This page is a part of the Tompkins Co., NYGenWeb Site. Not for commercial use. All Rights Reserved.
Past, Present and Future
See the projects we have in the works,
as well as recent additions. And if you really want to see how much we've
done in the last couple of years, you can link to that too. Thanks to all the volunteers who help to keep this site a constant work in progress. |
Dec. 08, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We are in the process of updating Grove Cemetery, in Ulysses, with 2003-2004 burials. We have the A-Ca sections complete. These updates were sent in by John Wertis and Marian Pritchard. Thanks to them! | |
Dec. 08, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have an updated file for Lane Cemetery, in Caroline. | |
Dec. 06, 2005 (Lookups) |
Stacy L. Rozell will do lookups on Tompkins Co., wills, property deeds, marriage records, and tax records for an affordable fee. We have added her contact information to our Look Ups page. | |
Dec. 02, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have added maps (from MapQuest or Yahoo and also tax maps from Tompkins County) to the following cemeteries in Lansing: Mitchell Cemetery; Lake Ridge Cemetery; German/Old Dutch Cemetery; Miller Cemetery; Lane Cemetery; and Karn Farm Cemetery. | |
Dec. 02, 2005 (Scrapbook) |
We have a wonderful obituary for Mrs. David Backus, who died in 1877 at the age of 92 in Groton. Thanks to Ella N. Strattis, who sent in this lovely gem! | |
Nov. 23, 2005 (Off-Site Resoures) |
Happy Thanksgiving to your and your families! If you have some free time after eating all that turkey, you might want to browse at Brigham Young University's Family History Archive, a large and growing collection of genealogy and history books. We have placed a link on our Off-Site Resources page, in the General Resources section. | |
Nov. 15, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
CNY Cemetery Photographers has added some new photos of Tompkins County Cemeteries: Etna Cemetery, in Dryden; McLean New Cemetery, in Groton; and North Lansing Cemetery, in North Lansing. You can find links to these photos on our Cemeteries main page. | |
Nov. 09, 2005 (Off-Site Resoures) |
We've discovered several new websites that we hope will help you with your research: Obit Central, Obit Links Page, Genealogy Buff, and New Yorker's Links. We have placed links to all of these sites on our Off-Site Resources page. | |
Nov. 03, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have a completely updated file for Speedsville Cemetery located in Caroline, including a map and photographs. | |
Nov. 02, 2005 (Off-Site Resoures) |
W. David Samuelsen is the coordinator of a new site: New York Gravestones Photo Project, where you can submit your own photos to add to the collection, or search/browse for photos that have already been submitted. We have put a link to it on our Off-Site Resources page. | |
Oct. 31, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
Happy Halloween! In honor of the day, we have added maps, courtesy of, to Old East Hill Cemetery in Groton, Brown District Cemetery, located on Cornell property in Ithaca, Calvary Catholic Cemetery, in Ithaca, and Cooper Cemetery, located in Brooktondale. | |
Oct. 26, 2005 (Scrapbook) |
We have a nice collection of Newspaper clippings from 1922 in the Scrapbook section. Various local newspapers are represented. Thanks to Martha Magill for donating these clippings! | |
Oct. 25, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have given Gibbs Cemetery, located in Ithaca on the Endfield line, a face lift, and added a map. | |
Oct. 20, 2005 (Off-Site Resources) |
Have you had a look for your ancestors at Ancestors At Rest? We've put a link to this website on our Off-Site Resources page. | |
Oct. 14, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have a completely updated file for Trumbulls Corners Rural Cemetery, located in Newfield, including a map and photos of the cemetery and entrance. | |
Oct. 05, 2005 (Off-Site Resources) |
We have a new link in the Off-Site Resources section: Linkpendium. | |
Oct. 05, 2005 (Surnames) |
Here is the latest batch of surnames that have been submitted. I have also updated all the email changes that have come in. BROWN - Wendy A; CACCIOTTI - Christine Cianci; DAVENPORT - Howard Poole; DELAMATER - Phil DeLamarter; DRAKE - Patricia M. Ayres; GEORGE - Lois Fox; GUNDERMAN - Sheryl Robinson; HAMILL - Teri Hamill; HOGABOOM/HOGEBOOM - Darla Hogaboom; LAMPHIER - Jack Lamphier; McDONALD - Susan Thomas; NARDI - Shay Hollander; NEWBURY - Bonnie Stout; NICHOLS - Thomas Gardner; OSBORNE - Harold Osborne; ROBINSON - Darlene Reed; SEPOVICH - Kathy Buffan; SHEHEEN - Dennis Sheheen; TEATS - Barbara Z.; TEETS - Barbara Z.; TIFFANY - Gary Tiffany; and WARD - Richard Ward. |
Oct. 05, 2005 (Current News) |
We have updated the Current News section with a nice piece about pirating, written by Deanna West. | |
Sept. 21, 2005 (Off-Site Resources) |
