(Newspaper clipping dated: November 28, 1915)
Forest Home is in the Township of Ithaca, NY.

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Will Dedicate New Forest Home Church Sunday

Dr. Wallace E. BROWN to Preach Sermon-Will Serve All Denominations in Hamlet-Congregation Flourishing under Rev. MCCONNELL.

The new Forest Home Methodist Episcopal Church will be formally dedicated at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. This new edifice, though conducted under Methodist leadership, is unique in character for the services of any Christian denomination are permitted within its doors. Thus the single church building fulfills the needs of all the people of Forest Home.

The Rev. C. G. MCCONNELL assistant pastor of the First Methodist Church, this city, is pastor of the Forest Home Church. The congregation numbers 100. Sunday school services are conducted with an average attendance of eighty-five people.

At the dedicatory services the Rev. Wallace E. BROWN, D. D., formerly of the First Methodist Church, this city, now of Syracuse, will deliver the sermon. The Rev. John RICHARDS of this city also will take part in the services. The sermon for the evening services, which begins at 7 o'clock, will be preached by the Rev. John RICHARDS.

Leslie HAZEN is director of the choir of the new church while Miss Mabel CORNELIUS is organist. The choir members are: Mrs. L. HAZEN, Althea BEARD, Amy WHETZEL, Mrs. Charles BEARD, Clara TAILBY, Ruth HAZEN, Albert FORCE, R. H. WHEELER, T. W. DIXON, Charles BEARD, Clarence WALL, Arthur WALL, L. H. MOULTON, E. S. GUTHRIE and M. HAMMOND.

The trustees of the church are A. E. BOICOURT, E. S. GUTHRIE, and L. H. MOULTON, R. H. WHEELER, Earl SUNDERVILLE, William MITCHELL, Glenn MARKS, J. C. WHETZEL and Otis CURTIS.

Services in School Building

Four years ago the services were conducted in a school building under the direction of congregation members and various visiting ministers. Then the Rev. Carl G. MCCONNELL was called to the pastorate, the congregation grew and the Sunday School was organized: Under the leadership of E. S. GUTHRIE as superintendent the Sunday school work has grown steadily. Both the congregation and the Sunday school increased so rapidly in numbers that it was necessary to have a meeting place.

The erection of the unique little church was started last spring and has now been completed. The cost of the church, the lot and the furnishings, etc., was $5,500.

The Program

The Dedicatory program follows:
3 p. m. Service Begins
Singing-Congregation, Hymn 659
Prayer- Rev. John RICHARDS
Anthem- Jerusalem the Golden
Scripture Reading
Singing congregation, Hymn 661
Greeting - Rev. J. A. MACINTOSH, D. D.
Remarks - Pastor
Sermon-Rev. W. E. BROWN, D. D.
Dedicatory Service.

7 o'clock Song Service

Sermon-Rev. John RICHARDS

Thank you Janet Nash for sharing this record.

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