This page is a part of the Tompkins Co., NYGenWeb Site. Not for commercial use. All Rights Reserved.

Past, Present and Future

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See the projects we have in the works, as well as recent additions. And if you really want to see how much we've done in the last couple of years, you can link to that too.
Thanks to all the volunteers who help to keep this site a constant work in progress.
January 02, 2004
Happy New Year! We have updated the look of McLean Catholic Cemetery, in Groton.
December 22, 2003
Jim & Georgianna Stevenson, Wendy Stevenson, & Lynn Stevenson-Fisher have sent us a couple of pages of Land Deed index entries, about half of which are up. The other half will go up very shortly after the New Year. Thanks to the Stevensons.
December 22, 2003
We have updated the look and added a photo to Hollister Family Cemetery, in Dryden.
December 21, 2003
We have updates for Hayt's Cemetery, and Frear Cemetery, both in Ithaca. The updates were sent in by Marion Kobre. Updated surnames are: Frear, Hayt, Morgan, Riker, Rose, and Stebbins.
December 21, 2003
Dorothy Lord has updated her Pratt Genealogy with another line of descendants. Thank you, Dorothy!
December 21, 2003
We have updated the look and added many photos to Lake Ridge Cemetery, in Lansing. Thanks to Cheryl Hall for coding this file, and taking the wonderful photos of the headstones.
December 19, 2003
We have updated the look and added a photo to Mitchell Cemetery, in Ithaca.
December 15, 2003
Check out the Speedsville Sign, which you can link to from the Town of Caroline page. It gives a nice little history of the area.
December 15, 2003
We have added photos to Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery, in Lansing, as well as East Lawn Cemetery in Ithaca.
December 12, 2003
We have updated the look and added photos for Grant Farm Cemetery, in Danby.
December 02, 2003
We have updated the look of Mitchell Family Cemetery, in Lansing.
December 02, 2003
(Off-Site Resources)
We have added links to the Making of America websites, a joing venture between Cornell and the University of Michigan. Both sites contain valuable information on history in general, and on the state of New York, and the collection is growing all the time. We have also added a link for the French Surname Project.
December 02, 2003
Darla Stimbert has sent us updates to the Greenfield surname in the Peruville Cemetery, in Groton. Thank you, Darla!
December 1, 2003
(Star of the Month)
We would like to congratulate John Wertis, our Star of the Month! John donated two years of burial records for Grove Cemetery in Ulysses, and will be donating the 2003 records next year. Congratulations, John!
November 17, 2003
Here is the latest batch of surnames that have been submitted (up to November 14). I have also updated all the email changes that have come in.
BALDWIN - Henry Baldwin; BARBER - Nancy Tweedie; BEACH - Nancy Tweedie; BELL - Melody Sterling; BISHIP - Lucy Griffin; BOGART - Nancy Tweedie; BRIGGS - Amanda VerStreate; CARLEY/CARLY/CORLEY - Bob Lefler; CARRINGTON - Bill Drew; CHEESEMAN - Ann Hines; CLARK - Tom Howard; CLARK - Neal Thompson; COOK - John R. Cook; CONGER - Mark Hahn; COVERT - Elizabeth Dimon; CURRY - Kristi Jalics; DANN - Florence Dann; DeCAMP - Lucy Griffin; DEVEREESE - Cheryl Kampe; DEVEREESE - Sherri; DREW - Bill Drew; EARSLEY - Sue Eddy; ENGLISH - Florence Dann; FOX - Bill Drew; FREAR - Frank Wicker; GRAVES - Madge Norton; HAMILTON - Lucy Griffin; HAMILTON - Hamilton; HASKINS - Nancy Tweedie; HERRICK - Nancy Tweedie; HOLLISTER - Carolyn van Leer; HUBBARD - Neal Thompson; HYATT - Tom Howard; IVES - Susan Mitchener; JOHNSON - Nancy Tweedie; LAMBERT - Julie Ramsby; LANCASTER - Doris Dempsey; LEFLER - Bob Lefler; LINDHOLM - Marilyn Gerdes; LINN/LYNN - Geraldine A. Hardway; McADAM - Jane McAdams Taylor; McGOWAN - Nancy Tweedie; MEEKER - R. Craig Kammerer; METZGAR - Mark Hahn; NEWMAN - Nancy Tweedie; NORTON - Annice M Hodges Senff; OSTRANDER - Nancy Tweedie; PERSONIUS - Neal Thompson; PIERCE - Emily Gross-Benjamin; RANSON - BJ Prince; RICHARDSON - Chris Swinney; RIGGS - Nancy Tweedie; SANFORD - Nancy Tweedie; SATTERLY - Bill Drew; SEARS - Ray Sears; SPICER - Barbara Rolfe; TICKNER - Nancy Tweedie; TOBIAS - William Marose; UPDYKE - Bob Lefler; VAIL/VALE - Vail; VANDULEK - Kathy Denigris; WEBLEY - Jyl Kersten; WICKER - Frank Wicker; WICKHAM - Lucy Griffin; WILCOX - Larry Wilcox; WILLIAMS - Todd L. Williams; WOLVERTON - Creque Wolverton; WOOSTER - John Wooster.