Do you have ancestors who came to the United States before Ellis Island was built? If they came between 1820 and 1913, perhaps they entered through Castle Garden. This is a relatively new site, and they are still adding information. However, it looks like a wonderful resource, and we have added a link to our Off-Site Resources section. | |
Sept. 12, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have a completely updated file for Ellis Hollow Cemetery, in Dryden, including a map and photo of the entrance, and links to more information about the Peleg Ellis family, including headstone photos. Thanks to JanMarie for donating this material. | |
Sept. 12, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Irish Hill Cemetery with the new look. We hope to have a photo soon. | |
Sept. 06, 2005 (Off-Site Resources) |
Check out County Maps of New York if you haven't already. We've put a link in our Off-Site Resources section. | |
Sept. 02, 2005 (Genealogies) |
Tom Leonard sent in some handwritten notes his grandmother made about the Rolfe Family. We have included the original scanned images and their transcriptions. Thank you Tom! | |
Sept. 02, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have a completely updated file for Merrick-Kenny Cemetery, located in Caroline. We have photos for the headstones and a link to a map. Thanks to JanMarie and Cathy Knauff for recording and donating this material! | |
Sept. 02, 2005 (Off-Site Resources) |
The New York Dept. of State has a listing of Not-for-profit Cemeteries under its jurisdiction. This listing has addresses for many of the cemetery associations. Thanks to Cheryl Hall for bringing this resource to our attention! | |
August 19, 2005 (Maps) |
We have a terrific new addition given to us by John Armstrong, a 1903 Tompkins County map with postal routes. The initial page shows small thumbnails that, when you click on them, will load a life-sized image of that section of the map. They are large images, scanned at 200 dots per inch, so please be patient. They are well worth the wait! | |
August 19, 2005 (Off-site Resources) |
We discovered a wonderful online resource from Cornell University Library: New York State Historical Literature. If you haven't seen it already, plan on spending a little time browsing the site; there's a wealth of historical information here! | |
July 12, 2005 (Genealogies) |
Roger Howland sent us a wonderful genealogy for the Descendants of Francis King and Mary Jones. Thank you, Roger! | |
July 12, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
Well, it's been confirmed: McLean Catholic Cemetery and St. Patrick's Cemetery are one and the same. We had St. Patrick's listed as a "missing" cemetery. To celebrate, we've added a map from TopoZone, and a beautiful photo, taken by Cathy Knauff. | |
July 06, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated information for the Van Pelt Family Cemetery, located in Dryden, with photos. | |
July 06, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have added a map (courtesy of TopoZone) to Green & Mettler Cemetery, located in Danby, and to Blair Cemetery, located in Caroline. | |
June 09, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
Tom Herson sent in updates for the Schmohe surname at Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery. Thank you, Tom! | |
June 09, 2005 (Surnames) |
Here is the latest batch of surnames that have been submitted. I have also updated all the email changes that have come in. BALDING - Gary Balding; BARBER - Cindy Duffek; BARTO - Philip Barto; BATZER - Richard Cunningham; BURT - Gloria Farrell; BUSH - D Taber; CARLEY - Brenda; CARMAN - Barbara R Himes; CLARK - Dennis Clark; COOK - R. Shirley Weeks; COOKINGHAM - Kathleen March; CORNELL - F. Johnson; COY - Loueen J Coy; DAYTON - Rebecca Dayton; ENGLISH - Cindy Duffek; ENGLISH - Gordon C. English Sr.; EIGHMEY - H. Sidney Eighmey; EVANS - Gloria Farrell; FARNSWORTH - Phyllis Clearwater; GIBBS - Paul Gibbs; GRIPMAN - Gripman; HAMMOND - Laverna Vargeson; HENRY - Thomas Henry; HEWITT - Carlita Beltz; HILDRETH - Barbara R Himes; HORST/VON DER HORST - Volker van Ekeris; HOWE - Irene Crout Johnson; HOWELL - CAROLYN STONE; HULL - Kathleen March; JEFFERSON - Mary Adele Taylor; JENSEN - Jerome Jensen; JUNE - Joyce Simpson Morrell; KINNE - Kacy Novak; LYON(S) - Mrs. Beverly Kinnee; LAMBERT - Sharon Tompkins; LANNING - O. Pencille; LINDERBERRY - Dolores T. Chase; MILLER - Terry Miller; NORTH - Bruce E. North; PANGBOURN - Les Conkle; PARSONS - Patrick McCleary; PEASE - Barbara R Himes; PERRY - D. Taber; PRAME - Mary L. White; PRICE - Charles H Price; QUINN - Mary L. White; ROBERTSON-PEASE - Earl B.Robertson Jr.; RODEE - Phyllis Clearwater; SCHOBEY - Jane Odson; SHOEMAKER - Patrick McCleary; SMITH - David G. Smith; SOVOCOOL - Ann Sovocool; STARK/STARKS - Herb Sheffield; STARKS - Patrick McCleary; SWARTOUT - Barbara R Himes; TEETER - Florence; THOMPSON - BrigidDoherty-Gillette; TOMPKINS - Sharon Tompkins; TULLER - Charles Mccormick; VAN EKERIS - Volker van Ekeris; VAN HOUTEN - Leanne Keefer Bechdel; WEDGE - Catherine Larson; and WILCOX - Barbara R Himes. |
