This page is a part of the Tompkins Co., NYGenWeb Site. Not for commercial use. All Rights Reserved.
New York's Finger Lakes Pioneer Families: esp. Tompkins County" By Helen F. Lewis
Ithaca City Directories, 1959, 1961, 1963 and 1966.
History of Tioga, Chemung, Tompkins, and Schuyler Counties, NY, Everts and Ensign, 1879. "The Centennial History of the town of Dryden" by George E. Goodrich. Printed 1898. "Marriage and Death Notices From Tompkins County, New York Newspapers", compiled by Mary Smith Jackson.
"Cornell in Pictures The First Century. 1868 – 1954.", compiled by Charles V. P. Young ’99. First published in 1954.
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