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Tompkins County Surnames (C-D)

A-B  C-D  E-F-G  H-I-J  K-L  M-N  O-P  Q-R-S  T-U-V  W-X-Y-Z


CACCIOTTI Christine Cianci Ithaca c. 1928
CADY shirley cleveland Tompkins Co., NY 1800's
CAIN Kevin Cain Tompkins County --
CAIN Gwen Mecum Hunt South Danby 1800s
CALDWELL RON HANLEY Ithaca 1900-1924
CALLAHAN Jill Foley Ithaca 1894 - present
CALLEN Cathy (Callen) Newman Tompkins abt. 1790
CANTINE irene Caroline married in 1862 there
CARD Sharon Iwanick Groton ca 1870
CARSKADDON Gary A. Spicer Ulysses 1840-1900
CARY/CAREY Betty Cary Tompkins Co., NY about 1815
CARLEY Brenda Ithaca 1823
CARLEY/CARLY/CORLEY Bob Lefler Jacksonville/Mechlinberg/Ithaca 1810 to 1900
CARLEY David Carley near Ithaca 1823
CARMEN Jane E. Ashby Hector, Ulysses 1820
CARMER Dean Grow Dryden 1800-1830
CARMAN Barbara R Himes Tompkins Co 1800s
CARPENTER Charlyne Lynk Ithaca 1886-1902
CARR Leigh Boen Tompkins County ca 1850+
CARRINGTON Bill Drew Ithaca, Groton, McLean since early 1900s
CARROLL William F. McLaughlin Dryden, Tompkins About 1870
CARTER J. Mullen Lansing 1816-1830
CARTER Catherine Machan (Kay) Martin Dryden 1820
CARTER Lena Hurst Tompkins County --
CASADY Gary R. Casady Tompkins about 1785
CASE Marianne Via Tompkins County 1798-1838
CASE Jeff Burke Ithaca 1800-1890
CASE Deborah Martin-Plugh Groton/Cayuga Co. 1820 to present
CASE Rose Clark groton,n.y. 1900
CASE Karl Swartz Ithaca 1825-1890s
CASEY Jacqueline Bower Ithaca, Dryden 1850-present
CASTERLINE Bruce Baker Ithaca 1810-1835
CASTERLINE Sue Swenson Tompkins County 1800s
CAVENEY Chuck Caveney Brooktondale ca 1890 to present
CHAFFEE Terri Crockford Newfield, Enfield --
CHAMBERLAIN Melanie Mowry Etters Tompkins County, Ithaca? ? to mid-1800s
CHAMBERS Becky C. Mitchell Ithaca 1840-1850s
CHAMBERS Robert Chambers Caroline 1803-1880s
CHAMBERS Melissa D. Chambers Tompkins County 1840-1865
CHAMBERS Richard Chambers Dryden 1800s
CHAMBERS Ruth Anderson Tompkins County --
CHAMPLIN Richard Greenman Groton 1869-1910
CHANDLER dan clark unknown 1805 to 1825
CHARLES Mrs. Nancy Rogers Tompkins County --
CHASE Ray Fuller Tompkins County --
CHEESEMAN Ann Hines Caroline 1766-after1813
CHESLEY Tina Marie Searles Hector/Ulysses 1840s to 1970s
CHESLEY Tina Stevenson Trumansburg 1860's-1900's
CHILSON Penny J. Achilles Snyder Hill 1940
CHITTENDEN Pamela Denton Ithaca 1840-1900
CHRISTIAN Calvin Sereno Porter Burdette 1830-1840s
CHYDE Andrea Hyde Rogers McLean bet. 1900 & 1940 (guess)
CLARK Dennis Clark Milton,Genoa, Lansing 1795-?
CLARK Norman Clark Tompkins County 1818 - ?
