The article was undated in the scrap book but placed between two 1863 articles on NY quotas and drafts with one of them actually pasted slightly over this article. The article was actually a double column of names and where you see abbreviations it was so they could fit it into the column.
A Most Creditable Record
The citizens of Ithaca deserve much praise for the energy, liberality and determination manifested during the last few days in raising the money necessary to secure the quota of volunteers from this town and to pay them $100 each additional bounty. Nearly $15,000 have already been voluntarily subscribed for this purpose. Fifteen thousand dollars is a large amount to be raised for such a fund in a community like this - especially when it is considered that it has before raised an equal amount during the past year for a very similar purpose. It is a record that we may proudly stand by.
That the volunteers may see who it is that has furnished the money to pay them this munificent bounty, we publish below the names of the subscribers and the amounts of their subscription. The Committee are still soliciting additional subscriptions, and we shall be happy to add their names next week. Any mistakes we may have made in publishing the list we shall be pleased to correct next week.
William Andrus - $200
F & W Andrus, jr. - $100
Wm B Allen - $2
Geo Auchmoodie - $2
D. Boardman - $100
J. Buritt & Son - $200
Geo D. Beers - $1,000
Fred Barnard - $50
Fred Brooks - $20
M R Barnard - $20
Wm H Brown - $10
C F Blood - $50
Beardsley Bros - $$50
Henry F Bennett - $5
D L Burtt - $25
Chas Bush - $100
Almon Boys - $10
Willard Boys - $5
A H Bundy - $25
Oliver Bradley - $5
I M & F Beers - $100
A J Bennett - $10
Chas Burling - $5
Aaron Bradbury - $5
H H Bradley - $25
Wm Bryant - $25
J B Bennett's boat yd - $571/2
Ezra Cornell - $1,300
A B Cornell - $200
Chas B Curtis - $100
Croziers - $100
J C Cook - $100
Philip Case - $15
L F Colgrove - $15
C Christiance & Son - $50
James Cregar - $15
Adam Cregar - $15
Wm M Culver - $100
L H Culver - $100
Coddington Bros - $25
Fred Deming - $100
H A Dowe - $50
Sheldon Davis - $5
C C Dryer - $20
A H Devenport - $50
Wm J Egbert - $100
Joseph Esty - $100
Edward S Esty - $100
Wm W Esty - $25
Wm Fosbinder - $250
Geo Franks - $100
A H Fowler - $10
Thaddeus Fisher - $25
Geo Fowles - $50
Alex Frear - $50
Fosbinder's boat y'd - $147
F M Finch - $25
Miles Finch - $50
H J Grant & Co - $100
Granger, Carman & Co. - $75
S & J Giles - $100
O H Gregory - $50
John Gauntlett - $50
Francis Granger - $2
C Gardner - $25
John Granville - $5
John Gerard - $7
DeWitt C Garrett - $100
Geo Gibbs - $5
Wm G Gibbs - $5
G Garrett's boatyard - $28
C Gardner's boatyard - $20
Capt A L Goodrich - $20
Wesley Hooker - $100
Samuel Harris - $200
G W Hoysradt - $100
Hixson & Cartwright - $100
B F Horton - $10
John Hawkins - $25
James Hanshaw - $10
Horace Hill - $25
Newell Hungerford - $10
A N Hungerford - $10
Hezekiah Hoyt - $25
S B Howland - $40
A J Howland - $5
J H Howland - $5
F Hooker - $3
Geo Hibbard - $1
Geo Harris - $25
Geo P Hawley - $25
Allen B Hazen - $25
Blair A Hazen - $10
J N Ives - $25
J A Jarvis - $25
John Kendall - $100
Kenney, Byington & co. - $25
R W King - $200
Peter Kline - $50