November 14, 2003
We have updated all Sections of Grove Cemetery, in Ulysses. These sections are now complete to Dec. 2002.
November 13, 2003
We have updated Sections A-J of Grove Cemetery, in Ulysses. These sections are now complete to Dec. 2002. We will have the rest of the updates shortly.
November 13, 2003
Rupert Tarbell has donated his Tarbell Genealogy, starting with Thomas Tarbell, born about 1615 in England, to the present day. This genealogy is obviously the product of years of research. Thanks to Rupert for donating this material!
November 13, 2003
We've updated the look and added a lovely photo of Rouse Cemetery, in Lansing. Thanks to Cheryl Hall for the photo and for updating this file with its new look!
November 11, 2003
We've updated the look and added photos of Briggs Family Cemetery. Thanks to Cheryl Hall and Sarah (Christofferson) McKane for recording this cemetery!
October 24, 2003
We've updated the look and added a photo to Blackman Cemetery.
October 24, 2003
We've updated the look and added a photo to Budd Cemetery.
October 20, 2003
We're in the process of adding a new feature to our cemeteries: a link to MapQuest to help you locate the cemetery. Currently, only a few cemeteries have links to MapQuest maps; as we update our records, we will add maps to all cemeteries. Cemeteries with maps include: Brearley Cemetery, Caroline Centre Cemetery, Yates Cemetery, Danby Rural Cemetery, and Old Log Meeting House Cemetery. Note: in cases where MapQuest does not have the cemetery indexed, we have approximated the star on the map, so please use the maps as a general guide, not an exact location.
October 16, 2003
Terri Crockford sent in a terrific photo of the 1934 Class at Enfield Center School, in Enfield. Almost all the students are identified. Thank you, Terri!
September 25, 2003
We have a completely updated record for Green Hills Cemetery, in Dryden. The updated list was donated to the Tompkins Co., NYGenWeb Site by Rita Harris - Sec./Treas of the Green Hills Cemetery Association. Thank you, Rita!
September 3, 2003
(Star of the Month)
We would like to congratulate Bill Hecht, our Star of the Month! Bill is not directly a volunteer of this site, but he has done so much to preserve the history of the Finger Lakes area with his own website, that we think he deserves a hand. Bill has scanned hundreds, if not thousands of photographs and maps of this area, we have links to many of them on our site. If you want to get lost for a few hours (or days), check out Bill's site at: Congratulations, Bill!
August 06, 2003
Here are the rest of the new surnames that have been submitted. I have also updated all the email changes that have come in.
ARMSTRONG - Carl Washburn; BATES - Bruce Baker; BECKWITH - Dar Harris; BLOOMER - Marcia V. Ferguson; BRIGHT - Jay Smith; BROWN - Jay Smith; BUMP - Doris Owen; BURKE - Jill Burke; CASTERLINE - Bruce Baker; DELILL - Pamela Adams; HALSEY - Marcia V. Ferguson; KEEFE - Jean Privitera; KENNEY - Marcia V. Ferguson; LEE - Harry Lee; LEONARD - Harry Lee; RYANT - Linda Crawford; SIMMONS-KEW - Stephanie A. Bales; SEIBERT - Caroline Seibert; SMITH - Marcia V. Ferguson; SNYDER - Gerald S. Gardner; STEWART - Jeffrey F. Stewart; SWARTWOUT &c. - Kathy Hoeldke; TABER - B. McGuire; VAUGHN - Jay Smith; and VAN BERGER - Nancy K. Bond.
