigh Dryden 1800s
TUCKER lbrormeyer dryden 1810
TUCKER Blanch San Soucie Stout Enfield 1800?
TULLER charles mccormick dryden 1820-30
TUPPER Andrew F. Dannemann Tompkins County, Ithaca 1860-1901
TURCK, TURK Ray Fuller Caroline, Dryden, Enfield 1800 to early 1900s
TURK, TURCK Jeffrey S. Anderson Ithaca 1854-1976
TVAROHA Warren Tvaroha groton 1872-
TWOGOOD John & Susan Cranston Dryden 1830s
TYLER Dave Tyler Dryden, Etna 1800s
TYLER Richard Chambers Dryden 1800s
UNDERWOOD Sheri Nye Tompkins County -
UPDIKE Margaret Force Christensen Tompkins County -
UPDIKE Ken Grantham Ulysses 1800s
UPDIKE Betsy Crane Ulysses, Dryden, Groton 1800 on
UPDYKE/UPDIKE Bob Lefler Hector/New Field 1804-1826
UPDYKE Eva Savage Trumansburg c. 1880
UTTER Dave Puerner Danby 1920
VAIL/VALE Vail Tompkins Co 1803-1841
VAIL John E. Bartos   ca1800-1848
VAIL Tompkins County 1803-1855
VAN BERGER Nancy K. Bond Lansing - W. Groton 1870 -1905
VAN BUSKIRK Rebecca Smith Tompkins county 1825-1855
VAN DE BOGART/VANDEBOGART Veronica Wyre Tompkins County 1865-1932
VAN DE BOGART Nancy L. Tweedie Danby 1820
VANDEBOGART Gwen Mecum Hunt South Danby 1800s
VANDERHOEF Frances A. Lunsford    
VANDERPOOL GHanlan -- 1830-?
VANDERVORT Dale Updike Enfield or Ulysses 1700-1832
VAN DORN Deborah Martin-Plugh Enfield and Ithaca, Tompkins

Circa 1811 – 1940

VAN DYKE Emily Cole Ulysses/Trumansburg 1800 and 1900
VAN EKERIS Volker van Ekeris    
VAN FLEET Dee Watt Tompkins County ca 1800 to present
VANGORDER Sandy Newman Danby Late 1800s
VAN HOUTEN Leanne Keefer Bechdel uncertain 1700's
VAN IDERSTINES Carol Dallas Caroline William (War 1812), John, James
VAN KEUREN/VAN CUREN/VANCUREN Bill Wheater Tompkins County 1820-1930
VAN KEUREN Vancuren Tompkins County -
VAN MARTER Karen Dickson Tompkins County 1836 to present
VAN MARTER Debbe A. Hagner Dryden, Groton 1790 to present
VAN NORTWICK Bonnie Hamilton Dryden Twp. by 1817
VAN ORDER Patricia Stillwell Mims Ithaca 1808-1921
VANORDER Jean Clark Etna 1853
VAN ORDER/VANORDER John A. Van Order Tompkins County -
VAN ORDER/VANORDER Leigh Boen Tompkins County 1800+
VAN ORDER Caitlin Addison-Howard Ithaca  
VAN OSTRAND Vicky Van Ostrand Tompkins County 1830s-present
VAN RIPER Renee Starr Danby, Newfield 1830s through mid-1900's
VAN SCOYK Diane White Caroline 1910
(VAN)TILBURY J.W. Ritter Tompkins County 1810
VAN VLEET Linda Van Vleet Frost Hill? 1839-1900?
VAN ZILE Tina Petruska Newfield  
VAUGHN Jay Smith Dryden 1817-1870
VEASEY Terri Lynn Veasey Newburgh  
VEIT Terri Crockford Ithaca 1910-present
VELDRAN Carl Weaver Ithaca 1820s-1860
VERLIE Carl Weaver Tompkins County -
VICKERY Wendy Sheldon Black Tompkins Co. 1800
VICKERY Jeanie Innes Caroline 1801-1830

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