Ellis Hollow Cheese & Butter Factory

(This factory was short lived. 1867-1872 )

Ellis Hollow Location Map

From the Account Book of
Joseph A. Genung /Treasurer

This Company was formed for the purpose of manufacturing Cheese and Butter:  The whole amount of Stock to be $3500. and $50 to constitute a share;

each stockholder to share in profit or loss in proportion to amount of stock owned.

Written by the hand of Joesph A. Genung

Pages 1, 2, 3

Pages 4 - 9

Names of Stockholders at this date December 20th 1867
Page 1

Year                    Name                          Date Paid                                 No. of shares to each      Amount Rec'd from
                                                                                                                    Stockholder               each Stockholder

1867               Almon Grey                Dec. 20 to March 25, 1868                        2                          $100.00

1867              J.J. Besemer                 Dec. 25   to  May 30, 1868                       2                          $100.00

1867             Charles Onan              Dec. 25  to  May 30,  1868                         1                            50.00

1867             Eugene Mitchell          Dec. 25  to April 21, 1868                          2                         $100.00

1867            Chauncy Goodspeed       Dec. 20 to Mar. 25, 1868
                                                                      to June 18, 1869                          4                          $200.00

1867            James McMaster           Jan. 2 to June 16,  1868                           1                             50.00

1867            Jasper Hanford             Jan. 2 to July 24, 1868                            2                           $100.00

1867            John E. Bull                  Jan. 4  to June 25, 1868                           1                               50.00

1867           Jacob Ogden                 Jan. 4  to May 25, 1868                           1                                50.00

1867          Lewis McWorter             Jan. 7 to Mar. 17, 1868
                                                                     to May 18, 1869                          2                           $100.00

1867          David Cornelius                   Jan 2 to June 8, 1868                        1                                50.00

1867         Joseph A. Genung          Jan. 18 to April 17, 1868                         1                                 50.00

1867         Ellis Deavenport               Dec. 20 to May 29, 1868                       1                                 50.00

1867         J. D.B. Hasbrouck            Jan. 22 & Mar. 25, 1868
                                                                        to May 18,1869                       2                             $100.00

1867        Jacob Snyder                      Jan. 22 to May 1, 1868                        2                            $100.00

1867       Henry Harrington                  Jan. 24 to July 1, 1868                      1                                50.00

1867       T. B. June                              Jan. 25 to May 25, 1868                    1                                 50.00

1867       Harry Snyder                         Jan. 28 to April 8, 1868                    1                                 50.00

1867      A. Onan 2nd                           Jan. 29 to April 29, 1868                  1                                  50.00

1867      Wm. S. Snyder                        Feb. 5  to June 15, 1868                   1                                   50.00

1867     Theodore Hildebrant              Mar. 19 to June 8, 1868                    3                              $100.00

1867     Harrison Midaugh                 Mar. 19 to April 15, 1868
                                                                         to Apr.1869                          4                               $200.00

1867    James Mandeville                  Mar. 24 to May 12, 1868                    1                                  50.00

1867    Reubin Mitchell                    April 4 to Aug. 22, 1868                       3                               $150.00

1867    Frank Mitchell                     April 4 to Nov. 3, 1868                         2                               $100.00

1867   Nelson Middaugh                 May 19                                                 2                                $100.00

1867   Daniel F. Rice                      Jan. 2                                                    6                                $300.00

1867   Wm. Eaton                           Jan. 11                                                   2                                $100.00

1867   John J. Ellis                        Jan 11                                                    5                                 $250.00

                                                                      Carried to 8th page               58                             $2850.00

Page 2
Cost of Building the Ellis Hollow Cheese Factory
And furnishing the same

December 18              Paid Peter Oliver for drawing stone                                               $    9.00

December 28             Paid Wm Eaton for water pipe                                                             70.00
Jan. 4                        Paid Jacob Ogden                                                                                13.50

Jan. 10                      Paid George Genung on job of building fee                                        50.00

Jan. 14                      Paid Wm Eaton for shingles                                                                    30.00

Jan. 18                      Paid J. M. Hubbard for work                                                                   2.63

Jan. 18                     Paid Wm Eaton Balance for shingles                                                     129.37

Jan. 25                     Paid W. H. Northrop for work                                                                  3.00

Jan. 31                    Paid  Dennis Cornelius for work                                                               3.75

Feb. 4                     Paid W. S. Middaugh for work & drawing Lumber                                  36.50  

Feb. 15                   Paid Geo Genung on job                                                                         25.00
Feb. 22                   Paid  Geo Genung on job                                                                        40.00

March 4                  Paid  Warren Wilsey for drawing shingles                                               1.60  

