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Taughannock Farm Plot

The plot's existence and general location was given by Joel Horton about 80 years ago.  Its exact location is unknown.  
Believed to be on Taughannock Creek Road, about 200 paces from the road, on a little rise just north of the hedge-row.
 (Per Susan Wheeler - 1974)
This plot was owned by W. B. Dumont in the mid 1800's.

Town of Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY
Plot is inactive 

This record is as complete as possible at this time.

photograph of cemetery
No Photo available at this time

Please use Notes as a guide only!

Surname Given Name(s) Notes
Archer Sarah wife of Thomas Archer died Feb. 16, 1817 aged 30 yrs., 11 mos., 16 days.
Brinkerhoof Mary wife of ? died Jan. 22, 1810 aged 27 yrs.
Sutton Andrew J., son of John Sutton died Jan. 7, 1816 aged 16 weeks.

Joel Horton, Susan Wheeler and C.W. Finch.

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