Letter from the Collection of material
of Wilber A. Genung
Transcribed by: His Great Granddaughter- Janet M. (Genung) Nash
August the 20 1884
My dear cousin and uncle and aunt,
It has ben a long time since i have heard from eny of you, i thought i would rite you all a letter. This leaves me all well, hope it will find you all well. When i was to your house i thought uncle Jesse did not look very well nor Aunt Ruth. I thought about meny times. My poor mother has ben dead three years. When she died i was in Pennsylvania, i tried to get home to see her before they had baried her, but i did not. i never saw her after she died. They had baried her Six ours when i come. i rode all night on the cars and did not get their in time to see her. Myrier died the last of december last. She was sick one year before she died, i am coming out this fall to have a hunt with you and stay a week, i have ben to uncle Nathens and stayde all night and
had a good visit. You tell uncle Jess that when i come i will stay longer than i did when i was their the last time. aunt ruth had some biskets for dinner and they was very good. I on pine creek last Summer to work in a mill, then i went to greenwood, i worked 8
months their in a mill there. i found aunt yilphy (?) linsley their, uncle isick linsley is dead. i hadent Saw eny of them in 28 years. They was glad to see me, i was in Canida last fall, i liked it their good, it was their three monts, you tell uncle Jess and aunt ruth
to keep up good Curage for i will see them this fall. i want to See them once more before they die. i am all over the world Sence mother died, you will find out that your mother is your Best friend , my mother was. now Jesse i want you to answer this letter
for i want to hear from you all. their is a man by the name of Miles Roads lives near your place has got a nice lot pine timber. i am to See him when i come to your house, exuse poor riting. Harmon is coming with me in october dont fail to rite
My love to all Jesse Cornell direct your letter to Catlin chemung co. ny good by
[ Jesse Cornell was from Snyder Hill, Town of Dryden, NY - Tompkins Co. ]
Janet Nash transcribed donated this letter and transcribed it into digital format.
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