August 1, 2003
Hollister Cemetery has been completely updated, with several photos, and a link to the Hollister Genealogy (with amazing photos!) on Jan Marie's site. Thanks to Janet Nash and Kathy Knauff for this great update.
August 1, 2003
(Star of the Month)
Our Star of the Month Award goes to a whole bevy of stars this month. Carolyn Hurt, Kristina Christopherson, Emily Ramirez, Mindy Morris, Heather Coe, Colleen Engstrom, Lisa Powell, Josie Lee, Alana Hill, Jennifer Oler, Heather Lybbert, Carly Rencher, and Alexa Dimick all worked collaboratively recording headstones in Pleasant Grove Cemetery, and we will have their work up soon. Thanks to all of you, and congratulations on being our Stars of the Month!
July 31, 2003
Here is half of the latest crop of surnames that have been submitted. Many thanks to everyone who sent them in; we'll get the rest up very soon.
BERRY - Teri Forman; BURR - Sara Jolivet; CARLEY - David Carley; CARY/CAREY - Betty Cary; COTANCH - Barbara Cotanch Peoples; CRAIG - Sally Humphrey; CRISS - Nancy Darrow; FRANK - James Towner; GEORGIA - Georgia Cox; HARVEY - Georgia Cox; HILL - Marian Nelson; KIMBLE - Jeffrey Waite; KING - Edith E. Barr; LANNING - Georgia Cox; LEGGE/LEGG - Jill Sheridan Chapman; MAHONEY - Sally Humphrey; MANNING - Betty Cary; MASTERS - Betty Cary; NEIGH - James G. Graves; PALMER - Gina Comfort; PIERCE - Donald E. Pierce; REED - Georgia Cox; ROLFE - Georgia Cox; STROUD - Georgia Cox;2 TOCK - Philip K. Webb; VAN NORTWICK - Bonnie Hamilton; and WILDRICK - Lisa McGill.
July 29, 2003
We have updated three cemeteries with photos: Van Pelt Cemetery in Dryden, Speed's Farm Cemetery and Speed's Farm Slave Burial Ground, both in Caroline.
July 26, 2003
(Off-Site Resources)
Here are a couple of new links for our Off-Site Resources section: 1.) Quintin Publications. Although particularly devoted to French_Canadian research, they are a good general source of genealogy information. They offer both CDs and books for sale, and they even have a book loan program. 2.) NOAA Nautical Charts has charts from the 1700s to present. Do a regional search on New York to see what the have to offer for our area. 3.) New Yorkers Links let's you select a county or town in New York and has links to various items of interest. 4.) There are a number of new links in the Town of Newfield section: about the Covered Bridge, Beech Road Bridge, and many links to the area. Perhaps there's a little surfing in your future this weekend?
July 25, 2003
We have a terrific new update for Starr Cemetery, located in Lansing. Nina (Christofferson) McAndrews walked the cemetery, and Cheryl Hall transcribed and coded the records, and took the marvelous photograph. Thank you Cheryl and Nina!
July 22, 2003
We have a completely updated record for the Michael Handy Farm Cemetery, also known as the Crumtown Road Cemetery, located in Danby. We have added more photos, plus a map of the cemetery, and a wealth of ancillery information and links to other relevant material. Cheryl Hall and Janet Nash did a tremendous amount of work on this file, both in the cemetery and in front of the computer. Thanks Cheryl and Janet!
July 21, 2003
(Off-Site Resources)
We've got a new link in the Off-Site Resources section: New York Family Group Sheets Project, maintained by Dee Peavey.
July 8, 2003
(Small Text Issues)
A few people have written to say that the text is too small to read on the Tompkins County site. We've spent the last few weeks diagnosing the problem, with a lot of help from Dave McDermitt, who patiently sent us screen shot after screen shot of what he sees on his computer. In Dave's case, it turned out that his browser text size was set to "Smaller" instead of the standard setting, "Medium", or something larger. If you have been having problems reading the text on this site, try this:
  • In Internet Explorer, click View/Text Size, and see which choice is selected. The choices are: Largest, Larger, Medium, Smaller, and Smallest. If your browser is not set on Medium or larger, try changing to Medium and see if the text gets larger. (This should work if you have AOL or Earthlink, too.)
  • In Netscape 7.x, click View/Text Zoom (View/Text Size in Netscape 6.x; View/Increase Font in Netscape 4.7), and see if 100% is selected. If not, switch to that, and see if your text gets larger.
  • In Opera, click View/Zoom, and select 100%.

