Organized at McLean, Tompkins Co., NY, April 17th, 1870
Contributed by George Totman,
Secretary of the McLean Cemetery Association
Transcribed by Terry Donlick, Groton Township Coordinator
Honorary Members
Charles BALDWIN (deceased)
Rev. Arthur MOODY (deceased)
Rev. Stanley SKINNER
This department of 36 men interested in a fire department was formed on June 9, 1947. Meetings were held once a week for the first several months. The first equipment the department had was a civilian defense 500-gallon pump with some hose, mounted on a two-wheeled trailer. This equipment was not just what we needed, so in November 1947, a Brockway truck was purchased and this equipment mounted on it and sent to Sanford for a body. This truck is the one we still have in operation today.
Our first fire station was the Hotel Barn. In May of 1948 it was voted that we build a new station. November of 1948 saw our equipment sitting in our own new building into which went many long voluntary work hours.
Everything possible was done to raise money - from box socials to having a circus.
In early 1953 we decided we needed another truck, a tank truck. We bought a truck and received an 800-gallon tank as a donation and the men again worked long, hard hours to get this truck into operation. After about three years of operating this tank truck we could see that we needed a change. At the August 1956 meeting it was voted to buy a new 1,300-gallon tank. This unit was paid for largely from donations from our good people in our district.
Our first Chief was Roy BELL, followed by Malcolm COON, Ray SOULE, George HAJNEY, Harry RANDALL, Harold JEFFREY, Jr. and our present Chief Steward GRAHAM.
May 1960, we decided to buy a new Dodge Chassis for a tank truck June 1962 the Department purchased a stand-by generator to supply the fire station with electricity during power failure. December 1962 the Fire Department voted to buy the Wing property which borders the fire station on the north and use the building for a fire practice thus eliminating an eye sore of many years. August 1963 the Auxiliary formally presented the fire department a gift of a 2-way radio to be used in the Chief's car. January 1964 the Department voted to buy a used 600 gpm pumper from the Homer Fire Department. May of 1964 saw us pouring concrete foundation for an 18ft addition onto the back of the fire station. While this remodeling program was going on the Department decided to install a new concrete floor for the entire firehouse and also install a new hot water heating system. May 1964 we installed an alerting system for member of the Department. May 1964 the Department voted to buy the property on the south side of the fire station. We also used this old building for a fire practice, completing our own urban renewal program and eliminating another eyesore in the heart of our village. March 1965 saw our complete Fire Police Squad equipped with walkie talkie radios. Another gift from the Ladies Auxiliary. October 1966 saw the firemen traveling from house to house putting up new house numbers assigned by the Town Board.
Highlights of the McLean Fire Department
Booklet published by George Totman, entitled
4th Annual Tompkins County Fireman's Convention, May 28, 29, 30, 1959
McLean, New York.
Officers of the McLean Fire Department
Chief ........................Harry RANDALL
First Assistant Chief.........Harold JEFFERY, Jr.
Second Assistant Chief........Roy BELL, Jr.
Secretary.....................George TOTMAN
Treasurer.....................Ronald SPACE
Property Clerk................Donald FRYE
Director......................George HAJNEY
Director......................Ray LOCKWOOD
Director......................Harold JEFFERY, Sr.
Director......................Ronald ERICKSON
Officers of Ladies' Auxilliary of McLean Fire Department
PRESIDENT....................Kathleen ERICKSON
VICE PRESIDENT...............Betty TANNER
SECRETARY....................Helena HAJNEY
TREASURER....................Helen GRAHAM
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