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Trumansburg Hill School
Class of 1941
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Students listed: Row One: Olive Heathwaite, Audrey Bennett, William Parker, R. I. Doig (Princ.), Edith Morris, Charles Mayo, Theadore Conklin Row Two: Gorden Campbell, Joesph Kinney, John Doyle, Loren Hess, William Dimick, Lois Clock, Josephine Raymond, Homer Stillwell Row Three: Asma Bodine, Walter Bower, William VanFleet, Rob't. Lounsberry, Evelyn Austic, Betty Madison, Alta Durling Row Four: Lois Onon, Harriette Teeter, Barbara Koellner, Marjorie Moore, Marleta Freelove, Beach Stoyer, Alpha Boyd, Betty Breed Row Five: Martha Frost, Kenneth Kio, William Loomis, Jean McFall, Berta Culver, Mildred McGrame Photos by Tompkins Studio, Ithaca, N.Y. |
Photo donated by Judy Cuyle
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