I hope this takes care of the problem!

July 1, 2003
(Star of the Month)
Congratulations to Melvin J. Marion, our Star of the Month for July. Melvin has spent hours researching and updating the Pew family genealogy, and he and his wife were instrumental in helping us to find a new cemetery, the Barney Merian Family Graveyard in Ithaca. Thank you, Melvin, for all your hard work and effort!
June 26, 2003
We have a completely updated record for Dennis Cemetery, including a photo, taken by Cathy Knauff.
June 25, 2003
We have updated information for the Pew Family Genealogy, researched by Melvin J. Marion and Janet Nash.
June 21, 2003
Cheryl Hall transcribed and coded the Butler Deeds Index, part of our ongoing project to get all the of the Land Deeds from the 1817-1860 Index transcribed. We also have Felzinger - Fenner Index transcribed. Cheryl also donated this material, and Johnna Armstrong transcribed it.
June 21, 2003
Cathy Knauff has been recording the Ithaca City Cemetery, using records from City Hall, headstone transcriptions and other sources. The A surnames are complete. This project is a major undertaking, and so we have two entries on the Cemeteries page: one for the current file, and one for the updated records. Thank you, Cathy, for all the hard work and dedication!
June 17, 2003
We have a completely updated file for Morris Chapel Cemetery, also known as Leggett Cemetery, and located in the town of Caroline. There is a photo of the cemetery as well, taken by Janet Nash, our site Coordinator. Janet and Cathy Knauff walked the cemetery to revise the records. Thank you, Janet and Cathy!
June 2, 2003
(Star of the Month)
We'd like to give a hand to Kathleen Smith & Bessie McGuire, our Stars of the Month for June. They have been instrumental in helping preserve the records at Trumbull's Corners Rural Cemetery, in Newfield. Not only have Kathleen and Bessie spent many hours gathering records, but they have also met with the caretaker of the cemetery and attended an cemetery association meeting, serious devotion! Thank you, Kathleen and Bessie, for all your hard work and dedication!
May 07, 2003
John and Beverly Walker sent in updated information for Pleasant Grove Cemetery, and Cheryl Hall and Janet Nash have also added updates from their walk through the cemetery in April 2002. There is a lot of new information in this file! Thanks to John, Beverly, Janet and Cheryl, who also coded this file.
May 06, 2003
(Church Records)
Virginia Peterson has sent in a record on the Calvary Baptist Church, in Trumansburg. Thank you, Virginia!
May. 06, 2003
(Off-Site Resources)
Obituary Central has a search engine specifically for Tompkins County obituaries posted on the web, a very useful tool.
May 1, 2003
(Star of the Month)
We'd like to salute Ray L. Nobles, our Star of the Month for May. He and his wife Aggie were instrumental in preserving the history of Snyder Hill Cemetery in Dryden. We are sad to say that Ray recently passed away, so this is a memorial tribute to all his hard effort and dedication.
Apr. 29, 2003
Here is the newest crop of surnames that have been submitted. Surely it won't be long before all our trees are connected! Many thanks to everyone who sent them in.
ASHLEY - Frank Ashley; BARNES - Kathy Barnes; BARRELL - Ann Barrell; BAYLOR - Marjorie Gesford; BENNETT - Christine; BIERBOWER - Sharon Bierbower; BUCK - Maxine Boyce Buckman; BURNS - Joanne LaBarr DiGiovacchino; CARTER - Catherine Machan (Kay) Martin; COMSTOCK - Marcia Adams (Williams); CRADIT/CREDIT - Jean Erway Nichols; DAILY/DALY - John Daily; DAVENPORT - Sandra Obie; DEAN - Kathy Barnes; DOLLOWAY - Pat Quick; ERWAY/ERVAY - Jean Erway Nichols; FORMAN - Jerry Forman; GALE - Jeff Cargian; GARDNER - Christine; GILL - Darla Stimbert; GOLDSMITH - Dennis lynch; GRAY - Jim White; GREENFIELD - Darla Stimbert; GRIDLEY - Ray Gridley; HAMILTON - Marlena Hamilton Flynn; JACKSON - Joanne Goodman; JAMESON - Reyes J. Quinones Sr; KENNEDA - Denise; LaBAR - Joanne LaBarr DiGiovacchino; LINDERMAN - Tamara Gaffney; LINDERMAN - Catherine Machan (Kay) Martin; LOYHED - Katy Pye; MENTE - Lyn M. Merical; MERICAL - Lyn M. Merical;; MERICLE/MARICLE - Rhonda McLaughlin; METTLER - Elaine Burton; MULVEY - Erma Stevenson; OSBORN - Sharyn Sheen; PERRY - Chris Chapman; PERSONIUS - Chris Chapman; QUICK - Pat Quick; RHODES - William G. Rhodes III; ROBBINS - Joe Robbins; SAXTON - William G. Rhodes III; SCRAMBLING - Van Nagel; SEARS - Elaine Burton; SHAW - Susan McKean Hall; SLATER - Sandra Obie; STAMP - Christine; WEEKS - Brenda L. Smith; and WILLIAMS - Dorothy Allen.