CLARK Tom Clarke Danby 1801-1900
CLARK Lindsay Clark Ithaca 1840-1864
CLARK Tom Howard Danby, Ithaca 1803-1916
CLARK Neal Thompson Caroline Center, Tompkins County 1800's
CLARK Paula Talbot Tompkins Co. 1833
CLARK Neal Thompson Tompkins County 1827-1927
CLARK Bill Clark Ellis, Varna, Tomp. Co. 1700-present
CLARK Karen Dickson Caroline, Dryden ca 1830 to present
CLARK Susan Carney Groton 1800-1830
CLARK Tom Howard Tompkins County --
CLARK Becky Clark Lansing --
CLARK Heather Dodge Hector, Tompkins County 1882
CLAWSON Howard Budd Hector/Lodi 1800>
CLAY Paul Clay Dryden 1870
CLAY Elizabeth Clay Dryden 1913-c. 1922
CLAWSON Pamela Baculpo Tompkins County --
CLEMENT David Clement Dryden 1812
CLEMENT Rex Clement Dryden 1811-1890
CLIFF Kevin Roy Dryden 1850's
CLOCK Elaina Morey Trumansburg 1868-
CLOSE Paula L. Schaefer Tompkins County 1820-40s
CLOUSER Jan Garside Groton  
CLUTE Ron Clute Ithaca 1844
CLYMER Marc Wheat Tompkins County 1830s
COBB Ruth Anderson Tompkins County --
CODDINGTON Glenda Sherwood Dryden, Newfield --
COLBY Kenneth Groton 1850-1940
COLE Sonja Hongisto Bowman Dryden 1835 to ?
COLEGROVE Jim Gibbs Groton 1813 to present
COLEGROVE Leigh Boen Tompkins County 1800+
COLEMAN Linda Dabulewicz Tompkins County about 1870
COLLAR Ron Burdett Tompkins County early 1800s
COLLINS Jean Heuman Lot #61, Lansingville 1800-1871
COLTON Jim Admire Tompkins County 1815-1840
COMSTOCK Marcia adams (williams) ITHACA,N.Y. 1800'S ,1900'S
CONEY Vicky Van Ostrand Tompkins County 1830s-present
CONGER Mark Hahn Groton area 40's
CONKLIN Elizabeth Clay Dryden, Etna, Lansing 1850-1928
CONLEY Carol Rohan Ithaca 1900
CONSIDINE Patti Page Ithaca c. 1860 to early 1900's
CONWAY Berdan Ithaca 1900
COOK R. Shirley Weeks Ithaca, Trumansburg, Enfield, Dryden 1950 to present
COOK John R. Cook Tompkins Before 1800
COOK Robert Cook Tompkins County 1820-1845
COOKINGHAM Kathleen March   19th-20th c.
COON Warren Coon Tompkins County 1783
COOPER Marianne Via Tompkins County 1798-1838
COOPER Elizabeth Cooper Tompkins County early 1800s
COOPER Andrea Hyde Rogers McLean bet. 1900 & 1940 (guess)
COOPER Wanda Glover Ulysses, Jacksonville 1800-1900
COOPER Janet Nash Tompkins County 1794 to present
COOPER Susan Cooper Ulysses, Ithaca 1799-1870
CORCORAN John Waldman Trumansburg 1870-1904
CORNELIUS Patrick Stearns Dryden 1800-1830
CORNELIUS Hal Nelsen Tompkins County 1810 -1850s
CORNELL Carola Haas Newfield, Danby, Ithaca 1817-1940
CORNELL F. Johnson West Danby Died 1968
CORNELL Bill Cornell Ithaca died/buried in Ithaca, 1949
CORNELL Brenda Whelply Ithaca 1900-1970
CORNELL Kimberly Cornell Huber Tompkins County --
CORNWELL Melinda Cornwell Groton 1880 to present
CORTHELL Margery Corthell Campbell Lansing 1850-1860
COSTON Dean Coston Tompkins County 1800s
COTANCH Brenda Cotanch Peeples Dryden 1900-1964
COVERT elizabeth dimon trumansburgh 1870
COWLES Christine Courtwright Ithaca, Danby c. 1895 to present
COX Brandi Scott Tompkins County 1921 - present
COX Bill Griffing Newfield 1820-1880
COY Jodi Sue Leaf Caroline, Danby 1806-?