March 21               Paid Geo Genung on job                                                                        55.00  

March 25               Paid  Almon Grey for two days work with team                                        5.00  

March 30              Paid  H. A. Ostrander for drawing fifty bunches of shingles
                                                & two kegs of nails                                                                 4.16

March 30             Paid J. D. Hunter for 4.326 ft. of lumber                                                 69.21

March 30             Paid  W. H. Northup for sash                                                                   17.82
                                                                                    Balance                                             $505.54
Page 2 continued                           1868

April 2                 Paid  Geo. Genung on job                                                                   $ 151.00

April 10               Paid  Geo White for plaining flooring & boards for doors                      10.28             

April 10               Paid  Elmer Tichenor for drawing Lumber                                              42.11                             

April 15                Geo Genung on job                                                                              100.00

April 18                J. M. Hubbard for digging ditch
                                                               & filling around the butments                              30.88

April 21               Jeremiah Mitchell for drawing lumber                                                       1.75

April 23               Geo Genung on job for Wm Eaton                                                          30.00

April 27               Geo Pew for drawing lumber & Engine from Ithaca                               28.63

May 1                  T. Kellogg for Spring                                                                              25.00

May 1                  Perry Miles for drawing lumber for vats                                                  2.00

May 15               Wm. Cornelius for work @ $1.75 per day                                               14.00

                                                                                                     Carried to 3 page

Page 3
 Cost of Building the Ellis Hollow Cheese & Butter Factory
and furnishing the same

May 16                Paid W. H. Northup for work on Factory                                            $   62.75

                                                                                                           balance carried                   $1,063.94

May 18              Paid Geo Genung on job                                                                           80.00

May 19            Paid Nelson Middaugh for work & Lumber
May 19            Paid Nelson Middaugh for one day Quarrying stone                                    2.50
May 19            Paid Nelson Middaugh for contracting lumber                                             2.50
May 19            Paid Nelson Middaugh for One thousand ft of flooring                             18.00
May 19            Paid Nelson Middaugh for One thousand ft of fencing                              12.00
May 19            Paid Nelson Middaugh for one hundred posts                                             1.75

May 20           Paid Wm Eaton                                                                                            15.00

May 20           Paid  Mr. Clark for weigh can                                                                    16.50
May 20           Paid Mr. Clark for Hoop Filler                                                                     2.50
May 20           Paid Mr. Clark for One Cyphen                                                                   1.00
May 20           Paid Mr. Clark for Two Large Clippers                                                        1.75
May 20           Paid Mr. Clark for One Strainer                                                                   1.50

                                                                                                        balance carried                     $ 1,228.94

May 20          Paid Mr. Clark for three small clippers                                                           1.00
May 20          Paid Mr. Clark for One curd scoop                                                                1.00
May 20          Paid Mr. Clark for One Pan                                                                             .40
May 20          Paid Mr. Clark for One Dust Pan                                                                    .30
May 20          Paid Mr. Clark for Cutting rods                                                                     1.00
May 20          Paid Mr. Clark for One large Vat                                                                 45.00

June 2           Paid E. B. Prosser for work                                                                           22.84

June 2           Paid Starks for cheese-hoops                                                                        56.50  

June 10         Paid Cash  John Rumsey                                                                              206.77

June 12         Paid Cash  Reynolds                                                                                      47.90

June 25        Paid John E. Bull for drawing one load of lumber                                           1.50
June 25        Paid John E. Bull for 171 ft. pine lumber @$.40 per thousand                        6.84

June 27        Paid Clark  for mending vat                                                                             3.00
June 27        Paid Clark for conducter head                                                                         2.00 

June 29        Paid Hunt for horse to drawing vat                                                                  1.50
July 15        Paid Warren Wilsey for drawing lumber                                                            2.50

July 25        Paid Schermer horn       [ unsure if Schermerhorn ]                                       35.95

Aug. 22       Paid Tremans for Engine                                                                              $550.00

                                                  balance carried                                                                          $ 2,214.94

Aug. 22       Paid King for lumber                                                                                        79.38

Aug. 22      Paid Bostwick & Wilmot for turners                                                                  37.30

Aug. 22      Paid Jones & Faulkner                                                                                       5.00

                                                                           Carried over to 4 page                                      $   2,336.62 

To Pages 4 - 9

Transcribed and Owned by Janet M. Genung Nash

The Records for the Ellis Hollow Cheese & Butter Factory

Are transcribed by the original hand written account book.

Copyright Notice:
All files on this site are copyrighted by their creator.
            These records may not be reproduced on another site without specific permission
            from Tompkins County Coordinator, Janet Nash the owner of this material.
"All Rights Reserved"
Janet M. Nash

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