Apr. 10, 2003
There a few cemeteries on our main cemetery page that don't have links to records. These cemeteries are rumored to exist, or may have existed at one time, or may be an alternate name for a cemetery we already have. The fact is, we just don't know. In an effort to give you as much information as we have about these rumored and missing cemeteries, we have added a Missing Cemeteries page to the cemeteries section. Each missing cemetery links to this page. If you have any information about any of these cemeteries, please email Cheryl Hall. (Her email is at the top of the page.) Thanks!
Apr. 01, 2003
(Star of the Month)
You wouldn't think anything could get by the webmaster, would you? But in a stealth move, Janet made me Star of the Month! I'd just like to say thanks, I love being a part of this team.
Mar. 29, 2003
We've been trying to find the Marion Family Burial Ground for quite some time now. Dora Pope Worden's records has it listed in Dryden, but it turns out that it is actually in Ithaca. We have a new record that compares Dora Pope Worden's with records that Cathy Knauff and Janet Nash obtained while walking the cemetery in April 2002. There's also a lovely photo taken by Cathy Knauff. Thank you, Janet and Cathy!
Mar. 29, 2003
(Off-Site Resources)
Wonder what it's like in Ithaca right now? Have a look at the Live View of Cornell and feel like you're really there.
Mar. 29, 2003
There is a new genealogy available for the Lemuel Yates & Family in the Genealogies section.
Mar. 25, 2003
(Where to Write)
We've got a link for the Southworth Library in the Where to Write section. Now you can search their catalog from home with your bathrobe on!
Mar. 17, 2003
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! A couple of people have written to say that they think the text on the main page is a bit small, so we made it a little larger today. We hope this helps!
Mar. 17, 2003
We have completely updated Tooker Cemetery, also called Fiddler's Green Cemetery. There is no photo yet, but we hope to have one soon, after all this snow melts!
Mar. 14, 2003
Judy Newell has sent in two Wedding Invitations for the website. You can find them on the Vital Records page. Thank you, Judy!
Mar. 03, 2003
(Star of the Month)
Congratulations to Cheryl Hall, our Featured Star of the Month! Despite career and school, Cheryl still finds time not only to donate and transcribe materials, and walk cemeteries, but now she's become a web coder as well! Congratulations, Cheryl!
Feb. 17, 2003
We have a brand new record for the Kingdom Farm Cemetery, located in Lansing, and with a photo. John and Beverly Walker walked, transcribed and donated this record. We're only sorry it took us so long to get it up. Thank you, Beverly and John!
Feb. 17, 2003
(Off-site Resources)
We've got three new links for the Off-Site Resources page: History of Jacksonville Community United Methodist Church, A Brief History of Trumansburg United Methodist Church, and History of the Ithaca Calendar Clock Company.
Feb. 17, 2003
We have a completely updated record for the Michael Handy Farm Cemetery, also known as the Crumtown Road Cemetery, located in Danby. There's a nice photo to go with it. Cheryl Hall coded this file, and transcribed the updates. Thank you, Cheryl!
Feb. 14, 2003
Check out The American Revolution, part of the Early American Wars site.
Feb. 11, 2003
(Off-site Resources)
Bill Hecht has been scanning sections of the 1813 Gazeteer of New-York, our link is for the section on Ithaca.
Feb. 05, 2003
(Off-site Resources)
If you have Teeters in your tree, you'll want to check out the latest link on our Off-site Resources page: Teeter Kin, a site by Hooter.
Feb. 04, 2003
Christine Courtwright sent in a little gem of an item: an 1877 Cornell University Commencement Program. This was only the 9th commencement at Cornell. Thanks, Christine, for sending this to us!
