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Stearns Cemetery |
Also known as: Allen-Stearns Cemetery, Old West Groton Cemetery and Free Cemetery Located on Cobb Street, West Groton,
NY Map (Off-site from TopoZone) Records of Dorothy Ostrander, past Town of Groton Historian. This record is as complete as possible at this time. Please take caution if visiting this cemetery. Cemetery is in the woods, trees and woodchucks have done much damage to the graves and headstones. Cemetery also has a large amount of poison ivy in and around it, best to visit it early spring or after a frost in the late fall. Other Views: |
![]() (Photo by Janet Nash) (larger photo) |
Please use Notes as a guide only! |
Surname | Given Name(s)/Relationship | Date(s)/Age | Inscriptions/Notes |
Allen | Joseph ![]() |
Apr. 13, 1738 -Dec. 4, 1815, ae 77y | A Soldier of the Revolution DAR Patriot Index: PS MA; m. Elizabeth Warner. His DAR records states he was buried in Free Cemetery, West Groton, NY. He came to West Groton, NY with his son Isaac Allen in 1804. LDS records states he was the son of Benjamin & Mehitable Ingalls Allen, he married Elizabeth Warner on Oct. 13, 1761 and they had 11 children. |
Allen | Elizabeth Warner, w/o Joseph Allen | 1739 - Dec. 2, 1815, ae 76y | Her and her husband died just two days apart. LDS records state she was the daughter of Caleb & Elizabeth Warner. |
Allen | Isaac![]() |
Mar. 27, 1774 - Mar. 3, 1825 | War of 1812 - Large Allen monument near the back of the cemetery, has the names of Isaac, Susan, Merilla, Louisa, Napoleon Allen on it. Isaac owned the land where the cemetery is located (lot 61) Isaac ALLEN, a Vermonter, located at West Groton Corners about 1804, and was the founder of the settlement at that place. He built the first store, established a tavern, and was an extensive landowner in the vicinity. |
Allen | Susan Sellen, w/o Isaac Allen | Feb. 18, 1794 - Dec. 9, 1881 | Susan was the daughter of Deacon John Sellen, who is also buried in this cemetery. Susan married 2nd on Nov. 2nd 1826 to Jacob H. Thompson, who she had more children by. |
Allen | Merilla, d/o Isaac & Susan | Feb. 21, 1819 - July 7, 1821 | Her name is on the Allen monument |
Allen | Louisa A., d/o Isaac & Susan | 1816 - 1816 | Her name is on the Allen monument |
Allen | Napoleon, s/o Isaac & Susan | Feb. 24, 1823 - July 20, 1885 | His name is on the Allen monument |
Allen | Sally Ann, d/o J.W. & Polina D. Allen | d. Nov. 27, 1842, ae 1y 6m 23d | Stone is broken, lying on ground, in back part of Cemetery, this headstone is not on the Isaac Allen lot. This may be a grandchild of Isaac's brother Asaph Allen who died in the war of 1812. Asaph's wife was Lois King, she was living next to Isaac Allen in 1820. |
Austin | Edward B. | d. Mar. 24, 1842, ae 61y 9m 6d | His grave is located in the back left of the cemetery, there are no headstones found next to him. |
Beard | In Memory of 3 Infant Children of Roswell & Isabel Beard who | d. 1855, 1856, 1859 | This headstone is broken with the bottom half missing. The only part which can be read is near the bottom. Looks like the year of their deaths could be in the 1830's and not 1850's. |
Braiton | Edward D. | d. Jan. 21, 1812, ae 1y 11m 29d | Headstone could not be found in 2004. |
Braiton | Emma Abena, d/o Warren & Irene Braiton | d. Nov. 3, 1843, ae 9y | Note: Irene, wife of Warren Braiton/Brayton was Irene Brown, daughter of Ichabod Brown. |
Brayton | Henry, s/o Warren & Irene Brayton | d. Jan. 27, 1842, ae 4y 11mos 29dys | Headstone is in very poor conditon. Grave next to Ichabod Brown. |
Brayton | Jeremy, s/o Warren & Irene Brayton | d. Jan. 27, 18--, ae 1y 11m 29d | Headstone not found in 2004 |