COY Loueen J Coy Tompkins Co. late 1700s-early 1800s
CRADIT/CREDIT Jean Erway Nichols Tompkins Co. 1800s
CRAIG Sally Humphrey Tompkins County 1850
CRAMER/CRAMMER Brant Cramer Ithaca 1815-1860
CRANDALL Yvonne Enfield 1949-1976
CRANE Andrea Brummett Tompkins Co. 1830s
CRANS Carol Langford Danby, Newfield 1800-1900
CRANS Jonathan Armstrong Caroline, Ithaca 1870-1949
CREQUE Deb Rosenbaum Ulysses 1850-1900
CRISPELL Janet Nash Caroline 1830 to present
CRISS Nancy Darrow Ithaca 1850
CRONK Dave Cronk Hector, Trumansburg 1820 - - -
CROSBY Linda Dabulewicz Dryden 1830-1860
CROSIER Sandi Tompkins Co. 1800s
CRUMP Judson E Vickery III Cortland and Tompkins since 1930s
CUDLIN David Cudlin Newfield 1910 to present
CUDLIN Howard Krizek Newfield 1910 to present
CUMMINGS Sandy Newman Danby 1850s to present
CURRY Kristi JAlics Tompkins co. 1815
CURTIS Mary Angelidis ? 1817-1840
DAGGETT Bob Lefler Hector/Ulysses thence to Pa. circa 1810-1825
DAILY John Daily Daily Daly
DAMP Dianne Hedervare Viking Dryden 1830 to 11840
DANFORTH Sheri Nye Tompkins County 1800s
DANN florence dann unsure 1800's
DANS/DANNS Clayton L. Dans Jr. Tompkins County 1800 to present
DARTT/DART Patricia Peel Howard, Dryden 1821-1851
DARBY Lynda Ozinga Dryden 1840 to 1900
DARTT Patricia Peel Dryden 1851
DASSANCE Stephen M (Dassance)-La Bar Sr. Ithaca 1917 to c. 1935
DATES Harris B. Dates Lansing 1800s
DAVENPORT Susan Darbe Cieslak Ithaca, Ulysses and Hector 1780 - 1850
DAVENPORT Jerri Linke Tompkins County 1800s
DAVENPORT Howard Poole Dryden Twp 1800-1820
DAVENPORT Sandra Obie Dryden and Ithaca ca. 1870- ca. 1920
DAVENPORT Wendy Sheldon Black Tompkins Co. 1800
DAVENPORT The Sweeneys Tompkins 1783-1820
DAVENPORT David J. Davenport Dryden 1800s
DAVENPORT Tammee Jo Seeley Tompkins County 1800 to present
DAVENPORT Ross Bentley Tompkins County 1790-1875
DAVENPORT Sarah Nicole Third Tompkins County 1800-present
DAVID Sandy C. Groton 1830-1870
DAVIS/DAVIES Steve Davis Ithaca, Tompkins County 1790-1850
DAVIS Chi Chi Davis Mills Ithaca, Tompkins co NY 1804-1910
DAVIS Cathy Shemwell Tompkins About 1810-1860
DAVIS Martha A. Alexander Tompkins County 1804-1864
DAWSON rj ithaca ?-pres
DAYTON Rebecca Dayton McLean 1842-1940
DEAN Laurie Johnson Tompkins Co. 1822
DEAN Kathy Barnes Tompkins County 1785 to present
DEAN C. J. Lansing/Ludlowville c. 1851-1877
DEAN Dorothey Sherman Caroline 1815-1850
DEATS Arny Robinson Tompkins County 1800s
DEBAUM Andrew F. Dannemann Newfield 1840-1850+
DeCAMP Lucy Griffin Lansing 1765 - 1855
DeCAMP David B. Smith Tompkins County 1789 to 1832
DECAMP Wilson DeCamp Lansing 1790 to present
DECKER Lynda Decker Blanford Tompkins County 1700s-1900s
