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Missing and Unknown Cemeteries |
The following cemeteries have not yet been located, but are rumored to exist, or may have existed at one time. If you have any information about any of the following cemeteries, please contact Cheryl Hall at |
Danby Brock Cemetery--This cemetery has not been confirmed or located. Cummings Cemetery--This cemetery has not been confirmed or located. Haycox Cemetery--Should probably be Haycock's Cemetery. This cemetery, along with Ryant Cemetery, is probably William Miller Farm Cemetery. It may have originally been called the McFall Family Burial Ground. Old Burying Ground--This cemetery has not been confirmed or located. It's possible that this is the original, or old ground, of the Danby Rural (Curtis) Cemetery. Tallow Hill Road Cemetery--This cemetery has been searched for many times, but never found. At this time, there are no records and no specific location for this cemetery. Tuttle Cemetery--This cemetery has not been confirmed or located. Groton Davis Road Cemetery--This cemetery has not been confirmed or located. McLean Community Cemetery--This cemetery has not been confirmed or located. Newfield Alpine Cemetery--This cemetery is in Schuyler Co. Name they have it listed as is: Agard Cemetery, Town of Catharine, Schuyler Co., NY. AKA St. John Cemetery/North Settlement Cemetery Ulysses Old "Gun Factory" Cemetery--This cemetery may be the same as the First Cemetery in Trumansburg. |
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