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for Tompkins County, New York

treeNew York's Finger Lakes Pioneer Families: esp. Tompkins County" By Helen F. Lewis
Gina Stephenson is willing to do look-ups for folks.

tree Ithaca City Directories, 1959, 1961, 1963 and 1966.
Beth White Matsuyama is willing to do look-ups for folks and to scan up to 5 pages.

tree History of Tioga, Chemung, Tompkins, and Schuyler Counties, NY, Everts and Ensign, 1879.
Andrew F. Dannemann is willing to do limited look-ups for folks.

tree"The Centennial History of the town of Dryden" by George E. Goodrich. Printed 1898.
Now found on the Tompkins County Public Library website.

tree"Marriage and Death Notices From Tompkins County, New York Newspapers", compiled by Mary Smith Jackson.
Deborah Plugh
is willing to do lookups in this book. Notices come from the following newspapers:

  1. Dryden Weekly News 1857-1870
  2. Rumsey’s Companion 1856-1957
  3. Dryden Weekly Herald 1871-1884
  4. Groton Balance 1839-1840
  5. Groton Democrat 1840
  6. Groton Journal 1866-1879
  7. Groton-Lansing Journal 1880-1882
  8. Trumansburg Advertiser 1832-1840
  9. Trumansburg News 1860-1864
  10. Trumansburg Independent 1851
  11. Lakelight 1827-1829
  12. Trumansburg Sun 1840-1841
  13. Trumansburg Gazette 1844-1847
  14. The Herald 1846-1847
  15. Tompkins County Sentinel 1866-1880
  16. Trumansburg Sentinel 1881-1884
  17. Ithaca Citizen & Democrat 1863-1867
  18. Ithaca Democrat 1867-1876

tree"Cornell in Pictures The First Century.  1868 – 1954.", compiled by Charles V. P. Young ’99.  First published in 1954.
Deborah Plugh
is willing to do lookups in this book, which includes over 168 pages of black and white photographs, most with names of individuals in the photos.


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