Philip Kline - $50
N S Kenyon - $50
J W Kiper & Co. - $30
Alex King - $250
John Lewis - $50
Leonard & Chambers - $10
David Letts - $5
John Letts - $3
Wm P Luce - $100
Morris Lanning - $10
Elias Lanning - $25
C F Livermore - $15
John McGraw - $500
L S McWhorter - $100
E J Morgan - $100
Geo McChain - $100
Morrison, Hawki's & co. - $75
Jane P McGraw - $200
H Mack & Co. - $25
Monells - $25
G C McClune - $10
Harry Mead - $10
Lewis Masters - $5
Wm Minton - $5
R S Miller - $50
J H Mandeville - $3
L V B Maurice - $15
John S McGowan - $50
J M Mott - $100
Mitchell & Zimer - $25
J W Patterson - $10
H D Patterson - $25
Albert Phillips - $25
H A Partenheimer - $20
P J Partenheimer - $25
S H Purdy - $40
E P Preston - $2
F A Pell - $5
J W & J Quigg - $100
John Rumsey - $100
Rowe & Gillett - $81/2
Geo Rankin - $10
Fred Roats - $5
Daniel Robinson - $100
Robt Ribble - $25
John Rundall - $10
Geo Rhodes - $5
R R engine house - $43
F P Randolph - $5
Philip Raub - $5
J H Selkreg - $100
Geo W Schuyler - $200
Stowell, Sherw'd & co. - $200
Philip Stephens - $50
E J Sanford - $10
Jonah Sincepaugh - $50
S L Sibley - $25
S W Smith - $10
D E Sedgwick - $10
H Steenburgh - $50
T W Seely - $100
Geo W Sherman - $5
Wm E Stebbins - $25
Moses Snook - $5
Ezra Starr - $10
C Sweezey - $10
Orrin Stevens - $5
Abel Sabin - $10
H T B Schuyler - $200
P Frank Sisson - $5
Thos H Smith - $10
Isaac H Smith - $10
W M &H J Smith - $20
Jacob Sincepaugh - $10
Seymour & Johnson - $50
Curtis Taber - $250
Treman, King & co. - $200
E T Turner - $100
B F Taber - $250
Henry Taber - $200
S D Thompson - $75
S D Thompson, jr. - $25
J W Tripp - $25
J B Taylor & Co. - $25
Curtis Taber's boatyd - $67
Henry Taber's boatyd - $77
B F Taber's boatyd - $100
S L Vosburgh - $25
Joel Virgil - $10
Joseph VanOrman - $10
Wm VanOrman, 2d - $10
C D VanAken - $5
Ebenezer Vickery - $10
Henry VanOrder - $25
Arnold Vincent - $50
Nelson VanOrder - $10
Ira VanOrder - $3
Henry VanOrder - $2
Michael Vanderhoof - $2
James VanOrder - $25
John VanOrman - $10
John L Whiton - $250
H C Williams - $100
S H Winton - $150
T D Williams - $100
Wilgus Bros - $100
T D Wilcox - $100
Mrs C F Woodruff - $75
Harriet M Williams - $25
E H Watkins - $10
D T Wood - $10
S G Williams - $50
Geo Whiton - $10
Amhzi Williams - $25
Lyman W Williams - $25
Mrs. T S Williams - $100
Harriet N Williams - $20
J B Williams - $500
O C Wolcott - $25
W A Willmott - $15
W P Williams - $100
Levi Williams - $100
Robt Whipple - $10
Governier Weller - $15
J B Warren - $5
O C Wolcott's boat yd - $24
M Wick - $20
Alfred Wells - $(unreadable)
S D Sawyer - $15
J F Parsons - $10
D F Finch - $10
U Clark - $10
R H Heggie - $5
E M Cronk - $10
W H Wilson - $5
J M Lyon - $10
A H Phillips - $5
H P Whitmore - $15
G H Smith - $10
C L Grant, jr. - $25
H M Bristol - $10
Geo W Apgar - $10
Richard B Wycoff - $5
W F Seely - $10
M C Jones - $5
D K Clark - $5
Harmon Hill - $5
M Culver - $10
Theodore Larcom - $5
G Whitmore, jr. - $5
Samuel Harris, S. H. Winton, Geo. McChain, D. Boardman, Alex. King, T.W. Seeley, and P. J. Partenheimer, were appointed a committee, at a meeting of the subscribers, to collect and disburse the fund.
Thank you Carol Branscome for sharing this information.
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