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1850 Deaths in the Town of Dryden

As recorded in the 1850 Federal Census,
for the year ending May, 1850.
Taken from the 1850 Census Index and
not checked against the actual Census Schedule

Name of Deceased Age Date of Death Native State or County Civil Status
Beckwith, George 50 February 1850 Connecticut M
Bishop, Anson 32 February 1850 New York M
Bishop, George 28 January 1850 New York M
Billington, Ira 16 January 1850 New York  
Billington, Emily 13 February 1850 New York  
Card, Elijah B. 59 March 1850 New York M
Cheesebrough, Lydia J. 27 May 1850 New York M
Conover, Margaret 72 December 1849 New Jersey M
Davenport, Almond 20 March 1850 New York M
Davenport, Hezekiah 45 April 1850 New York M
Dunham, Lucy 58 November 1849 New York M
Ellis, Ira 47 November 1849 New York M
Ellis, Phoebe 78 January 1850 New Jersey W
English, Hezekiah 73 March 1850 New Jersey M
Fulkerson, Chapman 65 December 1849 New Hampshire  
George, Joel 70 June 1849 New Jersey M
Griswold, Harriet A. 19 October 1849 New York  
Guinnes, John 64 July 1849 New Jersey M
Hanford, Anna M. 56 March 1850 Massachusetts  
Hanford, Erastus 19 October 1849 New York  
Heffron, Lydia 79 June 1849 New Hampshire W
Hiles, Chloe 83 December 1849 Pennsylvania W
Hollister, Binner(?) 65 April 1850 New York W
Hutchins, Franklin 21 October 1849 New York  
Johnson, Sarah 68 January 1850 New Jersey W
Nelson, Margaret 64 September 1849 New York W
Nelson, Mary J. 24 September 1849 New York  
Nelson, Robert 72 September 1849 Ireland M
Onan, James 75 August 1849 New York M
Overbaugh, Mary 15 November 1849 New York  
Patterson, Olive 53 July 1849 Connecticut M
Rowland, Joseph H. 43 August 1849 New York M
Schovee, Esther 63 July 1849 New York M
Swansbraugh, William 78 May 1850 Vermont  
Thomas, Benjamin 22 February 1850 New York  
Thompson, Hugh 64 October 1849 Ireland M
Todd, Elisha 58 December 1849 Vermont or Connecticut; first letter typed over M
Todd, William 70 June 1849 New York M

Material provided and transcribed by Cheryl Hall.

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