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This compiliation [sic] was taken from the old American Legion records, burial records and grave stones. This may not be complete but it is as complete as far as the records we have available to us.

bar of stars


Surname First War Branch, Company Lot
ABRAMS Noble   Navy Retired 229
ACKER Lawrence     434
ADAMS Richard WW2 Army 1127
ADAMS Robert WW1 Army 1427
AGNEY Irving Civil Co.A 89th Reg NY Inf Vol 171
ALLEN Bruce Vietnam Army 1
ALLEN William Civil Co.A 109 Reg Ny Inf 198
ARCHER John Rev   401
ARCHER Underhill Civil   572
ARMSTRONG Ralph WW2 Army 1356
ARMSTRONG Wilber WW2 Army 944
ATWATER Manning     752
ATWATER William 1812   25
AUBLE Thomas W Civil   1028
AUSTIN William Civil Co.G 109th NY Vol 501
AYERS R. Emmet     310
AYERS Oliver C Civil Died in battle of Altoona 386
BABCOCK Russell WW2 Navy 1413
BARDWELL Robert     108
BARKMAN Paul Korea Air Force 72SE
BARTO Daniel 1812   88
BARTO David 1812   88
BATTY George WW2 Army, Air Force 1242
BEARDSLEE Charles M Civil   319
BECKLEY Ray WW1 Navy 1052
BEERS Robert WW2 Navy 1353
BELL William     433
BENNET E.C. Civil   1027
BENNETT Abraham     175
BIGGS Michael 1812   18
BLAKE Jack H WW2 Navy 1040
BLOOMER Hiram Civil   790
BLUM Harold WW2 Army 1498
BOARDMAN Myron Civil   1017
BOUTON Ada     692
BOUTON Edwin     692
BOWER Arthur Army   1109
BOWER Frederick WW2 Army 764
BOWMAN George Sp.Amer.   1029
BOYCE Pashal Civil   665
BOYD George WW2, Korea Army 1362
BOYER Arad Civil Co.I 137th NY Inf 356
BOYER Charles Vietnam Army 42SE
BOYER Florenze     1194
BOYER Mont WW1 Army 1471
BOYLEN Alvah Civil Co.D 14th NY Vol 584
BRADLEY Everal Civil   262
BRADLEY L.H. Civil   674
BRADLEY Lyman 1812   716
BREWER Benjamin Civil   353
BREWER Henry     166
BREWER William A Civil Co.E 179th Reg NY Vol 371
BRINKERHOFF Leslie WW2 Army 832
BROOKS Richard Korea Air Force 83SE
BROTHERS Charles      
BROWN Charles F     308
BROWN Ellis WW1 Army 1394
BROWN George E WW2   302
BROWN Herman     1485
BROWN J.S. Civil Co.A 4th Del Inf 1089
BROWN O.C.     636
BUCK Harry     1499
BURCH Oscar Civil Co.I 3rd Reg 194
BURCHARD Carleton WW2 Navy 1224
BURCHARD Raymond WW2 Army 1224
BURDICK Henry C Civil Battery L 3rd NY Arty 337
BURNS George WW2 Army 912
BURNS James Sr     912
BURR Harold WW1 Army 1452
BUSH A.V.     479
BUSH John     479

Material donated by Andrew and Ruth Scott
and transcribed by Mary Rumsey for the Tompkins Co., NYGenWeb Site.
Thank you!

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