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Tompkins County Surnames (M-N)

A-B  C-D  E-F-G  H-I-J  K-L  M-N  O-P  Q-R-S  T-U-V  W-X-Y-Z


MABEY Jerry Babcock Tompkins County --
MAC DANIELS Newfield, Enfield 1864-1930
MACHEN James Cahalan Ithaca 1945
MACK Olive Hoffman Mack Settlement, Ulysses, Enfield ca 1780-ca 1850
MACK Leigh Boen Tompkins County 1800+
MAGUIRE Brett Burrowes Dryden, Groton, McLean 1850-1925
MAHER Patrick J. Maher Newfield/Ithaca Tompkins County 1880-1914
MAHONEY Sally Humphrey Tompkins County 1850
MAIN Mac Main Groton 1817-1870
MAJOR Roz Collins Ithaca 1860-1890
MAJOR Leigh Boen Tompkins County 1860+
MALLEY Rosemary Saul Groton 1859-1922
MANDEVILLE Jessica Holland Enfield and Ulysses 1800s
MANN stan mann catherine, dix hector twps 1820 to 1840s
MANNING Betty Cary Dryden,Tompkins Co., NY born 1822
MANNING John Stewart Tompkins Co., NY 1790-1900
MANNING Gwen Mecum Hunt South Danby 1800s
MARKEL Eleanor Markel Ulysses 1797-present
MARKHAM Dorothy Lordi Tompkins County --
MARICLE Jeff Burke Caroline, Ithaca 1771-1860
MARICLE Neal Thompson Tompkins County 1750-1918
MARKLE Jim Markle Ithaca early 1800s
MARSH Rob Thomas McLean & Tompkins County 1820s
MARSHALL Betsy Fain Ithaca Ithaca
MARTIN Susan Darbe Cieslak Ithaca, Ulysses and Hector 1780 - 1850
MARTIN Lisa Spero Burdett, Schuyler 1850
MARTIN Kathy Marek Groton 1880
MARTIN Pat Van Etten Danby or Spencer Lake 1867 - 1950
MARTIN Shirley Murray Tompkins County and Chemung County early l800s until present
MARTIN The Sweeneys Tompkins 1783-1820
MASGER Shirley Murray Tompkins County and Chemung County early l800s until present
MASON Joyce Mason Hector, Tompkins County 1820s
MASTERS Delores Stafford -- --
MASTERS Betty Cary Tompkins Co., NY born 1855
MATHEWSON Linda Dabulewicz Dryden 1830-1860
MAYNARD Mr Kim Sanders 1875-present Tompkins County
McADAM Lisa Spero Trumansburg, Tompkins County 1860
McADAM Jane McAdams Taylor Lansing Twp. Tompkins co 1820
McALLISTER Cheryl Comer Caroline 1802-1819
McCANN Jerri Linke Tompkins County 1800s
McCAUSLAND Richard Greenman Groton 1880-1915
McCLINTOCK Terri Crockford Newfield, Enfield 1830-1900
McCLURE Tina Marie Searles Hector/Ulysses 1840s to 1960s
McCOMB Beverly Hughes Ithaca 1900s
MCCORMICK charles mccormick DK 1830
McCUTCHEON Joan Sickles Dryden 1800-1860
McDANIEL Nancy Ellen Robinson Tompkins County 1820-1890
McDERMOTT Brett Burrowes Dryden, Groton, McLean 1850-1960
McDERMOTT Francis McDermott McLean/Cortland c. 1885--1954?
McDONALD Curtis Thomas Trumansburg 1860
McDOWELL Anne Hurst Ithaca 1789
McELHENEY Walt Jones Dryden 1770s-1810
McELHENY Richard Marsh Tompkins County 1804 to present
McEWAN Terry McEwen Tompkins Co. --
McFALL Melinda Cornwell Danby 1800s
MCGEE elizabeth dimon trumansburgh 1900
McGILL Barbara Jean Baay Groton 1800 to present
McGOWAN Nancy Tweedie Danby  
McGRAW Tammee Jo Seeley Tompkins County 1800 to present
McGUIRE C. McGuire Ithaca 1925 - 2001
McHALE Daniel Pete Ithaca 1860 to present
McINTYRE Diane Marshall Mecklenberg, Tompkins County early 1800's
LORMOR Bill Sharpe Tompkins County 1740s to present
McKEE Frank Malone Tompkins County --
MCKINNEY Dryden or Freeville --
MCMILLEN Don McMillen Tompkins Co. Danby Newfield 1830 -1900
McVEAN Melinda Cornwell Groton late 1800s
MEAD/MEADE Diane Evans Tompkins county 1880s
MEAGHER Patrick J. Maher Newfield/Ithaca Tompkins county 1880-1914
MEEKER R. Craig Kammerer Tompkins Co 1788-1854
MEEKS Linda Z. O'Halloran Hector, Enfield, Dryden early 1800s
MELDREM Mary Jane LaValley Ithaca 1880s-1930s
MENTE Shirley Murray Tompkins County and Chemung County early l800s until present
MENTE Lyn M. Mosher Danby > Ithaca c. 1813 to present
MENTE Robert Morton Ithaca, Groton, Enfield, Danby 1860 to present
MERICAL Lyn M. Mosher Caroline > Ithaca c. 1825 to present
MERICLE/MARICLE Rhonda McLaughlin Caroline, Dryden 1850-?
MERICLE D. Taber Caroline 1850-1920
MESPELL Dan Lee Dryden 1850-1920
METTLER Elaine Burton Danby 1800-1940
METZGAR Mark Hahn Groton area Died 1956
MIDDAUGH Nancy Tweedie Danby 1820