Brown | Ichabod | Deceased Jan. 21, 1842, ae 74y 6m 16d | Headstone lying flat. Said to have settled in West Groton about 1796 - he made his will July 5, 1838, probate was Mar. 24, 1842, with sons: Ichabod Jr., Ira, Brayton, Samuel; daus., Sally, w/o Zeno Comstock, Irene, w/o Warren Brayton, Pheobe, w/o Jackson of Hoag of Mich., Rebecca, w/o Silas Fish, Almira, w/o Aaron Demon of Barrington, Angeline Bennet of Ohio, Harriet, w/o James Sweezy. Ex: Cicero Phelps & Warren Brayton; Wit: Hiram Roe and Isaac Davis. His wife at the time of his will is listed as Clarissa. |
Brown | Ichabod Jr. | d. Jan. 8, 1870, ae 68y | His headstone is in the middle part of the cemetery, left side near field, lying flat on the ground. He was the son of Ichabod & Abigail Brown. |
Brown | Abigail, w/o Ichabod Brown | d. Feb. 8, 1833 ae 58y, 3d | Her headstone has a tree grown around front edge. Located near the edge of the cemetery a few graves from Ichabod, her husband. LDS records state she was Abigail Brayton, dau. of Gideon & Hannah Remington Brayton. |
Brown | Hannah, d/o Ichabod & Abigail Brown | d. Sep. 16, 1808, ae 2y | Old record states her age was 5 yrs., but in 2004 a rubbing looked more like 2yrs. |
Bulkley | Hill | d. Apr. 7, 1838, ae 56y 28d | Affliction soar Longtime I bore Physicians were in vain Till God was pleased To give me ease And free me from my pain (Hill Bulkley came to Groton in 1825) |
Bulkley | Sally, w/o Hill Bulkley | d. Oct. 6, 1825, ae 30y 1m 22d | Deaths awful summons With imperious call Impartially extends itself to all (Bulkley's had three children: Lorenzo, Lovisa and Almon) |
C. | E. C. | No dates | Footmarke only found near middle of cemetery on right hand side. Footmarker next to another footmarker S. C. |
C. | S. C. | No dates | Footmarker only found near middle of cemetery on right hand side. Footmarke next to another footmarker E. C. |
Conrad | Jacob | d. Jun. 29, 1840, ae 55y 4m 17d | Headsone is still standing in 2004, located on back side of cemetery on right. In North Lansing Cemetery is Conrad, Bethia or Bethier?, widow of Jacob Conrad, d. Nov 9, 1848 ae 65 yr. No Jacob is found in North Lansing Cemetery, this may be his wife. |
Curtiss | Seth | d. May 2, 1817, ae 55y | Believe this is the headstone found defaced with only a small part of the inscription left. Seth was all that could be read. Near the middle of the cemetery, left side toward field. |
Dye | Sally, w/o James R. Dye | d. Apr. 25, 1833, ae 42y | In the 42nd year of her age. Near front of the cemetery, left side. |
Fish | Nathan | 1762 - Feb. 2, 1832, ae 70y | Death is a debt To nature due Which I have paid And So must you (Nathan Fish settled in West Groton in about 1817) |
Fish | Lucy, w/o Nathan Fish | 1766 - May 24, 1827, ae 62y | A virtuous life On earth she lived Till she resigned her breath A comfort to Her friends while here Lamented at her death (Garnsey burials are next to Nathan and Lucy Fish) |
Gress | Margaret, w/o Samuel Gress | d. Aug. 8, 1841, ae 19y 9m 1d | Buried in North Lansing Cemetery is Gress, Samuel, Feb. 2, 1814 - Aug. 24, 1850. Believe this could be her husband buried in North Lansing. |
Guernsey/Garnsey | Elizabeth W., d/o Joseph & Susanna Garnsey | d. Jan. 19, 1842, ae 15y 7m 16d | Written as Guernsey in earlier record. Headstone clearly has Garnsey. Joseph married Susanna Travis. Joseph Garnsey was born Aug. 24, 1792 died July 9, 1870. He was the son of Ebenezer & Silea Shevalier Garnsey. He married Susanna Travis on Feb. 6, 1820, she was born Oct. 8, 1798 died May 18, 1864. Joseph married 1st Matilda Coleman who died 1818. |
Guernsey/Garnsey | Matilda H., d/o Joseph & Susanna Garnsey | d. Sep. 15, 1843, ae 22y 6m 10dys | Written as Guersey in earlier record, headstone clearly has Garnsey. Susanna Travis may have been the daughter of James & Ruth Travis who are also buried in this cemetery. |
