Last Will and Testament of Effingham Townley
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Tompkins County
Surrogates Office
Recorded in Book of Wills Page 409-
410, 411 & 412
[name - illegible]
Co. Judge
Will of Effingham Townley, in possession of Andrew Halladay in 2009, proved Feb 11, 1868:
In the name of God Amen I Effingham Townley of the town of Groton County of Tompkins State of New York being sixty-two years of age and of sound mind and memory do make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner following.
First I give and devise to my wife Fanny the whole of my real estate on lot No. ninety one town of Groton which shall not be hereinafter disposed of upon the following conditions. She is to receive the same as her right of dower to have and to hold during her natural life upon the condition that my children which are now at home namely Jemima A. Effingham jun Francis R and Mary shall have a home with their mother upon the premises so long as they shall remain unmarried. The said premises so occupied by her as soon as may be after her decease to be sold and the proceeds of such sale to be divided as follows. First two hundred dollars to me daughter Susan Vanbuskirk and the residue to be divided equally among the following persons the survivor or survivors of them Namely Sarah T Hayes Jemima A Townley Effingham Townley jun Francis R Townley and Mary Townley.
Second I give and devise to my son Charles A Townley forty acres of land on lot No. ninety one town of Groton bounded as follows on the east by land owned by Alvin Allen on the south by center of highway on the west by center of north and south road on the north by an east and west line so as to include forty acres. I give and devise to the said Charles in part as legacy and in part as pay for services rendered since he was twenty one years of age I give and devise this upon the condition that the said Charles shall pay or cause to be payed all sums of money for which I may be security for him at my decease. If he shall neglect or refuse to fulfill the above conditions then the above premises is to be sold and or disposed of in such a way as to pay the said debt.
Third I give and devise to me son Richard A Townley twenty acres of land on lot no. ninety one town of Groton bounded as follows beginning at the southwest corner of the above described forty acres running thence north along the centre of the highway to the first fence running in a westerly direction so far that a line running south to the centre of highway thence along the centre of highway as it now runs to the place of beginning shall contain the above amount of twenty acres.
Fourth I give and devise to my son Luther H Townley in trust for the use and benefit of his family six acres of land bounded as follows on the east by the west line of the above described twenty acres on the south by the centre of highway on the west by the east line of Ambrose L. Piersons land on the north by and east and west line so as to contain the above amount of six acres. The above premises to be occupied by the said Luther during his natural life in such a way as shall be most for the benefit of himself and family and until such time as his youngest child shall become of age and then the premises to be sold and the proceeds divided equally among his heirs.
Fifth I give and bequeath to my wife Fanny all of my personal property upon the condition that she shall pay all debts or demands against me at my decease.
Lastly I hereby constitute and appoint Charles A. Townley and Francis R. Townley Executor and Executrix of this my last will revoking all former wills by me made in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty three.
Effingham Townley [seal]
The above instrument consisting of one sheet at the date thereof signed sealed published and declared by the said Effingham Townley as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto:
Richard T. Ludlow, residence Groton Tompkins Co.
Olive M. Ludlow, residence Groton Tompkins Co.
Thank you Andrew Halladay for donating this will to the Tompkins County NYGenWeb.
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