Jack Middaugh Tompkins County 1800s
MIDDAUGH Marianne Middaugh Martin Dryden & Ithaca ca 1807-ca 1970
MIDDAUGH Ann Buckley Dryden, Caroline, Slaterville --
MIDDAUGH Ken Smith Tompkins County 1806-1843
MIDDAUGH Mary Wilson Dryden, Ithaca 1810-1830
MIGHELL Scott J. Mighell Lived in Dryden 1831 to 1838
MILK Melanie Pittenger Ithaca, Dryden --
MILK Curtis R. Bacon Danby 1775-1820
MILK South Lansing early 1800s
MILLAGE Kem K. Hart Danby 1850 to present
MILLER Christine Courtwright Ithaca c. 1845 to present
MILLER Lydia Gaebe Bishop Tompkins County 1828-?
MILLER Terry Miller reading born 1822
MILLER Kurt Kremlick Lansing, Tompkins Co. 1805 to present
MILLER Joan Meister Groton 1850s and 1860s
MILLIGAN Tammee Jo Seeley Tompkins County 1800 to present
MILLS Skip Mills uncertain late 1700 - early 1800
MILLS Tompkins County early 1800s
MILNE Bob Nordstrand Tompkins County 1832-1845
MINEAH Walt Jones Dryden, McLean 1769 to present
MIX Sue Barry Tompkins County 1800s
MIX Sarah Nicole Third Tompkins County 1800s-present
MOE Gary Moe Groton, Lansing, Ithaca, Peruville --
MOLAND Shirley Farr Dryden 1820-1840
MOLTHRUP Shirley Murray Tompkins County and Chemung County early l800s until present
MONAGON/MONAGAN Gwen L. Monagon New York aft 1850
MONROE/MONRO Leigh Boen Tompkins County 1820+
MOONEY Tammee Jo Seeley Tompkins County 1800 to present
MOOERS/MOORES Melanie Pittenger Ithaca, Dryden --
MOOERS South Lansing early 1800s
MOORE Jim Sazevich Ithaca 1850s - 1880s
MOORE Barbara H. Terry Ithaca appears in the 1850 census
MOORE Naomi Hopperstad unknown c. 1800 to c. 1850
MOREHOUSE Donna M. Wolf Tompkins County Pre-1850
MORELAND Elizabeth C. Clay Lansing 1830s-c. 1860s
MOREY Terry McDonald Lancing ,Groton  
MORRIS Joy Weaver Enfield, Hector, Ulysses, Tompkins Co. 1800s
MORROW Bonnie Morrow DiLallo Groton 1900
MOSELEY/MOSLEY Walter Niebery Dryden --
MOSHER Lynne Parezo Ithaca, Groton 1800's to present
MOTT Vickie Mott Friddle Trumansburg/ Enfield after 1810; definitely 1826/1833
MOTT Norma Mott Tillman Dryden, Tompkins County 1810-1838
MOWRY Margaret Mowry Day Ithaca? 1800s-early 1900s
MULKS Charles Mulks Caroline, Dryden, Tompkins Co. 1800 to present
MULLALLY Judith Mullally Boatman Tompkins County --
MULVEY Erma Stevenson Ithica 1920's?
MUNN Ron Munn Tompkins County 1750-1800
MUNN Chris Mason Tompkins County 1780
MUNSON Evangeline Denton Lansing Early 1800's
MURRAY Marge Herman Newfield 1830
MURPHY John Murphy Ithaca or Dryden 1875 til 1884
MURPHY Elizabeth Dimon Trumansburgh 1860
MURRAY Nancy Ellen Robinson Newfield Twp 1830
MUSSULMAN Sherlene Schmitt-Belden Tompkins County 1830s
MYERS Robert Myers Ithaca 1806-1830
NARDI Shay Hollander Ithaca 1900 - present
NASH Patty Terrell Tompkins County 1820-1830
NEMECEK Mary-Elizabeth Nemecek West Dryden, Ithaca 1915-1979
NEIGH James G. Graves Tompkins County, Ithaca 1920's through 1970's
NEILL Evangeline Denton Lansing Early 1800's
NEILL/NEIL/NEAL Neill Binford Dryden 1800-1860
NELSON Denise Leishman Caroline, Ithaca 1800-1870
NEVINS Cathy H. Fields Ithaca 1840s
NEWELL Gail Siptak Dryden 1805-1837
NEWBURY Bonnie Stout Enfield Township 1820 or earlier to at least 1870
NEWHART Jennifer Stansfield Newfield, Ithaca, Tompkins County late 1800's-present
NEWMAN Nancy Tweedie    
NEWMAN Ruby Coleman Tompkins County ca 1820-1830
NICHOLS Connie Corbett-Whittier Tompkins County 1820s
NICKERSON Lenore E. Dixon Dryden 1800 to present
NIVER Don Tracy Caroline and Ithaca 1827-1870
NIVER Walter L. Pfeffer II Caroline --
NIVISON Marguerite Nivison Enfield, Ithaca 1825-1894
NOKES tom reynolds ulysses 1815
NOLAND Roberta Tompkins County 1850s
NORTH Sally Darby Sauer Lansing, Ludlowville, Groton 1799-?
NORTH Bruce E. North Ludowville or Lansing area 1790 to 1832
NORTHROP/NORTHRUP Roberta Etna, Ithaca, McLean 1830-1900
NORTON Annice M Hodges Senff Tompkins Co. 1834
NORTON Ginni L. Morey Ithaca c. 1800
NORTON Frank Cratsenberg Ulysses 1840 to 1860
NYE Tim Gerland Buffalo 1898-1942


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