DEGROFF Kathy Marek Groton 1880
DEHARTS Terry Conklin Tompkins County, possibly Lansing 1800s
DELAMATER Phil DeLamarter Dryden 1800s
DELANOY Jonathan Armstrong Caroline, Ithaca 1850-1940
DELILL Pamela Adams Town of Caroline 1850-1870
DeMARANVILLE Caroline, Richford 1840s-1850s
DEMUN Tiffany Fugere Hector 1820
DENISTON Joyce Phillips Dryden 1820
DENSLOW Dennis Blanden Dryden 1830
DePUTRON Sarah Nicole Third Tompkins County 1800-present
DENTON Susan Cooper Danby 1821-1870
DEUEL Roberta Dryden 1810
DEVEREESE Cheryl Kampe Speedville 1860-1915
DEVEREESE Sherri Speedville 1880's-1930's
DEVLIN Melinda Cornwell Groton 1890 to present
DICKENS Dee Watt Tompkins County post-1787 to present
DICKERSON Jean Heuman Lot #61 Lansingville 1800-1830
DICKSON Karen Dickson Newfield 1860 to present
DIFFIN George Diffin Ithaca 1860-1902
DiGIACOMO Janet Glass Ithaca, West Dryden 1900s - present
DIMICK Dave Cronk Trumansburg 1820 - present
DISBROW Mr Kim Sanders 1875-1895 Tompkins County
DIVINE Michael Sinclair Tompkins Co. 1905
DODGE Joan Sickles Dryden 1800-1820
DODGE Don Nevins Tompkins County 1870s
DOLLOWAY Tina Marie Searles Hector/Ulysses 1840s to 1970s
DOLLOWAY pat quick hector 1880
DOTY Jerel Doty Caroline Township area 1780-1900
DOUGHTY David Besanceney Watkins Junction mid 1940s to early 1950s
DOUGLASS Debbie Gurtis Trumansburg mid-late 1800's
DOUGLASS Nancy Manley Tompkins County 1800s
DOUGLASS Dorothey Sherman Caroline 1815-1850
DRAKE Patricia M. Ayres Lansing 1700s-1800s
DRAKE William B. Drake Ithaca 1910-1986
DRAKE Jennifer Stansfield Newfield, Ithaca, Tompkins County late 1800's-present
DRAKE Bob Hillick Ithaca 1820-1880
DRESCHNER Philip Ladd Ithaca 1860s-?
DREW Bill Drew Ithaca, Enfield, Groton, Danby Since early 1900s
DRISCOLL Jacqueline Bower Ithaca --
DRUMMOND Sue Dietrich Slaterville 1850 - 1900?
DUBOIS Kay Fordham Ulysses 1825-1860
DUBOIS Pauline Wagoner Tompkins County ca 1816-1825
DUDLEY Cindy Dryden 1841-1860s
DUDLEY Cheryl Dudley Dryden 1830-1870
DUDLEY Deborah Martin-Plugh Newfield  
DeMUND Carol Wielebski Trumansburg, Tompkins County ca 1860-1885
DUNHAM Kyle Johnson Tompkins County --
DUNN Elizabeth Dimon Trumansburg 1860
DUNN Jesse Miller-Riley Trumansburg 1840-1860
DUNN Pat Ellison Trumansburg around 1880
DURLING Elizabeth Dimon trumansburgh 1860-1940
DUSENBERRY Dianne McNamee    
DUSENBERY John Dusenbery Tompkins County 1775-1875
DUSENBURY Priscilla Cady Dryden 1880 to present
DUSONBERRY Jim Gibbs Groton 1813 to present
DUTCHER Brett Burrowes Dryden, Groton, McLean 1800-1920
DYKEMAN Shirley DeShon Tompkins Co. 1800's


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