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Van Pelt Family Cemetery

Located on Private property at 400 Midline Road.
Directions:On left hand side of Midline Road
between Hollister Road, and where Midline Road
meets Irish Settlement Road.
Cemetery is inactive.
Burial Plot of the Walter & Submit Baxter Van Pelt Family.
Neighbors reported there were about 8 to 12 burials;
of those burials, about 6 were graves of children

Map (Off-site from Google)
Map (Off-site from Topozone)

View Photo Before Clean Up
After Clean Up

Photo of cemetery
Photo by Janet M. Nash
(larger photo)

All headstones were removed from burial plot by a former landowner.
Art Thompson Jr., the landowner today (2006) has cleaned up the burial area.  He has done a beautiful job.
We are trying to find record of the burials. Walter Van Pelt was a soldier in the War of 1812. He married Submit Baxter, their children were: Sally, wife of Samuel Hemingway; Garrett Van Pelt; Frances Van Pelt; Lorenzo D. Van Pelt; Levi Van Pelt;
Mary, wife of Manley Bouton.
When we find more information we will gladly post that material on this site.
If anyone has any information about this burial plot,
 please let us know!

  Surname Inscription Believe buried here Notes

Van Pelt marker gone veteran's flag Walter Van Pelt born abt. 1779 died after 1860
(War of 1812) son of Garret and Mary (Naphew) Van Pelt, owned land where burial plot is. Came to Dryden 1819.

Van Pelt marker gone Submit Baxter, wife of Walter Van Pelt, born abt. 1779/80 died 1851 dau. of Francis and Sarah (Ellsworth) Baxter
View stone
Beach Freeman D., son of Freeman J. and Rebecca Beach, died, June 7, 1858, AE 1 M. & 2 D's   Grave marker found and returned to burial plot in 2005.  At this time this is the only headstone in the cemetery.  Headstone before returned to cemetery.

Photo of cemetery
Cemetery before cleanup
View larger photo
Photo of cemetery
Cemetery during cleanup
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Photo of cemetery
Cemetery after cleanup
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Listed below are family members believed to have been buried in this cemetery. Please use this as a guide only until more information is available.

  1. Walter VanPelt born abt. 1779 died after 1860
  2. Submit Baxter VanPelt his wife 1779/80 ‑ 1851
  3. infant of William Van Pelt
  4. infant of William Van Pelt
  5. Freeman D. Beach, son of Freeman & Rebecca Beach, died June 7, 1858 age 1 month, 2 dys.
  6. Rebecca Beach, wife of Freeman b. abt. 1825 died after June 7, 1858 and before 1860.
  7. Sarah Van Pelt born about 1849 not found in 1860, daughter of Lorenzo D. Van Pelt.
  8. Hannah Van Pelt Weldon, wife of Elias Weldon, and sister to Walter Van Pelt.

Walter Van Pelt, son of Garret & Mary Naphew Van Pelt, born abt. 1779 in New Jersey, married Submit Baxter (also known as Submitty). Walter, his wife and six children, the youngest being but 4 yrs. old, moved from Brunswick and settled in Dryden, Tompkins Co., New York in 1819. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. (Walter is listed in error in the transcribing, as Willis for the transcribed 1820 Dryden Census). He lived on Lot 86 in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins Co., NY.

Walter Van Pelt was living in Troy, NY in 1800 with his wife and one son. He was living in Dryden, NY as early as 1819. He married Submit Baxter, born about 1772 in Conn., died 1851. In 1840 he was living in Town of Dryden, NY with no children left at home, only him and his wife. Walter still living in 1860 with his son Levi VanPelt, but not found in 1870., so died sometime between 1860‑1870. Believe Walter and his wife are buried in this cemetery, which is on their home farm, located on Midline Road, Town of Dryden. This cemetery was destoyed by the removal of all headstones. It is unknown who all is buried here. In 1820 Walter is listed with 6 males plus himself, and 3 females, plus his wife.

Submit Baxter, his wife, born abt. 1870, was the daughter of: Francis & Sarah Ellsworth Baxter [her siblings were: John b. 1762; Levi b. 1764; Thomas b. 1866; Polly b. 1768; Submit is listed in the Walter Van Pelt family history as Submitty Baxter.

Children of Walter & Submit Van Pelt, that have been found were: Garret, Levi, Lorenzo D., Frances, Sally and Mary A., they may have had two young sons who also died. (A report was given by neighbors of this cemetery, there were about 8 to 12 headstones in this cemetery with about 6 being young children). They may have had two sons died young.

Thank you Art Jr. & Sherry Thompson for restoring this cemetery. 
Van Pelt Family records shared by Laurence & Ruth (Van Pelt) Beach.
 Laurence & Ruth Beach,
Jo Anne Kaufman, Art & Sherry Thompson,
Martha Hardesty,
Janet M. Nash.
Profit from books sold by JanMarie is being donated to the Cemetery Clean Up Project.

Research on the Van Pelt family by Janet M. Nash

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