Tompkins County - Past, Present and Future Plans

This totally revamped, formerly "Future Plans", page has been redesigned to better inform our fellow researchers of what is in the works. Obviously, the "Past" is everything that's already on the web site. I will not duplicate that listing here, instead go explore the site. Use the search engine. Follow the links. Happy Hunting!!!

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Category Sub-category
Received from Date added
Surnames Surnames Bush, Manning, Owen, Seaman - E-mail changed John Stewart Feb. 26, 2000
Surnames Surnames E - F - G Fritts Brant Cramer Feb. 26, 2000
Surnames Surnames C - D Crammer/Cramer Brant Cramer Feb. 26, 2000
Surnames Surnames K - L Luce/Luse Beverly Walker Feb. 26, 2000
Surnames Surnames T - U - V VanIderstine Carol Dallas Feb. 26, 2000
Surnames Surnames H - I - J Jackson Bonnie Carr Feb. 26, 2000
Cemetery Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery, Lansing Added list 3 and 4 Mary Rumsey Feb. 26, 2000
Cemetery Trumansburg Grove Cemetery - Ulysses New Additional Listings - S and T Andrew and Ruth Scott Feb. 26, 2000
Cemetery Gee Town Cemetery - Dryden New Cemetery Listing Janet Nash Feb. 25, 2000
Scrapbook Tompkins Co Families Letters Halsey to Gosman Anne Halsey Hurst Feb. 25, 2000
Vital Records Marriages Marriage Records Town of Dryden 1880 - 1886 Laurence Beach "Beachy"/Janet Nash Feb. 25, 2000
(March 4, 2000)
Church Lansing Township Lansing Church Records (Baptism)
1800 - 1826 - Alexander through Houtz
1800 - 1826 - Jacobs through Worsler
Marriages Records -Women - Men

Lansing Church Records 1804 - 1813
Lansing Church Records 1814 - 1846
Kent Davis Feb. 18, 2000
Ithaca Hotel Ithaca Hotel History of the hotel Sue Thompson Feb. 10, 2000
Cayuga Preventorium Cayuga Preventorium Dedication to Cayuga Preventorium Sue Thompson Feb. 10, 2000
Franklin Roosevelt Franklin Roosevelt Visits to Ithaca Sue Thompson Feb. 10, 2000
Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt Visits to Ithaca Sue Thompson Feb. 10, 2000
Presidents Presidents Day Theodore and Franklin Roosevelet visit Ithaca Sue Thompson Feb. 10, 2000
Enfield Enfield Folklore Newspapers clippings: 1950, 1900, 1873 Sue Thompson Feb. 3, 2000
Folklore Folklore Stories Folklore stories in Tompkins County   Feb. 3, 2000
Surnames Surnames E-mail link changed: Armstrong, Delanoy, Foote, Overacker Jonathan Armstrong Feb. 3, 2000
Earl Family Earl Family E-mail link changed Leigh Boen Feb. 3, 2000
Military Tompkins County and New York Sources Link to War off 1812   Feb. 3, 2000
Sources Tompkins County and New York Sources Links: Finger Lakes Regions; War of 1812; Railroads; GenForum; Descendents of Richard Sears; Ann's Genealogy Page; Descendents of Benoni Mulks   Feb. 2, 2000

Category Sub-category
Received from Date added
Surnames Surnames H - I - J Iacovelli Diane Pantozzzi Black Jan. 26, 2000
Surnames Surnames Q - R - S Sickman and Schoolcraft Barbara Jean Baay Jan. 26, 2000
Surnames Surnames M - N McGill Barbara Jean Baay Jan. 26, 2000
Surnames Surnames K - L Lounsbery Ann Lounsbery Owens Jan. 26, 2000
Surnames Surnames W-X-Y-Z Warner Bernice Baker Snell Jan. 23, 2000
Surnames Surnames C - D Dusenbery John Dusenbery Jan. 23, 2000
Surnames Surnames C - D Dickerson Bernice Baker Snell Jan. 23, 2000
Surnames Surnames A - B Baker Bernice Baker Snell Jan. 23, 2000
Surnames Surnames A - B Baay Barbara Jean Baay Jan. 23, 2000
Military Resources Civil War Resources Tompkins County GAR Posts updated link Sue Greenhagen Jan. 23, 2000
Vital Records Obituaries from Newspapers & Scrapbooks Obituary of William H. Snyder Martha Magill Jan. 23, 2000
Cemetery St. James Cemetery - Ulysses Township Added: Daily, Hine Norman Daily Jan. 23, 2000
Cemetery St. Anthony's Cemetery, Groton Added Boyer, Carey, Moon, Walpole Tom Herson Jan. 23, 2000
Updates 1999 Tompkins Cty - Past, Present, and Future Plans 1999 Updates list   Jan. 23, 2000
Surnames Surnames W - X - Y - Z Walsh Tom Herson Jan. 17, 2000
Surnames Surnames Q - R - S Robinson Tom Herson Jan. 17, 2000
Surnames Surnames E - F - G Eakins, Farrell, Graham Tom Herson Jan. 17, 2000
Surnames Surnames H - I - J Handlen and Herson Tom Herson Jan. 17, 2000
Surnames Surnames A - B Bower Tom Herson Jan. 17, 2000
Scrapbook Tompkins Co Families Journal of Tompkins & Tioga Counties 1887-1899- Updated Shelia Spencer Stover/Terri Camp Jan. 16, 2000
Scrapbook Tompkins Co Families - Noxon Journal of Tompkins & Tioga Counties 1887-1899 Shelia Spencer Stover/Terri Camp Jan. 13, 2000
Scrapbook Tompkins Co Families Letters Bower to Bower Kent Davis Jan. 10, 2000
Cemetery Camp Comstock Plot Burial Records Joel Horton/Karen Dickson Jan. 10, 2000
Cemetery McLean Old Cemetery Burial Records 1914-1973 Terry Donlick and George Totman Jan. 9, 2000
Surnames Surnames O - P Oliphant Neil Armstrong Jan. 5, 2000
Rec. of Tompkins
Errata Catherine Martin Jan. 5, 2000
Scrapbook Tompkins Co Families Journal of Tompkins & Tioga Counties 1887-1899 Shelia Spencer Stover/Terri Camp Jan. 5, 2000
Church Lansing Township Lansing church records (Baptism) Kent Davis Jan. 3, 2000
Cemetery St. Anthony's Cemetery, Groton Added Boyer, Harder, Hamill, Walpole Tom Herson Jan. 1, 2000
Cemetery Grove Cemetery Caroline Updated Thomas name Bev Walker Jan. 1, 2000
Cemetery Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery, Lansing Added new list Mary Rumsey Jan. 1, 2000

Tompkins County 1999 Updates

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