Guthrie | Polly, d/o Capt. John & Olive Guthrie | d. Aug. 4, 1803, ae 2y | John Guthrie, a native of Connecticut moved to Aurora, NY and at the age of twenty-one came to Groton, where he died March 16, 1846. His wife was Olive Wilson, who he married Sept. 7, 1800. They had ten children: Polly, Thankful, Maria, William, Nancy, Saphronia, John W., Alson, Lyman H., and Olive W. John & Olive are buried in West Groton Rural Cemetery a short distance down the road from this cemetery. |
Henshaw | James | d. Sep. 4, 1804, ae 69y | |
Henshaw | Susannah, w/o James Henshaw | d. Mar. 13, 1804, ae 62y | |
Loomis | Soloman | d. Jul. 29, 1829 | No age is listed on headstone. Believe this was an infant son of Soloman & Hannah Armstrong Loomis |
Loomis | Dennis, s/o Soloman & Hannah Loomis | d. Apr. 27, 1828, ae 22d | Soloman Loomis was the son of Simon & Mary Carpenter Loomis. Hannah was Hannah Armstrong. |
Loomis | Soloman ![]() |
d. Dec. 21, 1882 | War of 1812. This headstone was not found in 2004. A monument with his name on it is found in West Groton Rural Cemetery a short distance down the road. |
Loomis | Amy, w/o Daniel Loomis | d. Jul. 2, 1830, ae 22y 3m 1d | Daniel Loomis was the son of Simon & Mary Carpenter Loomis. Daniel re-married to Hannah Scofield and moved to Harmony, Chautauqua, NY where he raised a large family. Amy was the mother of three children when she died David b. 1821; Franklin b. 1826 and George only a few months old when she died. |
Loomis | George, her son (Amy's) | d. Aug. 6, 1830, ae 3m | This inscription is listed on the bottom of his mother's heastone. |
Loomis | Luther, s/o Nathan & Anna Loomis | d. Mar. 30, 1813, ae 9 wks | In Memory of the 2 sons of Nathan & Anna Loomis. (his age was listed as 2 years in an earlier record. Family records give birth date as Jan. 25, 1813. Headstone checked and 9 wks is correct. |
Loomis | Isaac, s/o Nathan & Anna Loomis | d. Jun. 12, 1819 ae 1y ?m | Inscription looks like first written was 3 son of Nath' & Anna Loomis, with the 3 changed to a 2, or a 2 was changed to a 3. Family records state he was born Oct. 23, 1817. This would make age 1y 7m 4d at the time of death. Headstone is in very poor condition. |
Loomis | Joseph, son of Nathan & Anna Loomis | Dates unknown - see notes | Notes: Nathaniel & Anna (Reeves) Loomis had another son Joseph Loomis born 1814 died June 26, 1814. If Joseph Loomis is buried here, this would make the inscription on the headstone stating 2 or 3 sons correct. I believe, 2 was changed to a 3 after Joseph died and his name added to the bottom of the other children's headstone. The bottom part of this heastone is in poor condition. |
Miller | Mary, w/o Frederick Miller | d. Apr. 7, 1838, ae 42y 6m | Physicians had no skill to save Nor power to ransom from the grave |
Missillier | Mason C., son of A. L. & M. Missillier | d. April 23, 1850 ae 3mos 23 dys | Missillear? This may be the son of Lewis Missillier age 50 living in West Groton in 1850 |
M. | E. L. | no dates | Footmarker only, no headstone found. Just footmarker with E. L. M. |
Phelps | Lancelot ![]() |
d. Nov. 12, 1836, ae 86y 5m 8d | A Soldier of the Revolution DAR Patriot Index: PVT CT; b. Nov. 9, 1750; m. Jerusha Pinrey (Pinney?) |
Phelps | Jerusha, w/o Lancelot Phelps | d. Mar. 16, 1842, ae 81y 1m 15d | LDS records state her name was Jerusha Pinney, born Nov. 1, 1760, dau. of John & Deborah Pinny. Children by Lancelot were: Paulina b. 1780, Jerusha b. 1782 died young, Lancelot b. 1784, Bethuel b. 1787, Jerusha b. 1790, Warren b. 1793/94, Harvey b. 1796, Cicero b. 1801. |