June 06, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated the records for Blair Cemetery, located in Caroline, including photos. | |
June 06, 2005 (Census) |
The Census Bureau recently put the 1790 Census for New York, as well as other states, online. Find a link to it in our Census section. | |
June 06, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have some wonderful photos for Green Hills Cemetery, located in Dryden, and for Green & Mettler Cemetery, located in Danby. | |
June 06, 2005 (Census) |
We recently discovered a great source for the Tompkins County 1870 Census at (of all places) Genealogy of the Ozarks. Caroline and Dryden are currently available, and it looks like more will be added in the future. Kudos to Carmen Bein for a wonderful internet resource! | |
May 08, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
Happy Mothers Day! We have updated Gibbs Family Burying Ground at Esty Glen, located in Lansing, with the new look, a map and a photo. | |
May 07, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Lake View Cemetery, located in Ithaca, with the new look, a map and a photo. | |
May 07, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have added a photo to Denton Burying Ground, located in Danby. | |
May 07, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have added a map (courtesy of to Rolfe Cemetery, located in Enfield. | |
May 07, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Green & Mettler Cemetery, located in West Danby, with the new look. | |
April 27, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Brown District Cemetery, located in Lansing, with the new look and a photo. | |
April 26, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
Brown Cemetery, located in Newfield, has been updated with the new look, a photo and a map. You may recall that Jedediah Brown Cemetery had been accidently merged with Brown Cemetery. We separated Jedediah Brown Cemetery last month and now Brown Cemetery has also been corrected. | |
April 26, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Duesenbury Cemetery, located in Dryden, with the new look and a map. | |
April 25, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Estabrook Cemetery, located in Newfield, with the new look and a map. | |
April 19, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
Allen Chaffee has given us updates and a correction to Briggs Family Cemetery. | |
April 19, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We now know that Ryant Cemetery, formerly a missing cemetery, is the same as William Miller Farm Cemetery, and we have updated our records accordingly, and have added some photos, taken by Cheryl Hall. | |
April 14, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have added photos to the Stilwell Farm Cemetery record. | |
April 12, 2005 (Town of Ulysses) |
We have updated the Ulysses Historical Society page. | |
April 12, 2005 (Where to Write) |
We have updated the Dryden information for the Where to Write page. | |
April 12, 2005 (Genealogies) |
We have a wonderful new genealogy sent in by Roger Howland: Descendants of Seneca Howland. Thank you Roger! | |
April 07, 2005 (Folklore) |
We have a terrific new addition to the Folklore section of our website. Charles Mulks sent in The Catskill Turnpike in Stage Coach and Tavern Days, from a 1925 edition of the Ithaca Journal-News. Thanks, Charles! | |
March 28, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updates for the SWAYZE surname in Lansingville Cemetery, sent in to us by Jean Rumsey. Thank you, Jean! | |
March 24, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have another new cemetery listing: Pleasant Grove Burial Ground, located in Ithaca. We have a map and some lovely photos of both the cemetery and the gravestones taken by Janet Nash and Cathy Knauff. | |
March 22, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have a new cemetery listing: Jedediah Brown Cemetery, located in Newfield. This cemetery had been merged by accident with Brown Cemetery, which is just down the road. We now have photos of this cemetery and four of the headstones. Thanks to Cathy Knauff for finding the cemetery, recording the inscriptions and taking the photos! (Note: we'll be updating the Brown Cemetery record with corrected information soon.) | |
March 16, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Goodwin Cemetery, located in Ulysses, with the new look and a photo. Thanks to Cheryl for coding this file! | |
March 10, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Denton Burying Ground, located in Danby, with the new look. | |
March 9, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Miller Cemetery, located in Lansing, with the new look, as well as photographs and a map link. | |
March 8, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Hutchinson-Besemer Cemetery, Fisher Settlement Cemetery, Schoonmaker Cemetery and Lattimer-Freer Cemetery with the new look. Cheryl Hall coded these files. Cathy Knauff and Cheryl took the photos. | |