Feb. 03, 2003
We have a terrific class photo from June 1939 of West Hill School, sent in by Carrie Moody. Thanks, Carrie!
Feb. 03, 2003
(Off-site Resources)
Bill Hecht has sent us another great link to his site, this one is called Cornell and Ithaca 1919 Views. If you have never wandered around Bill's site, we encourage you to do so. He has a vast collection of digitized maps and photos of the region.
Feb. 01, 2003
(Star of the Month)
Congratulations to Janet Nash, our Featured Star of the Month! We couldn't have a better Coordinator for this site, and it is not an exaggeration to say that, without her, we wouldn't have it. So join us in congratulating Janet, our Star of the Month!
Jan. 30, 2003
Okay, here's another one! The cold weather in New York has been great for our site, we have so many volunteers snowed in and working on our files. We've got completely updated records for Trumansburg "Old" Cemetery, with a lovely photo taken by Cathy Knauff. Thanks to Janet and Cathy for walking this cemetery!
Jan. 30, 2003
We've got completely updated records for the Bishop Family Plot, located in Caroline. This is a very old cemetery and we know very little about it, including its exact location. This new file contains valuable notes about the people believed to be buried there.
Jan. 29, 2003
We have a completely updated file for Brearley Family Burial Ground, in Caroline, with photos. Thanks to JanMarie for donating this material.
Jan. 29, 2003
(Off-site Resources)
There was recently an article about Henry Bool in the Ithaca Journal. The article is online for now; while it stays there, we'll keep a link to it on the Off-Site Resources page.
Jan. 24, 2003
We've added two more photos to Old Log Meeting House Cemetery, located in Ulysses.
Jan. 21, 2003
We have an updated record for Caroline Centre Cemetery, with a photo, and special mention of all veterans.
Jan. 17, 2003
We have a completely updated record for Old Log Meeting House Cemetery, with a photo, located in Ulysses. This cemetery was walked by Janet Nash and Cathy Knauff in the summer of 2002, and compared with two older records.
Jan. 13, 2003
Cheryl Hall not only donated and transcribed the very difficult to read 1825 Danby Census, but she also coded the web page. Nice job, Cheryl!
Jan. 10, 2003
(Photo Album)
Terri Crockford sent us a number of Photographs of the Cayuga Rock Salt Mine. You can find them in the Photo Album. Thank you, Terri!
Jan. 08, 2003
We have a completely updated record for Rolfe Cemetery, in Enfield. The new record includes a photo of the cemetery. You may have noticed that our team of volunteers is taking technology to the next level. Nearly every new cemetery record includes a photo now!
Jan. 07, 2003
(Off-site Resources)
We've got a new link in our Off-Site Resources section, New York Population Figures by County for 1900-1990, brought to you by the Bureau of the Census.
Jan. 03, 2003
(Upcoming Projects)
I thought I'd mention it because it may not happen again this year: Our Upcoming Projects, on this page, is completely up-to-date. Thanks to everyone who has sent in new and updated material. We hope to have it up very soon!
Jan. 01, 2003
(Star of the Month)
Happy New Year! Congratulations to our Featured Stars of the Month, it's all of you! Without you, our volunteers and fellow researchers, this site wouldn't be what it is today. We've had a great year, and look forward to an even better one this year.
  We have a great update for Pleasant Grove Cemetery, in Ithaca. This is a wonderful example of a truly collaborative effort, no less than 13 people worked on it: Emily Ramirez, Mindy Morris, Heather Coe, Colleen & Lisa, Josie Lee, Alana Hill, Jennifer Oler, Heather Lybbert, Kristina Christopherson, Carly Rencher, Alexa Dimick, and Carolyn Hurt. We hope to have this file up soon.
  Catherine "Kay" Martin has donated the 1860 Census for Groton, and is in the process of transcribing it. The first section is up.
A missing cemetery has been found! Cathy Knauff and her anonymous cohort (our esteemed and modest Coordinator) have found and recorded Pleasant Grove Road Burial Ground, located in Ithaca.
Cheryl Hall has completely updated Ludlowville Pine Grove Cemetery, a huge undertaking. We hope to have it up soon.
  Tompkins County 2002 Updates
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Thursday, 24-Jan-2002 14:33:45 MST

© Copyright by Janet M. Nash and Johnna Armstrong
for the contributors of the material on these pages.
All Rights Reserved.

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