Phelps | Kezia, w/o Cicero Phelps, Esqr. | d. Jun. 6, 1843, ae 37y 6d | A monument in Glenwood Cemetery, Cortland, NY has the following inscription: Cicero Phelps 1801-1872; Kesia Grant his wife 1805-1843; L. Lucretia his wife 1818-1889. (Kezia was the daughter of Levi & Rhoda Andrews Grant) |
Piatt | Charles | d. Jan. 1833, ae 13y 6m | Headstone is home made, chilsed inscription. No other information found on Charles. |
Rockwell | Harriet Evaline, d/o Joseph & Phebe Rockwell | d. May 1, 1829, ae 10y 6m | |
Rockwell | Rebecca, d/o Joseph & Phebe Rockwell | d. Aug. 15, 1832, ae 4m | |
Sellen | Deacon John | d. Oct. 4, 1820, ae 66y | Per LDS records John Sellon b. 1754 Harwick, Mass., died Oct. 1820 in West Groton, NY, son of John & Elizabeth Reddaway Fraiswell Sellen. He married Nov. 26, 1788 in Mass., to Martha Mosely who was born April 30, 1756, dau of Joseph & Sibbillah Dudley Mosely. John and Martha had John, Samuel, William, Susan. Susan married Isaac Allen, and her brother William I believe married a sister or cousin of Isaac Allen's. |
Sellen | Sarah M., w/o Orlando Sellen | d. Dec. 23, 1843, ae 24y 9m 28d | Orlando Sellen was the son of Samuel & Maria Pratt Sellen, he married 2nd to Rhoda Wright, who died July 29, 1868, buried in West Groton Cemetery. Orlando Sellen is buried in Genoa Village Cemetery, Cayuga Co., NY, there is a inscrition on his monument for Rhoda, but none for Sarah. Orlando died 1893. |
Stearns | Rev. J.W. "Abolitionist" | 1808 - 1888 | A Mason - born Feb. 21, 1808 died April 1888. Rev. Joseph Wilcott Stearns, well known as pastor of the old Christain Church and honored because of his anit-slavery efforts and sentiments, came to West Groton in 1835. He married Amanda Allen on March 3, 1839. Joseph was born in Mass., son of Stockwell & Seviah Wilcott Stearns. |
Stearns | Amanda S. Allen, w/o Rev. J.W. Stearns | 1815 - 1889 | Amanda Allen, daughter of Isaac & Susan Sellen Allen. Children of her and Jospeh Stearns were: Joseph Wellington Stearns b. 1840; Alvin Stuart Stearns b. 1842; Eugene Allen Stearns b. 1847 |
Stearns | A. Stuart | 1842 - 1892, ae 50y | son of Jospeh W. & Amanda Allen Stearns born April 8, 1842 |
Stoddard | In Memory of Samuel | d. Mar. 16, 1826, ae 71y | Next to his gave is a footmarker S. M. S. Unsure if this is for Samuel Stoddard or someone else. It is not at his grave, but next one over. |
Tallmadge | Seth | d. Oct. 21, 1849, ae 66y 8m 21d | His wife was Bethenia, they had five children. Alanson was one of those children. Wills of Tompkins Co., NY has Sarah Seely, of Ithaca, who died July 5, 1852, mentions her daughter Bethena, widow of Seth Talmadge, Locke, NY |
Tallmadge | Chalmer R., s/o Alanson & Minerva Tallmadge | d. May 18, 1854, ae 10m 21d | Alanson was the son of Seth & Bethenia Tallmadge. Alanson married Melvina Weeks. |
Taylor | Doct. John | d. Jul. 3, 1839, ae 61 or 64y | |
Travis | James | d. Mar. 29, 1829, ae 75y | He may be the father of Susanna Travis who married Joseph Garnsey. |
Travis | Ruth, w/o James Travis | d. Mar. 15, 1841, ae 77y 6m | |
_________ | Eunice E. | No Dates | It is not known what the surname is for this person |
_________ | Walter J. | 1876 - 1925(?) | On Tallmadge or Stearns Lot |
_________ | Henry W. (Father) | 1876 - 1956 | This
may be 1926 and not 1956. The last three headstones on this list
were not found in 2004. |
Thank you Juanita Griffin for donating the records of Dorothy
Ostrander, past Town of Groton Historian.
Thank you Cheryl Hall for transcribing the records into digital
format, dand retreiving these records from Juanita Griffin. Recording
of the headstone inscriptions on April 10th 2004 was done by Janet M. Nash
with the help of Nancy Frederick. Stephen Nash and Frank Frederick also
helped in pointing out some of the old headstones.
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