March 7, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Fox Cemetery and Knapp Farm Cemetery with the new look. Cheryl Hall coded these files. | |
March 4, 2005 (Genealogies) |
We have a new genealogy for the The McDowell Family. | |
March 4, 2005 (Genealogies) |
We have a new genealogy for the Family of Jonah Tooker, sent in by Keith Tower. Thanks Keith! | |
March 4, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updates to the ROBINSON surname in McLean Old Cemetery, located in Groton. Our thanks to Peter Waldren for sending these to us. | |
March 4, 2005 (Off-Site Resources) |
We have added a link to, which offers free, downloadable spreadsheets for use in Census transcription. Thanks to Gary Minder for providing this free service! | |
March 4, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have added information about the first burial in Ithaca to Ithaca City Cemetery. | |
March 4, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
Dennis Whittaker sent us some corrections to the TAFT surname in Caroline Centre Cemetery, located in Caroline. Thanks Dennis! | |
March 3, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
Rita Harris, Sec./Treas. of Green Hills Cemetery, located in Dryden, has sent us information for all 2004 burials, as well as some updates to old records. Thanks Rita! Cheryl Hall coded this file. | |
March 1, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updated Adams Settlement Cemetery, located in Danby, with the new look, as well as a photograph. | |
March 1, 2005 (The Online Library) |
We recently discovered that we were missing some pages from Kay Machan's book Records of Tompkins County. We now have the complete book online (except the index.) | |
February 22, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have completed all updates for Groton Rural Cemetery! In the coming months, we will be comparing this new record with older records, so done is never really done... Thanks to Juanita Griffin for donating the records, and to Cheryl Hall for all her hard work in putting together these files. | |
February 17, 2005 (Off-Site Resources) |
Southworth Library is sponsoring a new website: Dryden New York Local History, which is in the process of indexing births, death, marriages and military information from local newspapers. A terrific resource for those researching the Dryden area. | |
February 15, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updates for the Blanford, Decker and Smith surnames in Woodlawn Cemetery, located in Newfield and sent in by Paula Wikstrom and Lynda Blanford. Thank you Paula and Lynda! | |
February 15, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have updates for St. James Cemetery, located in Ulysses. Thanks to Al Coney for sending these to us! | |
February 08, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have completed the updates for the A-L surnames of Groton Rural Cemetery. | |
January 20, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have completed the updates for the A-G surnames of Groton Rural Cemetery Go Cheryl! | |
January 19, 2005 (Census) |
Ina Sutfin has transcribed the remainder of the 1880 Dryden Census for us. Until now, we had only A-H surnames, now our files are complete. Thank you, Ina! | |
January 17, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have completed the updates for the B surnames of Groton Rural Cemetery Thanks to Cheryl Hall for transcribing and coding this file! | |
January 07, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We have completed the updates for Evergreen Cemetery, located in Berkshire, Tioga Co., with 2001-4 burials. All surnames are complete to 2004. Thanks to Dennis Whittaker for these updates! | |
January 06, 2005 (Cemeteries) |
We are in the process of updating Evergreen Cemetery, located in Berkshire, Tioga Co., with 2001-4 burials. This is a large, active cemetery with many people from Tompkins County buried there. Surnames F through Z are complete to 2004. | |
January 05, 2005 (Military) |
We have a new record called Caroline Union Soldiers. Thanks to Cheryl Hall for transcribing and coding this file. | |
January 04, 2005 | Happy New Year! Let's start fresh with a new page for the latest updates. You can find last year's updates here. With any luck, we'll also get the upcoming projects list updated sometime before the end of the year! | |
Tompkins County 2004 Updates Tompkins County 2003 Updates Tompkins County 2002 Updates Tompkins County May 2001 through December 2001 Updates Tompkins County September 2000 through April 2001 Updates Tompkins County March through September 2000 Updates Tompkins County January and February 2000 Updates Tompkins County 1999 Updates |
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Thursday, 04-Jul-2019 14:58:34 PDT
Copyright by Janet M. Nash and Johnna Armstrong
for the contributors of the material on these pages.
All Rights Reserved.